Idea for "Gen rushing"

I say we add another objective for the survivors instead of making gen speed slower, because that would make repairing gens even more boring than it already is. So my idea is that each dull and lit totem on the map slows base gen speed down by X%. This would give survivors another objective or they have to face agonizingly slow generator repair speeds. Survivors would stop on their path if they see a totem and cleanse it, which could be used as time to repair a generator. Of course, this would mean several killer perks like ruin and pop goes the weasel would have to be nerfed or killers would be overpowered and get 4k's all the time. What do you guys think?
That's a really good idea tbh but then noed, devour and almost all the hex perks in the game would become useless perks, I think there should be another objective besides gens and the door I just don't know what it could be
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Ooh! Maybe before you can start repairing gens, you have to acquire a toolbox either by finding parts for one scattered through the map or through and item chest. Toolboxes brought into the game would have charges and increased repair speeds, but toolboxes you craft inside of the game would just enable you repair a generator and would have infinite charges, but don't increase repair speeds. All they do is allow you to repair generators.
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Finding parts sounds interesting and fun, that's a really good idea I like that one.
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I like this idea. Maybe you could also find generator parts (like fuel or wires or something) and each part needs to be added for a generator to complete. Different generators could be missing different things.
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Yes! Perfect! This could create so many more perk opportunities and blood points.
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We have had lots and lots of suggestions for second objectives here on the forums, including the totem one and several ideas about finding generator parts etc. before you can start on gens.
These threads have been existing for a long time now. It's not about a lack of ideas for a second objective. It simply looks like the devs don't plan to/want to implement a second objective.