Quentin Smith perks needs a buff, and these are my ideas.

Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I've been playing with him lately, however I feel no reason to get his perks, as they're boring and do nothing that interesting, please, feel free to type your thoughts about this idea, I really want to know what you all think specially about the last one, Vigil, and remember, keep it civilized, thanks!

-Wake Up!-

The lights have been activated, this is your chance, wake up!

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.

Once all Generators are powered, you will wake up and remain woke for the remain of the trial, recover from Exhaustion Status Effect instantly if Exhausted and the Exit Gates are revealed to you.

While opening the Exit Gates, reveal your Aura to other Survivors in the trial.

While Wake Up! is active, you open the Exit Gates 10/20/30% faster.

I'm incredibly freaked out about how Adrenaline wakes you up but Wake Up! will not, the gate opening is really irrelevant at the moment, I doubled the effect to increase the odds of surviving with it, I removed the 128 meters because it feels really irrelevant, as you will always see the exit gates, also, I wanted to recover from any exhaustion effect you may have, this maybe could get interesting plays, so you regain the ability to use your exhaustion if already used before, while I feel fine the Adrenaline wakes you up, I think Wake Up! should make you immune to sleep again.


You have a knack for finding medicine.

Searches through Chests are 10/20/30% faster, the noises they cause along with their hearing distances and while opening it are reduced by 8 metres.

Alongside the Chest reward, Pharmacy will guarantee an extra Emergency Med-kit on the first completed chest search, afterwards the possible extra rewards can be Emergency Med-kit or inferior.

Pharmacy is underwhelming, it does the job one time, this is my current issue, I feel like Pharmacy should give an extra Med-kit rather than replacing the original reward with a Emergency Med-kit, giving an extra Med-kit always alongside the original item you can get may save you in some situations, however, in total, without Coin offering, will give you two extra Med-kits and the first is a Emergency guaranteed, I reduced the speed of Chest search due to having double reward feels potent, also, I specified it also reduces the sound when you open the chest, and not only when you search through.

I have no idea to be honest, while Vigil it's okay, it's like, I never felt the difference, this is my rework idea, please, tell me about this, because I think this could get out of hands easily.


You look over your friends even in dire situations.

If an Ally takes any damage that doesn't put into Dying State on a 16 meters of range and is Exhausted, you will exchange 15/20/25 seconds of Exhausted Status Effect with them.

You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

You cannot use Vigil on the same survivor for 60 seconds.

This will bring a lot of juice, the thing is, I'm not really sure how strong this could be, I'd really like your thoughts about this one, also I added the Vigil cannot be used on the same survivor due to Legion sometimes decides to strike you twice in Feral Frenzy and I never understood why, unless you used the other add-on which removes a bit of times when you hit twice, still pretty pointless.

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