Object of Obsession Rework for SWF

KigeAno Member Posts: 18

Most people are aware that this perk goes from being reasonable to completely OP in a SWF game, so why not make it less relevant when the killer is at a distance?

I'd suggest that instead of the effect being constant, it has a cooldown gauge that refills quicker the closer the killer is. So let's say if the killer is over 64m away it takes 12s to recharge, at which point the perk activates as normal for 0.5s and then needs to refill. If the killer gets closer, say within 36m, you get one pulse every 4s max. You and the killer would still need to be looking at each other as before, but now the info is more specific to you.

I think this is honestly a bit more appropriate given the brief shots we get of Laurie noticing her stalker in the original movies - you only get glimpses until the killer is right on you, at which point it would basically act as normal.

It would also have the nice effect of not requiring you to constantly wrangle your camera to avoid detection, and give setup killers like trapper a less painful start.
