Six Feet Under Challenge

SpoopyGirl Member Posts: 23
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

Hello everyone :3 I’m new to the forums. I’ve been playing since clowns release. Main topic tho, I wanted to rant a little about this challenge😂 I swear, I’ve been at it for DAYZZZ now. It’s been driving me mad. Today, however, was the worst. Success was within my grasp. I had all but one survivor hooked down stairs. An injured Claudy bravely dashed down to rescue everyone. I think “oh FINALLY! Finally I get to complete this challenge.” Cool I swing at her. Do I hit her? No. I somehow hit a hooked survivor (mind you not even the one she was attempting to save). Ok. Fine. I had 6 stacks of STBFL so I swiftly down the unhooked survivor. Claudy then rescues the next survivor. Cool. I down the freshly unhooked survivor. Claudy unhooks the Last survivor. GREAT. I down them both and think gg ez. I hook Claudette. I grab one of the recently unhooked. DS? who would’ve thought. She then rescues Claudette who has BT and takes a hit. They both escape. Ok that sucks. Panicked, I pick up another survivor recently unhooked... DS. 😂😂😂 Now she’s gone. You’d think I learned my lesson but no. Big brain me goes to pick up the other survivor aaaaand it’s a DS. I was in such disbelief and so MAD 😂

good news tho I just completed the challenge right after posting this :333