What's the issue with Survivor?

VLight Member Posts: 126
edited December 2019 in General Discussions

It seems that lately, Survivor players have been discussing about how Survivor feels awful to play, where they get scummy Killers, or just can't win against a Killer. I personally am not having much of these issues, but I think I know why Survivors are:

The ranking system may be the epicenter of this issue. Survivor pipping is way too easy, meaning by the time you reach higher ranks, Killers may be better players than you, since pipping as Killer is more difficult. Take for instance getting to Rank 5; a Rank 5 Survivor is more likely to be worse than a Rank 5 Killer, since the Killer worked harder to get to that Rank than a Survivor. I think that since Survivors rank up too easily, Survivors end up not getting enough practice, and when faced against good Killers, they feel powerless. This leads me to my next point:

We all know that the game is meant to be balanced around a 1v4, right? If a Killer can kill a Survivor quickly, that is usually a win for them, since a 1v3 scenario is a lot easier to handle. This means that since ranking up is very easy with Survivor, you're more likely to see boosted Survivors on your team who can't run the Killer for anything, die quickly, making your team become screwed in the 1v3 scenario. The Killer becomes a lot more powerful when three Survivors are alive, which is why Survivors may feel that Killer is OP.

I think the solution to all of this would be to make Survivor pips harder to earn, so that you become good enough to go against good Killers, which will prevent more boosted players. From my experiences, anytime I play against a red rank Killer, they end up being really good, but if I go against or have on my team a red rank Survivor, they play mediocre. This is because of how easy it is to reach that rank; the differences in skill is too great, making Killers seem OP to some players.

I play both sides, and these are just my thoughts. I'd love to know the community's thoughts too! Let's keep things civil and informative :)

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