Why the hell is everyone suddenly deciding they wanna be a Trapper main?

I ######### hate the Trapper. Seems im gonna have to play RDO or Death Stranding nonstop until this Trapper infestation is done 🤷.
You hate playing against the Trapper, so your brain subconsciously register games against trappers more vividly, it's called confirmation bias.
What is it, that you dislike so much about the trapper? do you have issues with seeing the traps? because otherwise he is just a m1 killer.
He need some setup time.
He is territorial, so don't play into his cards.
Don't 3 gen, but that applies to every killer.
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I believe it might be people trying to complete the archive challenges of catching people in beartraps that has caused the sudden influx of trapper players
Its also because he is one of the most common killers to encounter regardless, due to him being the first many play
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I just lose 95% of the time to Trapper. Plus i find the gameplay of facing him to be quite dull.
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I waa hoping folks would have it done alredy.😔
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I just never touched him because I thought his very basic power was weak, then tried him after years of playing and found out he was incredibly strong since I knew how/where survivors tend to move. So yeah, new main just out of the blue. People at higher ranks slept on trapper for awhile I guess.
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Equip small game to find and disarm traps easier. Even if you don't go up against a trapper while having small game equipped it's still good on finding totems :)
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I definitely understand because most Trappers use the basement build for their challenge, and once you're in the basement, it's practically over. Any attempt your teammates make will likely end up causing a huge snowball, and end the game before it actually started. 😕
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Almost purelly because of the archive
Not only the challenges that require you to catch people in beartraps but also the ones who focus on the basement with that trappers basement game is pretty good
And with the new lore and having to play him a bit a few people probably liked him enough to keep playing him
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He's strong against solo Q and fun to play as.
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You leave my main Trapper boy alone! Us Trapper mains gotta continue being the wholesome gang!
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I sorry! 😔😔
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Not everyone plays a lot, and some of these challenges need more than one attempt. So most likely you'll keep seeing Trapper for one more week.
After that, it's probably going to be Wraith all the time.
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Capital Q on purpose?
Don't worry this archive is almost over. Be prepared for next one is either Wraith or billy.
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Rift challenges.
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I would LOVE Billy challenges. I love playing as and VSing Billy!
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I can deal with Billy but ive always hated going against Wraith. Absolutely hate it. Especially since tru3 taught people how to play him. I can almost understand why people dc against certain killers. I never do, as i prefer to learn how to play better. But I've thought about it.
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When I first played Billy and zoomed across the map I was like "how the hell is this not OP?". Then I got an indoor map and I became an M1 killer. Leatherface is more suited to close quarters. But yeah Billy is fun to play with, I have a lvl 10 Billy with tier 3 BBQ lol. Will be good times.
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The archives. People are probably still completing challenges. Along the way some people probably realized they really enjoy playing trapper.
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To pay homage to our lord, savior and one true god.... Otz!
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I doubt many people have piled up bell add-ons. The issue I have with Wraith is that 9 out of 10 times they're god-tier campers. Just today I ran a Wraith for 3 gens and then I got proxied and tunneled hard, always downed off the unhook. At least, he only got a 1k, which is more than I could hope for considering I was in solo q. Every time I don't run DS, this game makes me regret it immediately.
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:D same here, i hate the Trapper aswell and right now he is everywhere. But relax, the ammount of trappers is because of the challanges from the tome :)
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I can't wait until it's over
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He's overperforming, nerf him. He's also super unfun to play against and his traps got no counter reeeeeee!
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I thought I was just getting really unlucky! I've noticed that too
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thats probaply just the tomes being Trapper based.
though i have always been a Trapper main :)
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I used to love Spirit because I like the power alot, until Survivors blame Spirit is OP tend to DC if they face Spirit.
So I change to Trapper because of trap snapping sounds with screaming are pleased to hear.
Well now I should not play Spirit & Trapper. Whats next for me?
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All of a sudden I'm getting the weird urge to play trapper. Hm.
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It satisfying to hear that snap of a bear trap.
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Where did I say he needs nerfs?
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Remember the good old days where people complain about its nothing but Spirits, Billy and Nurse. Good times.
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I just memed a bit.
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If you wanna meme, make your pfp Leatherface and reignite the Leatherface Avatar Clan! 😂
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I'd much prefer those :(.