Offerings that increase luck, SUCKs. period.

Cream Chalk Pouch, Vigo's Jar of salty lips, Salt Pouch, Chalk Pouch you name it. It just exist to take up space in the bloodweb and slow down progression for survivors who really want useful items. The problem with increasing your luck is that the only way it would be remotely useful is when you use the perk slippery meat and Up the Ante and try to unhook yourself on your first hook.

Does it help you find better items in the Boxes? maybe? who even knows when the game use words such as "slightly, moderately, and Tremendously". If anything these offerings promote the act of suicide on hook because they believe that their luck is increased and will try to unhook themselves.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Luck sucks*

    Also no, luck doesn't affect boxes if i recall correctly

  • Ni7rogen
    Ni7rogen Member Posts: 80

    Luck either needs to be removed, or having an overhaul.