Heck No to secondary objectives

The idea of a secondary objective for survivor has been thrown around for a while, and it's a bad idea. First, the game is already difficult enough for new players to learn, when you add MORE to that it just makes it even harder. Second, a secondary objective would completely alter the flow of the game. Lots of perks, add-ons, killer powers, and items would need to be adjusted to fit this new objective. And third and most importantly, quite literally every suggestion will completely destroy solo survivors. The game will become unplayable unless you are in a group.
Now I do think that survivor objectives need tuning so that they can't rush through them as quickly as they do. That is something we all agree on I'm sure, but piling on stuff on top of that isn't the solution.
I made a post a while ago on the Steam forums that all the game really needs is some sort of speed limiter to survivor objectives, such that the minimum time a game can last is something like 5 minutes no matter how optimized survivors are. Currently that number sits around 2 minutes if survivors are 100% optimal (as Marth has shown with his little experiment). What I would suggest is that the game simply locks generators from being completed within X time of each other. Something like 20 seconds even would be enough to combat that absolute best optimization, increasing the time to be more reasonable, but it wouldn't necessarily be something that would alter the pace of a 'normal' game with less than optimal survivors.
As killer the only time I really get annoyed is when I see 2 or 3 gens pop at the same time. This simply just shouldn't happen, and if the game would just lock gens from being completed for a time after a gen was already done that would solve this. It's simple, straightforward, and doesn't impact the game except at the highest level.
One argument against such an idea might be that survivors will just 99% gens. Well if that's the case then you can go around and kick them. The same argument was made against the Pig but as has been shown over time that just simply doesn't happen. Survivors do gens anyway because either they don't give a flying fork if the guy dies to a trap (I honestly don't) or they understand that the guy has plenty of time to take the trap off (except if Pig uses Tampered Timer + Jigsaw's Plan). If 99% gens does become a problem then we would come up with a solution to fix it, but I honestly don't see it becoming a problem in the first place. Even if they do, you still get upwards of +80 seconds extra time (if it were 20 second lock) over the course of a game, which is basically a full gen. In other words, survivors that are super optimized will basically have to do an extra gen, which at the end of the day is good for killer no matter how you slice it. And for good rank 1 killers that time might be all that's needed.
All this said, I also feel like these sorts of things wouldn't even be necessary in the first place if loops were fixed and every pallet had a mindgame to it. That's really the biggest time waster for killers and if they weren't as bad for particular maps then needing extra time wouldn't be an issue.
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I would be okay with the delay after one gen is completed before another could, IF when survivors 100% a gen it stays at 100% and can't be regressed.
It would be pretty lame if you did all the work to complete a gen, move onto the next one and the first one is sitting there for 18 seconds and then the killer comes over and kicks it at second 19. Now you're halfway across the map a third of the way through another gen and you have to abandon that one to go attempt to finish that gen again.
This would be especially problematic on small maps, with Tinkerer, and against Nurse, Doctor or Hillbilly.1 -
brokedownpalace said:I would be okay with the delay after one gen is completed before another could, IF when survivors 100% a gen it stays at 100% and can't be regressed.
It would be pretty lame if you did all the work to complete a gen, move onto the next one and the first one is sitting there for 18 seconds and then the killer comes over and kicks it at second 19. Now you're halfway across the map a third of the way through another gen and you have to abandon that one to go attempt to finish that gen again.
This would be especially problematic on small maps, with Tinkerer, and against Nurse, Doctor or Hillbilly.0 -
What if the secondary objectives were optional?
For example, give a large BP bonus for finding and disarming a series of props that would give the killer a small bonus in the endgame. Escaping would be more difficult without doing this, but this possible.
Let's use NOED as a starting point. Not the instant down, but the other bonuses... 8% reduction on attack cooldowns and 4% bonus speed. It's a nice bonus, but hardly game-breaking.
We could have up to 4 props, each one worth 2% cooldown reduction and 1% speed. At the start of the endgame (last gen is finished), the killer gets that bonus for each remaining prop. Each prop is worth 1000 BP. That BP is given to the survivor who disarmed it, or to the killer if the prop activates at endgame.
Tier it so rank 20-16 gets 1 prop per match, 15-11 gets 2, 10-6 gets 3, and 5-1 gets 4. That would help even out the disparity in power level between low and high ranks.
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The game is easier than ever for solo survivors. When I started, I had no indicators that told me that NOED is active. Or that I'm within the range of UP. But now we've tons of indicators and warning signs that don't even require that I pay attention.
Do you really think that a secondary objective would be to much to handle for survivors?
Are you implying that survivor is brain dead easy, and that it should stay that way?
The game is for adults. Adults usually have a driving license. Driving requires to use hands and feet simultaneously.
Survivors will do just fine with a secondary or tertiary objective.3 -
@Tsulan said:
The game is easier than ever for solo survivors. When I started, I had no indicators that told me that NOED is active. Or that I'm within the range of UP. But now we've tons of indicators and warning signs that don't even require that I pay attention.Do you really think that a secondary objective would be to much to handle for survivors?
Are you implying that survivor is brain dead easy, and that it should stay that way?The game is for adults. Adults usually have a driving license. Driving requires to use hands and feet simultaneously.
Survivors will do just fine with a secondary or tertiary objective.I'm saying adding a secondary objective will throw a wrench in all the work that has gone into the game thus far. It makes no sense to completely overhaul the most fundamental aspects of the game when there are better solutions. Obviously you didn't even read the OP where I offer an alternative solution that would achieve the same end result without creating a whole new mechanic for the game.
And I'm not talking about solo survivors, I'm talking about NEW survivors. Solo survivors will be negatively affected by any secondary objective as it just increases the gap between no comms and comms, but for NEW players this type of change would create more of an entry barrier to the game when it's already difficult enough to learn. If you don't think so then try to get in a game with rank >17 survivors and watch how they struggle to do even basic stuff because the way the core gameplay works is not actually that clear.
As far as your driving example, let me ask do you know how to drive manual? I do, and it's not at all intuitive or easy for beginners. Hence why automatic exists. It doesn't change how well someone can drive, it just makes it more accessible.
What you are asking for is to basically gut the game and create all new dynamics. That would require a lot of work to just bring everything up to date with that system. Perks, add-ons, items, they would all need to change. At this point it would be more cost effective for BHVR to just make DBD2.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Tsulan said:
The game is easier than ever for solo survivors. When I started, I had no indicators that told me that NOED is active. Or that I'm within the range of UP. But now we've tons of indicators and warning signs that don't even require that I pay attention.Do you really think that a secondary objective would be to much to handle for survivors?
Are you implying that survivor is brain dead easy, and that it should stay that way?The game is for adults. Adults usually have a driving license. Driving requires to use hands and feet simultaneously.
Survivors will do just fine with a secondary or tertiary objective.I'm saying adding a secondary objective will throw a wrench in all the work that has gone into the game thus far. It makes no sense to completely overhaul the most fundamental aspects of the game when there are better solutions. Obviously you didn't even read the OP where I offer an alternative solution that would achieve the same end result without creating a whole new mechanic for the game.
And I'm not talking about solo survivors, I'm talking about NEW survivors. Solo survivors will be negatively affected by any secondary objective as it just increases the gap between no comms and comms, but for NEW players this type of change would create more of an entry barrier to the game when it's already difficult enough to learn. If you don't think so then try to get in a game with rank >17 survivors and watch how they struggle to do even basic stuff because the way the core gameplay works is not actually that clear.
As far as your driving example, let me ask do you know how to drive manual? I do, and it's not at all intuitive or easy for beginners. Hence why automatic exists. It doesn't change how well someone can drive, it just makes it more accessible.
What you are asking for is to basically gut the game and create all new dynamics. That would require a lot of work to just bring everything up to date with that system. Perks, add-ons, items, they would all need to change. At this point it would be more cost effective for BHVR to just make DBD2.
Oh i read the whole post. But making gens take longer by slowing them down isn´t the solution. Gens are already boring af as of now. Making them even slower by your suggestion, would make people fall asleep mid game. Also your proposal would result complicated for new players which wouldn´t understand why their gen suddenly works slower.
We already have a tutorial. Just add the new objectives into the tutorial and new players learn it from scratch. Do you know Eve Online? THAT is a complicated game! With all the perks, loadouts, weapons, damage types, etc. But new people join every day.
Yes, i drive manual. The first time it´s hard. But thats what the driving school is for. After you learned it, it´s pretty much intuitive and you don´t even haven to think about how you have to hit 2 pedals, shift the gear at the same time while setting the blinker and moving the driving wheel.
The way you picture survivors, it makes them look like they are all dumb.
They are not.0 -
I disagree.This game isn't that hard to learn as a survivor. Looping is still incredibly powerful and it doesn't necessarily take years of practice to do. It may be hard to master in terms of jukes, positioning, and counterplays, but these are learned with practice as you climb the ranks and face more skilled killers. The main objective is pretty simple and adding things to find to do said objectives would help slow games down in a way that wouldn't feels as clunky or as boring as simply adding more time to gens or inexplicably stopping gen progression. And finding things doesn't necessarily take a lot of skill either. I guess it depends on the severity of the second objective. It could be something small, like finding a couple parts scattered around the map, or something severe, like flipping a corresponding switch for each gen in order for it to work. I play a lot of solo survivor and I myself wouldn't mind having to find a few parts to repair gens. It gives me something to do besides hold one button and occasionally press another one for eighty seconds. And if there's concern for newer players learning to play, it could very well be included in a tutorial. The generators are the survivor's primary objective, and punishing them for doing gens isn't the way to go, in my opinion. What you said about it altering the flow of the game is true, but don't you think that it could alter the flow for the better? Perhaps maps can be tweaked to help find these items, thus making them more useful. Some perks that have been left by the wayside can be made to assist in finding these items, thus making it easier on newer players and solo survivors. Adding new content to the game not only adds more gameplay for the survivors, but opens many doors for perks and items while slowing the games down.
A few problems with your idea, are:
1.) You stated that survivors could simply 99% gens and that the killer can just go around and kick them. This makes Alert a meta perk. They would 99% a gen and, if another gen was completed, go off and hide for twenty seconds. If you happen to kick a gen, then from a pretty good range, they'll be able to see it as well as your aura. The killer would waste their time searching a pretty large area and/or doubling back after kicking just about every gen in order to counter it.
2.) It doesn't open as many doors as secondary objectives. There's nothing new in the game play and most unused perks and items will remain stagnant. With the addition of secondary objectives, new ways to adjust perks and items come with it, which could take that edge of difficulty off of newer and solo players that you're worried about.
3.) It punishes success. Outside of perks like Tinkerer, which are supposed to give you an upper hand in some situations, there shouldn't be a punishment for doing your primary objective.
4.) It adds more of a buff to SWF. Due to communication, they all know when someone is about to complete a gen and which gens have been worked on, which means that they wouldn't mistakenly go to another gen to work on it for the twenty seconds only to find that it's already at 99%. In all fairness, however, this could also apply to secondary objectives in some cases.
Overall, I prefer secondary objectives to adding a timer between gen completion. It adds more gameplay, it doesn't punish you for doing what you're supposed to do, and it opens new doors for perks and items.
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Esheon said:What if the secondary objectives were optional?
For example, give a large BP bonus for finding and disarming a series of props that would give the killer a small bonus in the endgame. Escaping would be more difficult without doing this, but this possible.
Let's use NOED as a starting point. Not the instant down, but the other bonuses... 8% reduction on attack cooldowns and 4% bonus speed. It's a nice bonus, but hardly game-breaking.
We could have up to 4 props, each one worth 2% cooldown reduction and 1% speed. At the start of the endgame (last gen is finished), the killer gets that bonus for each remaining prop. Each prop is worth 1000 BP. That BP is given to the survivor who disarmed it, or to the killer if the prop activates at endgame.
Tier it so rank 20-16 gets 1 prop per match, 15-11 gets 2, 10-6 gets 3, and 5-1 gets 4. That would help even out the disparity in power level between low and high ranks.
However instead of doing the optional objectives survivor cried about noes being op in order to get it nerfed
Additional objectives ain't gonna do anything unless you force to survivors to do them0 -
A lot of people have suggested the idea of a repair speed debuff for a limited amount of time after being hook.
This way it actually disincentivize tunneling as you can't apply another debuff until the first one has run out so the most optical thing to do is try to make sure you hook every survivor at least once before going after somebody again.
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Making secondary objective optional but very rewarding wouldnt be so bad.
Doesnt pressure noobs but gives something to do for high ranks where games get finished in 5 minutes.
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@Laakeri said:
Making secondary objective optional but very rewarding wouldnt be so bad.Doesnt pressure noobs but gives something to do for high ranks where games get finished in 5 minutes.
You mean like totems? Which give 600 points in a fraction of the time a gen (1250 points) takes?
Yeah, that didn´t really work...0 -
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I think survivors should have to search lockers for parts to be able to repair the gens. It will slow the game down and force survivors to walk around. Each part will be installed like an old BNP but at 20% speed. The gen will require as many parts as there are exposed sides of the gen. The game will always spawn 5 more than what are needed. Survivors will be able to carry 1 at a time which is separate from their item. In case of the 3 gen strat, 3 special parts will spawn. Instead of rusty parts, they will be Quality parts. They will install at 70% old BNP speed. These can be saved until the end of the game or foolishly used at the begining.0
@Tsulan said:
Oh i read the whole post. But making gens take longer by slowing them down isn´t the solution. Gens are already boring af as of now. Making them even slower by your suggestion, would make people fall asleep mid game. Also your proposal would result complicated for new players which wouldn´t understand why their gen suddenly works slower.It wouldn't be hard at all to convey to the player that gens are locked. Just simply put an 'lockpad' icon over the generator UI and prevent gens from being finished. Pretty clear and obvious, whereas a secondary objective is not that clear.
@Tsulan said:
We already have a tutorial. Just add the new objectives into the tutorial and new players learn it from scratch. Do you know Eve Online? THAT is a complicated game! With all the perks, loadouts, weapons, damage types, etc. But new people join every day.Eve Online is complicated and not at all accessible to new players. That's the problem here ACCESSIBILITY because anyone can put in the time to learn all the ins and outs of something. In fact I would bet even the bet DBD players still have stuff to learn about the game, that's just how it is. But making a game more complicated only reduces the accessibility even further. Going back to the cars stuff, if automatic didn't exist it would be a lot harder for new drivers to learn to drive. Can you still learn it? Yes but it's more difficult and time consuming.
My point in this thread is that secondary objectives are not a solution. It just muddles the game and makes it more difficult for new players while also screwing over any solo players in the process. It's uncommon enough for low ranks to finish gens and escape, with secondary objectives it would probably never happen. What I'm suggesting is just a slight alteration to the current formula, one that only effects optimized survivors. At low ranks, you never see multiple gens popping at once. The solution needs to affect only the top tier players, not everyone. Secondary objectives affect everyone.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
1.) You stated that survivors could simply 99% gens and that the killer can just go around and kick them. This makes Alert a meta perk. They would 99% a gen and, if another gen was completed, go off and hide for twenty seconds. If you happen to kick a gen, then from a pretty good range, they'll be able to see it as well as your aura. The killer would waste their time searching a pretty large area and/or doubling back after kicking just about every gen in order to counter it.So then a completely non-meta perk now becomes viable? That's kinda what we want here. The other alternative is a secondary objective, in which case such perks would still be mostly useless on top of the fact a whole bunch of them would need a rework to fit with the new mechanics.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
2.) It doesn't open as many doors as secondary objectives. There's nothing new in the game play and most unused perks and items will remain stagnant. With the addition of secondary objectives, new ways to adjust perks and items come with it, which could take that edge of difficulty off of newer and solo players that you're worried about.By "opening doors" you are also making the game less accessible in the process. See above.
Also, the gameplay doesn't need anything NEW, this is where you guys keep falling into the "feature creep" trap. You realize that game development has costs right? These things don't just happen, you need people to design, program, and test it. That's time. That's money. And there's no guarantee it would work. It's the exact reason they haven't completely gutted the game to fix problems and instead are doing things in small doses over a long time, because big changes = big risk. They could very well completely fork up the game with new mechanics. Simply adding a buffer to gen completion is way less risk, time, and money, and would likely yield more fruitful results.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
3.) It punishes success. Outside of perks like Tinkerer, which are supposed to give you an upper hand in some situations, there shouldn't be a punishment for doing your primary objective.It's not a punishment. Punishment would be something like "finish a gen and get injured". This isn't that. It's "you can't do blow through your objective super fast you need to pace yourself". Furthermore, the limiter would only really apply to the highest tier players. New players, or just low rank players, would be more or less unaffected by it, which is what you want. You don't want to make the game harder for everyone, just for the players that optimize the most because that's where the problem is.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
4.) It adds more of a buff to SWF. Due to communication, they all know when someone is about to complete a gen and which gens have been worked on, which means that they wouldn't mistakenly go to another gen to work on it for the twenty seconds only to find that it's already at 99%. In all fairness, however, this could also apply to secondary objectives in some cases.You pretty much nullify your own point here with the last sentence. Exactly that will be the case with secondary objectives. In fact one could argue that secondary objectives would create a greater gap between solo and SWF than a simple gen completion limiter, as you would be able to call out that you are going early to start on those objectives or just that you can coordinate doing them faster. It just makes the game more top heavy, the opposite of what we want to achieve. We want to smooth out the game at all levels such that low rank play remains the same while high rank play changes a bit to make it more fair to killer. With secondary objectives it just makes killer even better at low ranks.
You guys are defending an idea that just honestly isn't very viable. It's too costly to implement, would have too great an affect on the game at all ranks, and ruin quite a lot of the work that has gone into the game over the last 2 years. We don't need that, we just need a simple solution that makes the game more fair for killers that play against the most optimized survivors because that is the only place where gens getting done too fast is a problem.
PS. Going back to cars, if you had a problem with your automatic transmission would you rather completely remove it to install a manual transmission or would you rather they just go into the cars computer and tweak the functionality of it? That's the crux of what we are talking about here, and any reasonable person would rather take the easy/cheap/fast solution over the hard/expensive/slow solution, especially if the former has more potential for better results.
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Secondary objectives are a necessity for the sake of diversity of this game.
They just need to be rather simple and straightforward to understand.4 -
I feel the exact opposite. What you're suggestion is artificially increasing the time of the game by locking out objectives. The other option is to add new objectives before generators can be done. The difference is that one would leave the players in control, and the other would leave people feeling like, "Great, we lost because the game said we weren't allowed to do the objective."
The idea I've seen thrown around is the gas can suggestion. You first find gas (spawns all over), bring it to a generator, then fuel it (short interaction). Once it's fueled, you can fix it like normal. This is intuitive to newer players. Generators need fuel to run, so they gotta' find some fuel to put in it. Beyond that, it also adds new gameplay. Survivors are no longer just sitting around on a generator for killers to patrol and eventually find, they're moving around the map trying to find gas. You could rush this by sprinting around, but that leaves sprint trails that the killer will very easily see. Or you could take it slower and play more stealthy, taking more time but avoiding being spotted from far away. As an added bonus, you could buff some lesser used perks to help with this stage of the game (Small Game comes to mind), adding more build diversity. You could even be the dedicated gas man, going around the map fueling all the generators while other survivors start working on them. The control is still left in the hands of the players.
The other option is that once a generator is done, you can't work on other generators for some time. This is not intuitive to new players. Why is this generator locked off? What am I doing wrong? I could work on it a second ago. This does not add new gameplay. Unless you're already chasing a survivor, everyone's just going to hide behind a tree and wait for the generators to be enabled again. You'll be playing hide and seek, except the people hiding have no reason to go out and risk being seen. You can go out and sprint around like a headless chicken during this time if you want, but it wouldn't help at all. You aren't buying the rest of the team time, you're just getting chased and wasting pallets. It'll also lead to frustrating situations where you find a cluster of generators and try to power one as soon as possible to prevent a three-gen-strat, but someone across the map decides to power that single generator in a different area code from the rest surrounded by pallets.
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Heck yes to secondary objectives.
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@Peanits said:
I feel the exact opposite. What you're suggestion is artificially increasing the time of the game by locking out objectives. The other option is to add new objectives before generators can be done. The difference is that one would leave the players in control, and the other would leave people feeling like, "Great, we lost because the game said we weren't allowed to do the objective."The same could be said about secondary objectives though. "We lost because we couldn't find that 1 gas can" or whatever the case may be. Kinda like those games where Ruin is hidden super well and you don't get to it until late in the game. It's the exact same feeling. They have less control over the game because they have more stuff they need to do that they might not necessarily be in a position to do.
The difference is that by just limiting the speed at which gens can be completed you aren't completely redesigned the game's core fundamentals. What would end up happening most likely, is that a gen gets done you either finish your gen to 99% (if it was only at 75% then you can just keep going as per normal), leave to go start on another gen, or wait around your gen to finish it off. In every scenario the game is extended but not in such a way that you have to rework the entire rest of the game.
Again asking for a secondary objective is asking for the devs to completely gut the game. That's costly and risky. We need simple solutions to problems, not convoluted ones. They are more effective without being too drastic.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
I feel the exact opposite. What you're suggestion is artificially increasing the time of the game by locking out objectives. The other option is to add new objectives before generators can be done. The difference is that one would leave the players in control, and the other would leave people feeling like, "Great, we lost because the game said we weren't allowed to do the objective."The same could be said about secondary objectives though. "We lost because we couldn't find that 1 gas can" or whatever the case may be. Kinda like those games where Ruin is hidden super well and you don't get to it until late in the game. It's the exact same feeling. They have less control over the game because they have more stuff they need to do that they might not necessarily be in a position to do.
The difference is that by just limiting the speed at which gens can be completed you aren't completely redesigned the game's core fundamentals. What would end up happening most likely, is that a gen gets done you either finish your gen to 99% (if it was only at 75% then you can just keep going as per normal), leave to go start on another gen, or wait around your gen to finish it off. In every scenario the game is extended.
Again asking for a secondary objective is asking for the devs to completely gut the game. That's costly and risky. We need simple solutions to problems, not convoluted ones. They are more effective without being too drastic.
You could spawn more gas cans than are needed (maybe ~15 or so scattered around the map in preset spots, reusing the potential totem spots to save time and make it easier for survivors to learn them).
As it currently stands, someone's inability to find ruin comes down to the lack of knowledge of totem spawn locations and their inability to work through the skill checks. It is still in their control. Locking generator progress would completely take away any control.
I'm failing to see how adding a secondary objective would gut the game. It would add new strategies, builds, and gameplay while also spicing things up a little bit. I don't find fueling a generator before fixing it to be convoluted. If anything, having the generators arbitrarily lock progress with no explanation would be much more convoluted and confusing for people.
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@Peanits said:
I'm failing to see how adding a secondary objective would gut the game. It would add new strategies, builds, and gameplay while also spicing things up a little bit. I don't find fueling a generator before fixing it to be convoluted. If anything, having the generators arbitrarily lock progress with no explanation would be much more convoluted and confusing for people.All you need is to put a lockpad icon over the generator UI. That makes it pretty clear that gen progress is locked, nothing confusing about it. Adding more objectives is confusing though, because it's just another thing you have to do.
And you would need to completely gut the game. Ruin is already sort of a secondary objective, and if there was even MORE stuff you had to do well now Ruin might be completely OP. It would need a rework. There's nothing to rework if you just put a speed limiter on the game. And again, this would only affect the highest tier players, leaving lower tier players unaffected. Secondary objectives influences both groups unequally because low tier players will be more impacted by the change as it's just more stuff they need to do and for them it would be more difficult/confusing.
You're looking at this problem as someone that plays the game and understands it already. For you a secondary objective isn't a big deal, but for newer players it is just another thing they need to learn.
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thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
I'm failing to see how adding a secondary objective would gut the game. It would add new strategies, builds, and gameplay while also spicing things up a little bit. I don't find fueling a generator before fixing it to be convoluted. If anything, having the generators arbitrarily lock progress with no explanation would be much more convoluted and confusing for people.All you need is to put a lockpad icon over the generator UI. That makes it pretty clear that gen progress is locked, nothing confusing about it. Adding more objectives is confusing though, because it's just another thing you have to do.
And you would need to completely gut the game. Ruin is already sort of a secondary objective, and if there was even MORE stuff you had to do well now Ruin might be completely OP. It would need a rework. There's nothing to rework if you just put a speed limiter on the game. And again, this would only affect the highest tier players, leaving lower tier players unaffected. Secondary objectives influences both groups unequally because low tier players will be more impacted by the change as it's just more stuff they need to do and for them it would be more difficult/confusing.
You're looking at this problem as someone that plays the game and understands it already. For you a secondary objective isn't a big deal, but for newer players it is just another thing they need to learn.
Devs could add the new objective and make a tutorial for it. Not that hard.
Artificially locking down the gens by your lock, would be a lazy and unintuitive solution.
Optional objectives are also not the way to go, since totems already exist and are mainly ignored by survivors.1 -
@Tsulan said:
I really think you underestimate new players. As I said, they are not as stupid as you try to depict them
Devs could add the new objective and make a tutorial for it. Not that hard.
Artificially locking down the gens by your lock, would be a lazy and unintuitive solution.If this were true then the game wouldn't need a tutorial. It would also mean that new players would perform significantly better than they actually do. Truth is, the game has a steep learning curve and adding more stuff to do on top of that increases that curve.
Again, a gen completion limiter wouldn't affect these players. To them, things would play out more or less the same. It would only start to matter as you get better survivors that play more optimally, which is where the problems occur in the first place. Adding secondary objectives punishes new and solo players, which is what you don't want to do. You only want to impact the highest tier players.
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I like @Peanits gas can suggestion. I have suggested the same thing before and so have others. It would be very straight forward thing to implement and would help slow the game and add interesting new play styles to spice things up a bit. With respect to new players a few things can be done. First the new secondary objective could be implemented in the tutorial section. It would detail how to find gas, what you do when you have acquired the gas and what you do afterwards. Additionally to help new players out we can adjust the difficulty of the trials based on rank. With the recent patch each set of ranks have been locked off once you pass a certain rank. It is impossible to derank into rank 20 - 16 as an example. This is the noob ranks and given this fact we could adjust some things to make it more noob friendly. Maybe at the noob ranks there is more fuel cans, maybe when you get within 8 meters of a fuel can it has an aura and it wouldent be a bad things to perhaps have some little tips on the side of the screen to help the player out.
Post edited by SadonicShadow on2 -
@thesuicidefox said:
@Tsulan said:
Oh i read the whole post. But making gens take longer by slowing them down isn´t the solution. Gens are already boring af as of now. Making them even slower by your suggestion, would make people fall asleep mid game. Also your proposal would result complicated for new players which wouldn´t understand why their gen suddenly works slower.It wouldn't be hard at all to convey to the player that gens are locked. Just simply put an 'lockpad' icon over the generator UI and prevent gens from being finished. Pretty clear and obvious, whereas a secondary objective is not that clear.
@Tsulan said:
We already have a tutorial. Just add the new objectives into the tutorial and new players learn it from scratch. Do you know Eve Online? THAT is a complicated game! With all the perks, loadouts, weapons, damage types, etc. But new people join every day.
Eve Online is complicated and not at all accessible to new players. That's the problem here ACCESSIBILITY because anyone can put in the time to learn all the ins and outs of something. In fact I would bet even the bet DBD players still have stuff to learn about the game, that's just how it is. But making a game more complicated only reduces the accessibility even further. Going back to the cars stuff, if automatic didn't exist it would be a lot harder for new drivers to learn to drive. Can you still learn it? Yes but it's more difficult and time consuming.My point in this thread is that secondary objectives are not a solution. It just muddles the game and makes it more difficult for new players while also screwing over any solo players in the process. It's uncommon enough for low ranks to finish gens and escape, with secondary objectives it would probably never happen. What I'm suggesting is just a slight alteration to the current formula, one that only effects optimized survivors. At low ranks, you never see multiple gens popping at once. The solution needs to affect only the top tier players, not everyone. Secondary objectives affect everyone.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
1.) You stated that survivors could simply 99% gens and that the killer can just go around and kick them. This makes Alert a meta perk. They would 99% a gen and, if another gen was completed, go off and hide for twenty seconds. If you happen to kick a gen, then from a pretty good range, they'll be able to see it as well as your aura. The killer would waste their time searching a pretty large area and/or doubling back after kicking just about every gen in order to counter it.So then a completely non-meta perk now becomes viable? That's kinda what we want here. The other alternative is a secondary objective, in which case such perks would still be mostly useless on top of the fact a whole bunch of them would need a rework to fit with the new mechanics.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
2.) It doesn't open as many doors as secondary objectives. There's nothing new in the game play and most unused perks and items will remain stagnant. With the addition of secondary objectives, new ways to adjust perks and items come with it, which could take that edge of difficulty off of newer and solo players that you're worried about.By "opening doors" you are also making the game less accessible in the process. See above.
Also, the gameplay doesn't need anything NEW, this is where you guys keep falling into the "feature creep" trap. You realize that game development has costs right? These things don't just happen, you need people to design, program, and test it. That's time. That's money. And there's no guarantee it would work. It's the exact reason they haven't completely gutted the game to fix problems and instead are doing things in small doses over a long time, because big changes = big risk. They could very well completely fork up the game with new mechanics. Simply adding a buffer to gen completion is way less risk, time, and money, and would likely yield more fruitful results.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
3.) It punishes success. Outside of perks like Tinkerer, which are supposed to give you an upper hand in some situations, there shouldn't be a punishment for doing your primary objective.It's not a punishment. Punishment would be something like "finish a gen and get injured". This isn't that. It's "you can't do blow through your objective super fast you need to pace yourself". Furthermore, the limiter would only really apply to the highest tier players. New players, or just low rank players, would be more or less unaffected by it, which is what you want. You don't want to make the game harder for everyone, just for the players that optimize the most because that's where the problem is.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
4.) It adds more of a buff to SWF. Due to communication, they all know when someone is about to complete a gen and which gens have been worked on, which means that they wouldn't mistakenly go to another gen to work on it for the twenty seconds only to find that it's already at 99%. In all fairness, however, this could also apply to secondary objectives in some cases.You pretty much nullify your own point here with the last sentence. Exactly that will be the case with secondary objectives. In fact one could argue that secondary objectives would create a greater gap between solo and SWF than a simple gen completion limiter, as you would be able to call out that you are going early to start on those objectives or just that you can coordinate doing them faster. It just makes the game more top heavy, the opposite of what we want to achieve. We want to smooth out the game at all levels such that low rank play remains the same while high rank play changes a bit to make it more fair to killer. With secondary objectives it just makes killer even better at low ranks.
You guys are defending an idea that just honestly isn't very viable. It's too costly to implement, would have too great an affect on the game at all ranks, and ruin quite a lot of the work that has gone into the game over the last 2 years. We don't need that, we just need a simple solution that makes the game more fair for killers that play against the most optimized survivors because that is the only place where gens getting done too fast is a problem.
PS. Going back to cars, if you had a problem with your automatic transmission would you rather completely remove it to install a manual transmission or would you rather they just go into the cars computer and tweak the functionality of it? That's the crux of what we are talking about here, and any reasonable person would rather take the easy/cheap/fast solution over the hard/expensive/slow solution, especially if the former has more potential for better results.
It wouldn't only make Alert a meta perk, it completely counters your idea that kicking gens would counter the 99% problem. Long story short, Alert would make kicking gens just short of useless in this playstyle and if the killer tried to play against it, they would waste that time they have. And with secondary objectives, there's all kinds of new options to tweak perks and shift the current meta.
And I disagree that adding secondary objectives making the game less accessible. Tutorials are a thing and there's nothing overtly complicated about searching around the map. You're acting like all survivors are idiots. The secondary objective doesn't have to be something difficult. It could be as simple as adding a few parts scattered around the map to find. Chances are, there would be more on the map then actually necessary, so you wouldn't have to search way too long to find them. And while you have a point about cost, the devs have already shown interest in secondary objectives in their latest stream, indicating that it's in the realm of possibility. If they were unable to do it, they would never have brought it up, or they would've turned it down.
Yes, it does punish success. By someone completing a gen, they bar someone else from doing the same. This means that their primary objective, completing gens, is locked. This would feel clunk and irritating, playwise. Secondary objectives would work with the flow of the game, and they would slow it down as well. With your idea, someone would 99% a gen and then go and hide for a while. They wouldn't waste time going to another gen and working on it.
My point was to indicate flaws with your idea. Because the same idea might apply to secondary objectives doesn't mean it will affect locking gens any less. In fact, it would affect it more since people would still be able to jump right on a gen right at the start of the game, always know which ones are worked on, know when a gen is almost done, and when to go hide. Not to mention that with Alert, which will no doubt be a meta perk, they can see your aura as well so they could share when you've kicked a gen and where. With secondary objectives, it still requires you to do something beforehand to even start those gens and any information shared about, say, the location of parts or gas, would still have to be found first. Not to mention that the idea is very flexible. There's more things that you can do with it then locking gens. And there's always the question about what would happen if two survivors were to complete gens at the same time. Would one, at random, be complete and the other locked? Because that would make things even more frustrating.
Your idea would not only make the game feel clunky, but it leaves things very stagnant. By adding secondary objectives, you could tweak things like maps and perks to help find them or increase their utility. That would not only add more options for builds, but it would take that edge of difficulty off of newer players that you're worried about. Not to mention things like the tutorial for newer players which could easily explain the secondary objective.
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facundoj said:brokedownpalace said:I would be okay with the delay after one gen is completed before another could, IF when survivors 100% a gen it stays at 100% and can't be regressed.
It would be pretty lame if you did all the work to complete a gen, move onto the next one and the first one is sitting there for 18 seconds and then the killer comes over and kicks it at second 19. Now you're halfway across the map a third of the way through another gen and you have to abandon that one to go attempt to finish that gen again.
This would be especially problematic on small maps, with Tinkerer, and against Nurse, Doctor or Hillbilly.0 -
@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
I'm failing to see how adding a secondary objective would gut the game. It would add new strategies, builds, and gameplay while also spicing things up a little bit. I don't find fueling a generator before fixing it to be convoluted. If anything, having the generators arbitrarily lock progress with no explanation would be much more convoluted and confusing for people.All you need is to put a lockpad icon over the generator UI. That makes it pretty clear that gen progress is locked, nothing confusing about it. Adding more objectives is confusing though, because it's just another thing you have to do.
And you would need to completely gut the game. Ruin is already sort of a secondary objective, and if there was even MORE stuff you had to do well now Ruin might be completely OP. It would need a rework. There's nothing to rework if you just put a speed limiter on the game. And again, this would only affect the highest tier players, leaving lower tier players unaffected. Secondary objectives influences both groups unequally because low tier players will be more impacted by the change as it's just more stuff they need to do and for them it would be more difficult/confusing.
You're looking at this problem as someone that plays the game and understands it already. For you a secondary objective isn't a big deal, but for newer players it is just another thing they need to learn.
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.
I really don't think ruin would be overpowered with that being the case. It's already very easy to just work through it, even if you don't hit the greats. As long as you use your noodle and work on generators alone, the good skill checks hardly have an effect on progression. Sure it's slower, but not to the point where it'd make the difference between a win and a loss.
Post edited by Peanits on3 -
I like the gas can idea since in some games you've got find gas cans to do the gens, hello L4D 1 and 2. It's obvious and pretty straightforward that that's what you need. The issue you'd run into is on small maps the gens would have to require less gas to do them Like Haddonfield etc.
So for a large map it'd take say 3-5 cans of gas to start it whereas the small maps 1-2 cans of gas.The large a mpa the more gas cans there are and the killer should be able to see them on the ground. If the killer sees one missing in a spot they recently patrolled they know someone around.
To prevent camping being incentivized the gas can would be dropped on either 1st or 2nd hit and perhaps make a visual notification it got dropped to other survivors. That last part might be too op so better to be like Franklin's where you don't know where it got dropped. Although for swf they already generally know so perhaps kindred for solo queue side only.
So think of it this way, the more people you've got working on the gen the faster it goes right, but here's where you balance that. One thing that might help with the gen rushing @Peanits is the following idea that should be easier to do.
The more people that're working on a gen the more skill checks will come up and be faster as well. Since the more hands inside of a narrow space the more chances with the moving parts for screw ups. You'd also balance skill check success zones to be smaller the more people are on there.
How you would have to balance that out by ranks since for lower ranked and newer players that'd be atrocious to deal with. For the higher ranks it'd be easier to deal with for them since they'd be more used to it. You could also make it so that great skill checks done by more players on the gen don't progress the gen as fast but award bonus bp post trial.
So for the last part they still get the points for the great skill check for the emblem but also bonus blood points. That way the gens don't get rushed even with 4 players all hitting great skill checks but don't make gens feel like an obnoxious chore.
One last thing is if someone fails a skillcheck on a gen and others are working on it they should have a skill
check popup as well and be slightly difficult. Since the thing just blew up in your face you're likely to be startled while your hands are in that tight space with moving parts.0 -
@Peanits said:
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.The "why" doesn't exactly matter here, as long as it's understood that no gens can be completed until the lock goes away that's all you need.
Look you guys are completely overcomplicating this. Ever single suggestion for a secondary objective only hurts solo and new survivors. It increases the gap between players that communicate and those that don't/can't. You don't want that, you want a solution that's non-intrusive to the current mechanics. Adding new objectives means that timers may need to change, perks may need to change, all of that. It'd require an entire rework of the game's core design.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
My point was to indicate flaws with your idea. Because the same idea might apply to secondary objectives doesn't mean it will affect locking gens any less. In fact, it would affect it more since people would still be able to jump right on a gen right at the start of the game, always know which ones are worked on, know when a gen is almost done, and when to go hide. Not to mention that with Alert, which will no doubt be a meta perk, they can see your aura as well so they could share when you've kicked a gen and where. With secondary objectives, it still requires you to do something beforehand to even start those gens and any information shared about, say, the location of parts or gas, would still have to be found first. Not to mention that the idea is very flexible. There's more things that you can do with it then locking gens. And there's always the question about what would happen if two survivors were to complete gens at the same time. Would one, at random, be complete and the other locked? Because that would make things even more frustrating.I'm not saying my idea is perfect. Obviously it would need testing and polish like anything else. What I'm saying is that adding more objectives just clogs up the game that we already have. It changes things too much, and ultimately creates more problems than it solves. You don't need a solution for EVERY game, you only need a solution for specific games where gens are done way too fast. That's the problem with a secondary objective, it affects every game instead of just the ones that need it.
I mentioned Alert because you mentioned it being a meta perk (maybe I misread, I digress).
If two gens are done at once than the game picks a gen to finish and locks the other. There's nothing more to it than that, and yes it could be a tad frustrating to have a gen almost done but at the same time you can easily just go start another one. Or hang around and wait out the timer, to finish the gen. It would be a lot more frustrating to be working on a gen only to suddenly not be able to because you have to go find a gas can or some other nonsense. You have to keep in mind, as the game winds down and people die, will such a task be reasonable? The answer is no, as it would basically force you into a losing position. With a gen completion limiter that sort of thing wouldn't happen, ESPECIALLY if survivors are doing gens at an acceptable pace. In those cases, the limiter wouldn't even matter. All it means is that you can't do multiple gens simultaneously, which is the crux of the problem. It's pretty simple. Like what if you were struggling to finish a gen and had a full opportunity to do it, but then couldn't because you had no more gas? That's pretty sucky right there. But with my idea that's not an issue because the game is more or less unchanged. It's only different in that you can't blaze through gens.
Really guys, just think about it. Would you rather have to go find some other objective and be forced into a bad position or would you rather just limit the pace at which the current objective can be done? I just doesn't make sense to muck up the formula that has been so carefully crafted over the last 2 years when all that we need is just something simple to slow down the game at the highest level.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.The "why" doesn't exactly matter here, as long as it's understood that no gens can be completed until the lock goes away that's all you need.
Look you guys are completely overcomplicating this. Ever single suggestion for a secondary objective only hurts solo and new survivors. It increases the gap between players that communicate and those that don't/can't. You don't want that, you want a solution that's non-intrusive to the current mechanics. Adding new objectives means that timers may need to change, perks may need to change, all of that. It'd require an entire rework of the game's core design.
The why is pretty important. Why is what makes a new player an experienced player. You can't get better at the game if you don't understand why things are happening. New players are going to keep going to generators wondering why they can't complete them, feeling like they're just getting slaughtered with nothing they can do about it.
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@Peanits said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.The "why" doesn't exactly matter here, as long as it's understood that no gens can be completed until the lock goes away that's all you need.
Look you guys are completely overcomplicating this. Ever single suggestion for a secondary objective only hurts solo and new survivors. It increases the gap between players that communicate and those that don't/can't. You don't want that, you want a solution that's non-intrusive to the current mechanics. Adding new objectives means that timers may need to change, perks may need to change, all of that. It'd require an entire rework of the game's core design.
The why is pretty important. Why is what makes a new player an experienced player. You can't get better at the game if you don't understand why things are happening. New players are going to keep going to generators wondering why they can't complete them, feeling like they're just getting slaughtered with nothing they can do about it.
But they won't because they won't be doing gens so fast that the limiter would even apply to them. That's the part you keep forgetting. New players don't finish 3 or even 2 gens at the same time. They do 1 gen, then another, then another. The limiter won't affect them until they get better at the game to a point they start doing multiple gens at the same time. Also, if it were 20 seconds for example, you wouldn't be going around wondering why you can't finish all these gens. You'd only wonder why you can't finish THAT particular gen since you couldn't possible do another in that timeframe. If a lock icon appears over the gen UI at the exact moment a gen is completed, it'd be pretty obvious the reason you can't finish your gen was because another was done.
Regarding the "why", a big "why" new players come across is "why let the killer see you". Well there are plenty of reasons, maybe you want them to chase you so another survivor can make a save. Maybe you are good at running away so you want them to see you and chase you so you can waste their time. These "whys" aren't clear either, but players learn them over time by understanding the game. The game doesn't have to explicitly spell it out for them, they just figure it out over time.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.The "why" doesn't exactly matter here, as long as it's understood that no gens can be completed until the lock goes away that's all you need.
Look you guys are completely overcomplicating this. Ever single suggestion for a secondary objective only hurts solo and new survivors. It increases the gap between players that communicate and those that don't/can't. You don't want that, you want a solution that's non-intrusive to the current mechanics. Adding new objectives means that timers may need to change, perks may need to change, all of that. It'd require an entire rework of the game's core design.
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
My point was to indicate flaws with your idea. Because the same idea might apply to secondary objectives doesn't mean it will affect locking gens any less. In fact, it would affect it more since people would still be able to jump right on a gen right at the start of the game, always know which ones are worked on, know when a gen is almost done, and when to go hide. Not to mention that with Alert, which will no doubt be a meta perk, they can see your aura as well so they could share when you've kicked a gen and where. With secondary objectives, it still requires you to do something beforehand to even start those gens and any information shared about, say, the location of parts or gas, would still have to be found first. Not to mention that the idea is very flexible. There's more things that you can do with it then locking gens. And there's always the question about what would happen if two survivors were to complete gens at the same time. Would one, at random, be complete and the other locked? Because that would make things even more frustrating.I'm not saying my idea is perfect. Obviously it would need testing and polish like anything else. What I'm saying is that adding more objectives just clogs up the game that we already have. It changes things too much, and ultimately creates more problems than it solves. I mentioned Alert because you mentioned it being a meta perk (maybe I misread, I digress).
If two gens are done at once than the game picks a gen to finish and locks the other. There's nothing more to it than that, and yes it could be a tad frustrating to have a gen almost done but at the same time you can easily just go start another one. Or hang around and wait out the timer, to finish the gen. It would be a lot more frustrating to be working on a gen only to suddenly not be able to because you have to go find a gas can or some other nonsense. You have to keep in mind, as the game winds down and people die, will such a task be reasonable? The answer is no, as it would basically force you into a losing position. With a gen completion limiter that sort of thing wouldn't happen, ESPECIALLY if survivors are doing gens at an acceptable pace. In those cases, the limiter wouldn't even matter. All it means is that you can't do multiple gens simultaneously, which is the crux of the problem. It's pretty simple. Like what if you were struggling to finish a gen and had a full opportunity to do it, but then couldn't because you had no more gas? That's pretty sucky right there. But with my idea that's not an issue because the game is more or less unchanged. It's only different in that you can't blaze through gens.
Really guys, just think about it. Would you rather have to go find some other objective and be forced into a bad position or would you rather just limit the pace at which the current objective can be done? I just doesn't make sense to muck up the formula that has been so carefully crafted over the last 2 years when all that we need is just something simple to slow down the game at the highest level.
So if two people finish a gen at the same time, it's chosen at random and the other is locked. That would create nothing but frustration and only add to the clunkiness of the gameplay. As for the gas can, perhaps you find a gas can before working on the gen to prevent that? There's the main difference between locking gens and secondary objectives. Secondary objectives slow down games in a way that the survivor still feels like they're making progress. Before you start a gen, find a can of gas. If you start working on a gen without one then you have no one to blame but yourself when that roadblock hits. And it could be made where you couldn't even start working on a gen until you find gas to prevent the confusion. With gen locking, it just brings your progress to an abrupt stop. It doesn't really feel like pacing as much as it is sudden jarring stops. Secondary objectives like finding gas would flow way better. As for how it affects the endgame, in the case of secondary objectives, the survivors have the choice to plan ahead. How about instead of just finding one can of gas and fixing one gen, you find multiple cans and fill up multiple gens to make the end game smoother? The survivors still have some control. The situation you stated, where the survivor is struggling to finish the gen but runs out of gas, that scenario is all his fault. If he thought ahead and found a can of gas before working on that gen, he wouldn't have been in that situation. It would suck, but it would be something he could improve from. Not to mention all the new ideas this could create for improving perks or items. Pair that with a tutorial to teach new players just coming into the game, and the game will be in a much better place.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
@thesuicidefox said:
@Peanits said:
A lock icon would tell you that you can't work on it, but it wouldn't tell you why you can't work on it. It's not as intuitive as it seems. A new player isn't going to see that and think, "Oh, I can't work on this because that other generator got powered recently." There's a disconnect there. People aren't just going to put two and two together. There is no logical link between one generator getting powered and the rest being locked off, that's something they'd probably have to google if they want to figure out.The "why" doesn't exactly matter here, as long as it's understood that no gens can be completed until the lock goes away that's all you need.
Look you guys are completely overcomplicating this. Ever single suggestion for a secondary objective only hurts solo and new survivors. It increases the gap between players that communicate and those that don't/can't. You don't want that, you want a solution that's non-intrusive to the current mechanics. Adding new objectives means that timers may need to change, perks may need to change, all of that. It'd require an entire rework of the game's core design.
The why is pretty important. Why is what makes a new player an experienced player. You can't get better at the game if you don't understand why things are happening. New players are going to keep going to generators wondering why they can't complete them, feeling like they're just getting slaughtered with nothing they can do about it.
But they won't because they won't be doing gens so fast that the limiter would even apply to them. That's the part you keep forgetting. New players don't finish 3 or even 2 gens at the same time. They do 1 gen, then another, then another.
Sure, if it's a game of only new players. But I could get paired with someone playing the game for the first time and work on a different generator than them. When mine goes off, they're going to be really confused as to why they suddenly got kicked off the generator and can't fix it anymore.
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@ShrimpTwiggs said:
So if two people finish a gen at the same time, it's chosen at random and the other is locked. That would create nothing but frustration and only add to the clunkiness of the gameplay. As for the gas can, perhaps you find a gas can before working on the gen to prevent that? There's the main difference between locking gens and secondary objectives. Secondary objectives slow down games in a way that the survivor still feels like they're making progress. Before you start a gen, find a can of gas. If you start working on a gen without one then you have no one to blame but yourself when that roadblock hits. And it could be made where you couldn't even start working on a gen until you find gas to prevent the confusion. With gen locking, it just brings your progress to an abrupt stop. It doesn't really feel like pacing as much as it is sudden jarring stops. Secondary objectives like finding gas would flow way better. As for how it affects the endgame, in the case of secondary objectives, the survivors have the choice to plan ahead. How about instead of just finding one can of gas and fixing one gen, you find multiple cans and fill up multiple gens to make the end game smoother? The survivors still have some control. The situation you stated, where the survivor is struggling to finish the gen but runs out of gas, that scenario is all his fault. If he thought ahead and found a can of gas before working on that gen, he wouldn't have been in that situation. It would suck, but it would be something he could improve from. Not to mention all the new ideas this could create for improving perks or items. Pair that with a tutorial to teach new players just coming into the game, and the game will be in a much better place.Again the idea needs testing and polish. Maybe there is some method to selecting which gens have priority. But to say that you need X amount of gas to finish a gen only serves to make the game less accessible, period. There is no other way to slice it, add more stuff to do and you make the game harder to learn. It's basic logic. Being forced to go find gas or do something else can be frustrating, just look at games where Ruin is too well hidden and doesn't go down until there are like 2 survivors left. That can be immensely frustrating for survivors (which I know if it goes down fast that's frustrating for killers, but that's a separate issue) because you have this other thing you need to do on top of the normal objective. Gens should be the only objective, there just needs to be limits on how fast you can do them.
I really need to know why you are defending secondary objectives so hard when the outcome will obviously have an effect on the entire game. We don't want that or need that. We only want something that affects the highest tier players because that's the only place where gen rush is a problem. Why do we need to make survivors do other stuff when the game just needs something to stop the most optimized survivors from rushing their objective? Why do we need to over-complicate the game with new mechanics and core fundamentals when it just needs something to balance out on the upper end of the spectrum?
@Peanits said:
Sure, if it's a game of only new players. But I could get paired with someone playing the game for the first time and work on a different generator than them. When mine goes off, they're going to be really confused as to why they suddenly got kicked off the generator and can't fix it anymore.They would arguably be just as confused, if not more so, by having to do something other than their primary objective. If you are in a party with this person you can simply explain it to them. And again, they see a gen pop and a lock icon, that is a very clear indication that you can't do the gen because another was just completed. If necessary you can even add a timer/clock to the UI to show when it can be done.
Like really any argument you make against a gen completion limiter can be made against secondary objectives and apply even moreso because of the fact that it's just more to do. If you have 1 thing to do but are locked out from doing it, maybe it's confusing but not overwhelming. If you have several things to do it's overwhelming AND confusing, as well as tedious. It just leads to more issue down the road.
Really guys take a step back and think about what would happen if you had to do secondary objectives. Think about how much work it would take to make the system, integrate it smoothly with the current design, adjust perks/etc. to work with it, how new, solo, and SWF players will be affected. It's not a good solution when you actually go through all the motions, and it's not necessary for every game. We only need something for the top end players, not everyone.
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I personally wouldn't mind more objective but it is dependent on map implementation. I don't want clustered maps with crappy objectives that aren't suitable. I want objectives that make sense like perhaps in the slaughter house we have to power gens to return power to the building so that we may escape from there we need to throw the switch to open the exit doors than from there we have to hit these switches to get to the main exist area. Something like not fully but still you get the point and the map has to be just right.
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Increase gen times by 25%.
Add a power generator in the map that requires 2 parts. Pickup and install both parts to speed up generator progress by 30% and a hefty survivor wide blood point bonus for completing that objective.
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@thesuicidefox said:
@ShrimpTwiggs said:
So if two people finish a gen at the same time, it's chosen at random and the other is locked. That would create nothing but frustration and only add to the clunkiness of the gameplay. As for the gas can, perhaps you find a gas can before working on the gen to prevent that? There's the main difference between locking gens and secondary objectives. Secondary objectives slow down games in a way that the survivor still feels like they're making progress. Before you start a gen, find a can of gas. If you start working on a gen without one then you have no one to blame but yourself when that roadblock hits. And it could be made where you couldn't even start working on a gen until you find gas to prevent the confusion. With gen locking, it just brings your progress to an abrupt stop. It doesn't really feel like pacing as much as it is sudden jarring stops. Secondary objectives like finding gas would flow way better. As for how it affects the endgame, in the case of secondary objectives, the survivors have the choice to plan ahead. How about instead of just finding one can of gas and fixing one gen, you find multiple cans and fill up multiple gens to make the end game smoother? The survivors still have some control. The situation you stated, where the survivor is struggling to finish the gen but runs out of gas, that scenario is all his fault. If he thought ahead and found a can of gas before working on that gen, he wouldn't have been in that situation. It would suck, but it would be something he could improve from. Not to mention all the new ideas this could create for improving perks or items. Pair that with a tutorial to teach new players just coming into the game, and the game will be in a much better place.Again the idea needs testing and polish. Maybe there is some method to selecting which gens have priority. But to say that you need X amount of gas to finish a gen only serves to make the game less accessible, period. There is no other way to slice it, add more stuff to do and you make the game harder to learn. It's basic logic. Being forced to go find gas or do something else can be frustrating, just look at games where Ruin is too well hidden and doesn't go down until there are like 2 survivors left. That can be immensely frustrating for survivors (which I know if it goes down fast that's frustrating for killers, but that's a separate issue) because you have this other thing you need to do on top of the normal objective. Gens should be the only objective, there just needs to be limits on how fast you can do them.
I really need to know why you are defending secondary objectives so hard when the outcome will obviously have an effect on the entire game. We don't want that or need that. We only want something that affects the highest tier players because that's the only place where gen rush is a problem. Why do we need to make survivors do other stuff when the game just needs something to stop the most optimized survivors from rushing their objective? Why do we need to over-complicate the game with new mechanics and core fundamentals when it just needs something to balance out on the upper end of the spectrum?
@Peanits said:
Sure, if it's a game of only new players. But I could get paired with someone playing the game for the first time and work on a different generator than them. When mine goes off, they're going to be really confused as to why they suddenly got kicked off the generator and can't fix it anymore.They would arguably be just as confused, if not more so, by having to do something other than their primary objective. If you are in a party with this person you can simply explain it to them. And again, they see a gen pop and a lock icon, that is a very clear indication that you can't do the gen because another was just completed. If necessary you can even add a timer/clock to the UI to show when it can be done.
Like really any argument you make against a gen completion limiter can be made against secondary objectives and apply even moreso because of the fact that it's just more to do. If you have 1 thing to do but are locked out from doing it, maybe it's confusing but not overwhelming. If you have several things to do it's overwhelming AND confusing, as well as tedious. It just leads to more issue down the road.
Really guys take a step back and think about what would happen if you had to do secondary objectives. Think about how much work it would take to make the system, integrate it smoothly with the current design, adjust perks/etc. to work with it, how new, solo, and SWF players will be affected. It's not a good solution when you actually go through all the motions, and it's not necessary for every game. We only need something for the top end players, not everyone.
How about one gas can per gen and you could work on it the rest of the game? It doesn't need to be as convoluted as you're making it out to be. And the difference between finding gas cans rather then finding Ruin is that there'll be many gas cans scattered around the map, meaning that it wouldn't take you too long to find one. And all because there's one more mechanic in the game to learn, doesn't mean that it'll make it overwhelmingly difficult. If anything, I'd prefer if my main objective involved more then holding one button and pressing another one now and then. As for the a secondary objective being tedious, I would find it far more irritating if I had to leave a generator and hide for twenty seconds every time a gen gets done. Bringing the game to a screeching halt isn't fun.
As for any argument applied for one side applies to another, I disagree. Gen locking punishes you for doing your objective, secondary objectives don't. Gen locking is sudden and clunky, secondary objectives aren't. Gen locking would leave the game stagnant, secondary objectives allow for new approaches to perks and items. Yes, it involved more learning, but 1.) tutorials can help with that and 2.) finding parts or gas is a very straightforward thing to do that wouldn't take long to get a grasp on.