That's why I respect who plays killer

I play both sides, mostly surv and I wanted to try Freddy because I know he's good...(I think right now he's my fav killer 'cause I like his kit)

..And I'm a baby killer 'cause you and your Swf friends in comms(yeah is ps4 all swf are in comms) popped all the gens once ruin got destroyed. NICE.

I didin't tunnel or camp, as surv I know how it sucks but i can't have a fun game cause this people have to ruin my day.

he was the rank 2 With OoO and I killed him waiting for DS to expire(the doors were open and he was the last one in the trial). They were all on death hook.

ps. The ranks are bugged? I shouldn't play vs red rank survivors..

how you killers manage to resist and still play? I respect You as surv main. Good luck.

Sorry for my English.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I play killer because my friends are busy

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    Just ignore them. YOU know you performed well, that's all that matters!

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    The opinions of others are more than irrelevant when it comes to gaming. Ultimately, the other player who messaged you is just upset they lost and is taking it out on you instead of reflecting on their own mistakes. You paid money for the game, you play how you want, not how others want you to play. Trust me, you'll get better if you keep at it. As far as ranks, I'd like to say it should take the highest rank of SWF and queue them by that rank, but I could be wrong. It could still be taking an average of the group. Or there is a chance that it couldn't find anyone to queue with, so over time the rank gap expanded and put them in a match with you.

  • Neas_last_breath
    Neas_last_breath Member Posts: 23

    Yeah, I have a lot of P3 killers, i just wanted to try Freddy and I decided to level up him but at this point I'll switch to Billy/Spirit/Pig again, at least they can't call me baby.. TT

  • FogLurker
    FogLurker Member Posts: 337

    Censoring their name isn't any fun. What's the point if we can't shame them and send them death threa-... I mean, reach out to them and advise them on how to be courteous, respectful individuals?

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This is why I despise SwF. Not to group them all into the same basket here, but they really do give the decent ones a really bad rep. I had a SWF group on Xbox earlier who all messaged me after all being slaughtered telling me I cheated, I'm reported, a few offensive terms, etc. This kind of stuff is why SwF is looked down upon so much, in my opinion at least. There's just no need for them to act like little kids who got beaten. They need to man up and learn to take the losses gracefully.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470
    edited December 2019

    I Rancor, open the gates and call it a day (you can block a chest, a totem or the 2nd exit gates swich, so that they cant say you are AFK). If you dont play their game, they will have no fun.

  • heavendog
    heavendog Member Posts: 35

    How did the survs get 27k bloodpoints though? I'm lucky enough to get 20 even if I escape

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Let the game run a bit longer. Ussylis did a vid on it I think.

  • Moppot
    Moppot Member Posts: 9

    Bruh I hate when people pull bullshit like this, I play red rank both sides and I try my ######### hardest to make certain everyone has fun and yet if you go against a decent survivor team that's full of gen jockeys that push through ruin and make sure they pop gens at the same time they love to abuse you in the end game chat since you only got 2 or 3 kills and trash talk you even when you say gg. It's so toxic and it's really annoying when you think about how hard you tried throughout the game to make sure everyone have fun just to be trash talked because you didn't slug off hook and you didn't camp when it would have given you the win. I really wish survivor mains weren't so entitled sometimes.

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    Damn console peasants.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    It's nice when people play killer for the first time and see just how tough it can be for a killer. I used to only play Survivor when I began, and the moment I played as a killer, I felt karma hit me a little too hard.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    The best part of being a killer is punishing these kinds of sutvivors. Today I went against a team of overconfident obvious swf as a no perks/addons freddy and got a 4k also making two of them dc on death hook.

    If you ever decide to play more killer power through tough survivors like the one on your post (kinda how you power through ruin) and you will eventually have a blast destroying toxic players

  • saviny
    saviny Member Posts: 3

    Playing killer is really tough and the pressure is always on you.

    You are always against the time. you Have to hook them 12 times. So its 12 chases you must win as fast as possible while gens are being repaired. Its just stressfull.

    On top of that there is the survivors book of rules for killers that only limits you on what you can do or cant. so if you win and you have "broken a certain rule" you are a bad killer or a baby killer or something else thats just BS.

    It is a game and you should be doing whatever you can to win. because the other side is doing the same. like every other game in the world. no survivor is making it easier for you. no matter what. why you should be doing that?

  • Dreaded_Wraith887
    Dreaded_Wraith887 Member Posts: 23

    I know what you mean about juggling, I'm a rank 3 killer and games against swf are far more stressful than playing survivor. For the comms issue make it so that swf can only communicate with each other once the characters are within a certain range and if they talk in the killers terror radius the the killer gets a notification or briefly sees an aura.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    You can get matched against survivors +-6 of your rank. As long as those rank 2s are not really rank 1s, they are within range.

  • SkeletonWitch
    SkeletonWitch Member Posts: 94

    I don’t know if the matchmaking is bugged or just fcked? But it’s been very weird lately.

  • Neas_last_breath
    Neas_last_breath Member Posts: 23

    Of course I'll play killer, but he had OoO so my dream world(Lullaby TR) was pretty useless, they were pushing gens hard and I've ignored him all the time, he t-bagged for my attention but I've chased his friends ^^

    But for him if you get two kills legit(no camp, tunnel or noed etc...) you're a Baby killer..At least I had fun after that match...

    I Was curious about Ghostface, is he fun? I don't have Him and the Oni.. Wanna help me choose? 😂

  • VLight
    VLight Member Posts: 126

    Some Survivors just can't admit defeat. You kill someone who is a way higher rank than you, and then they make excuses or just call you trash. While playing Killer, you get a lot of toxic messages, which I personally enjoy, since it's hilarious to see how dumb people can be.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I don't understand how much times people have messaged killers on this forum. I rarely get messages from them and I Play at Red ranks. You guys must be doing something. 🤔

  • Neas_last_breath
    Neas_last_breath Member Posts: 23

    I'm a survivor main and I know how painful is camping, tunneling etc..

    do you think I've done something wrong? I Guess you are the perfect player.

  • bilaueta
    bilaueta Member Posts: 341

    I got bored of oni since I play on console and its imposible to hit someone wheb they get out of your LOS

    I never really played ghostface since I didnt buy him but from what I've seen he seems fun

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Shame your the god of death in this scenario. Leave no surv untouched it shall bring shame on them, you and our one true creator the entity.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,240

    Gotta love seeing OoO when you load in as Freddy. Imagine being a survivor that gets caught by a Freddy when they have OoO and proceeds to call the killer bad... Protip OP: to ease the frustration of OoO on Freddy, play Nurse against known OoO gamers if you're good with her. Seeing the OoO user stop and contemplate d/c'ing as you spawn in as Nurse is always priceless.

  • Esheon
    Esheon Member Posts: 568

    I've had a survivor search through my posts on Steam until they found a review I'd forgotten to disable replies on. They posted a reply to my ARK: Survival Evolved review to call me a coward for having a private profile and a bunch of other names for an after-game chat in which I said Spirit wasn't OP.

    The kicker? I wasn't even the Spirit in that match; I was one of the other survivors. I wonder what kind of message they sent that Spirit player...

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Imagine playing on coms which is literally exploiting in a game which the only mean of communication intended was through perks, and calling other people babies.

    I wonder how good these entitled pricks would actually be if they didn't have this broken feature available for them.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Know I meant that the survivors message the killer. Not vice versa sorry that wasn't clear.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I'm a doctor main on PC (1st reason I can stand toxicness)

    Second,I just ignore them. I mute them and just move on with my life. I wouldn't care less about a survivor opinion, I completely ignore survivors that play with their friends in comms. I don't know the iq of that person but in this game comms don't exist for a reason. The game is supposed to be played with 0 communication,swf always break the rules.

    And what do you mean you don't tunnel/camp. YOU are the killer and THEY are toxic swf. Since you are the killer you can do whatever you want. No made up honor codes,no rules. Just murder