4 Hooks in Basement Hard Because of Rage Quitting

So okay I only have one challenge left which is to hook and kill 4 survivors in the basement in 1 game. I have attempted this and nearly been successful 4 times this week when I do play. I can not seem to get this challenge done because someone always wants to rage quit the basement build that I use which isnt even that bad, im only using agitation, iron grasp, nurses calling, and insidious LOL I'm not even going that hard either i could be using some mega douche bag perks to slow things down and dumb things down like ruin and bbq but I don't want them. I prefer playing survivor but killer is often much more relaxing however it does require more direct focus at all times, however I'd like to get back to just playing without worrying about challenges or rift levels which will be right after this final challenge. sadly though i am thinking of just ignoring the final challenge I have of killing 4 in the basement, i just don't want to keep running the same tactic it gets boring, and the rage quitting forces me to get more people upset because now I have to go in another lobby and be a douche again for 4 basement kills. LITERALLY HOPE TO GOD that no one rage quits carrying them into the basement especially if its the last 2 guys, talk about survivors scaring the killer.

MY SOLUTION: let rage quits count toward the hook all survivors in the basement in a single game challenge, because when you have the last guy fair and square and he just quits it really makes me want to stop playing killer, it's demotivating.


  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    From my experience, they only dc when you camp the hook, if you play fair and not tunnel off the bat etc players usually just kill themselves off the hook, and seeing that you're using insidious instead of territorial, i can guess why the dc/ragequit

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    This is why I gave up on completing any more of the tome. These current challenges are way too easy for survivors to DC and mess them up. I'm praying the devs understand the frustration we have and set challenges that can't get messed up from DC'ing

  • mike4156
    mike4156 Member Posts: 222

    thing is im barely capitalizing off the insidious i don't use it unless i notice survivors are realllllly dumb i was only playing with it on yesterday as well.

  • Ajritoka
    Ajritoka Member Posts: 594

    Disconnects should just count as sacrifices already. And they should grant points to the sacrifice category, not brutality.

  • Mringasa
    Mringasa Member Posts: 980

    If you don't tunnel, camp or otherwise tryhard, you might end up getting it easier. See so many suggestions for what is basically toxic AF game play, and so many people doing this can't get it done. Just play a normal game, bring your iron grasp and agitation, but only do death hooks in the basement. Probably be easier to get that way.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I would do this with Ruin, Iron Grasp, Agitation, and maybe a tracking perk. The idea would be to just find them elsewhere and bring them to the basement.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    It's not rage that makes them quit. It is simply that they will happily lose their accumulated bloodpoints so that you, a person they have never met, do not complete the challenge.

    As I, as the last survivor was the fourth person to be taken down in the basement against a perfectly fair-playing non-toxic Bubba, the thought did briefly flash through my mind, "Shall I leave the match?". And I'm a fair-playing non-toxic killer main. I cannot imagine survivor mains in the red ranks allowing a killer to get this challenge.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,515

    I can confirm this is not the case as after ive gotten 2 in the basement and they realize im going for the basement one will dc then they message me "ha no challenge for you" i got it using basement trapper eventually though.

  • Davide
    Davide Member Posts: 32

    Maybe I was just lucky, but I got it even if one of the guys disconnected while he was on the hook.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    I actually got this challenge using my normal build when I decided to take Billy for a spin. Threw on some bump addons because I wasnt taking it too seriously, but it ended up working as I downed ppl near the basement.

    If its your last challenge, I recommend not going into the game trying to force it, and just play. If the opportunity eventually presents itself...take it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,515

    Oof that poor rank 17 looks like he held his own though

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Im seein alot of that where ppl drag along their newbie friends. Was surprised by the ranks though in that a newbie meg had BT and such. A loadout like that suggests they've been playing awhile if they managed to get teachables from other characters.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,523

    On the positive side, no need for Moris at the moment, hook a survivor in the basement and they take themselves and their SWF out of the game.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    But the challenge means you have to get all 4 survivors sacrificed in the basement.

    Survivors shouldn't be able to sabotage ANY attempt of this challenge whatsoever but they can and they do often.

    Instead of the 'you were probably playing like a dirty tunneler/camper therefore you deserve it' is Survivor entitlement in a nutshell.

    Disconnects should be treated as if the kill was made by the criteria of the challenge itself.

    It is an extremely poorly thought out challenge along with the finish 4 gens with dark sense challenge. Makes me question whether the Devs actually play their own game.

    You might have completed them yourself but you shouldn't have to pester people in your lobby to not finish gens so you can get your challenge done. It's mind boggling.

    Survivors DC all the time for the most pathetic reasons. If anyone tries to deny that then you're deep in denial.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Whatever happened to the survivor "husk" idea? I remember the developers talking about it quite a while ago but nothing ever came of it. Is that still in the works?

  • palotheas
    palotheas Member Posts: 118

    I managed to get this challenge too, but I felt a bit scummy. I was playing instasaw billy, Billy mostly because he's the only killer with mobility that I'm comfortable playing with, for those survivors that decide to be petty and run to the other side of the map so you can't hook them in the basement. I ran the instasaw addons because my only meta perk was whispers (ruin at first but I switched to whispers because I can't find people easily), with my other perks being iron grasp, agitation, and mad grit. I only hooked on basement hooks because I didn't want someone killing themselves on a non-basement hook.

    I almost got it twice, but both times people dced immediately after they were unhooked just to deny me the challenge. People also complained about proxy camping, but usually the last gens were around the basement because I spent so much time hooking there and people were trying to get as far away as possible, or I could see scratch marks halfway across the map leading to the basement.

    The best part about this challenge was using mad grit to scare people, that was really the only time it was fun, and I could have done that without having to do the challenge. The rest was just bleh, made me feel gross. And even worse when people denied me the challenge because that means I have to put another 4 survivors through that again.

  • EJmurdermain
    EJmurdermain Member Posts: 109

    That's why Survivors should do their roles and let the real killers do theirs, some say this challenge is toxic and difficult. Ironically enough people are not as good at this game as they think.

    I've seen people pleading to farm challenges, SMH Trash

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    Well I got the achievement in a few games but I agree that DC survivor should count as death on a hook or by mori. Perhaps 3 instead of 4, it still will be hard but at least you have a way to prevent the last survivor DC.

  • Rareware0192
    Rareware0192 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2020

    I got it yesterday after having two games in a row where survivors DC on hook. I think the best solution to this would be if you, as killer, pick up a survivor that’s on death hook, and they DC anytime between the moment you pick them up and they die on hook, it should still count as a sacrifice.