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what is farming?


Isn't it cheating and can I get banned for doing it?

I get asked to farm a lot but I always refuse for these reasons.

Best Answer

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Answer ✓

    There are two types of farming, as Kagari_Leha mentioned above: farming with the killer, and farming teammates off hook.

    Farming with the killer is when one or more survivors work with the killer to reach a particular goal. Usually this goal is to gain as many bloodpoints as possible for both sides, but nowadays many people "farm" challenges as well - for example, survivors deliberately stepping in a Trapper's traps over and over and in front of him, to allow the killer to complete the "Hungry Jaws" challenge.

    Farming off hook is when a survivor unhooks another unsafely - that is, with the killer nearby - without using an insurance perk like Borrowed Time. It's referred to as farming because the rescuer usually does this to gain bloodpoints for the unhook without caring about the hooked player's safety. This type of farming is less common than it used to be, since changes to the bloodpoint earning system and the perk We're Gonna Live Forever have attempted to incentivise safe unhooks by making them more rewarding for both parties.

    As for your second question, neither form of farming is bannable, including farming with the killer, which I suspect is what your question was mainly referring to. Officially, it's frowned upon by the devs and not seen as something to be encouraged, but they don't consider it cheating and won't ban anyone for it.

    The only exception to this is when a player farms with the killer at the expense of teammates. For example, if the killer chooses not to farm with Survivor A, or if Survivor A doesn't want to participate in the farm, and Survivors B and C, who are farming, therefore help the killer to find and kill Survivor A, that is a punishable offence on the part of both the killer and Survivors B and C, because it comes under "working with the opposite team to gain an advantage or grief teammates".

    Basically, if it's just you and the killer messing around, and the other survivors can either join in or not as they please, nobody in that situation is doing anything that they could get banned for. Hope that answers your question!


  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Nah, farming is either :

    playing nice with everyone so everyone get bloodpoints/dailies/challenges done and just basically have fun without any pressure or normal gameplay

    or in the case of "farming unhooks" it's just unhooking someone in a very bad situation that lead them to their death.

    So, none of them are bannable, it's just people having either fun, either just making a mistake (i dont think a lot of people unhook survivors just for the points)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    I'll give a sort of definition to it... in my own way.


    To indulge in the act of playing friendly with the Killer to gain BPs (Blood Points) for both sides. Farming is usually done by every player within the trial, but in some cases, some Survivors refuse to indulge in the act.

    So basically...

    In a sense, some Survivors band together to use BPS's (Bloody Party Streamers) to gain 100% BPs for each BPS used, that's a total of 400% + if the Killer is tipped off before hand becomes 500%... or it's by luck they use a BPS to make it 500%

    Than, some Survivors tend to use a perk called "We're Gonna Live Forever" which gives a 25% BP bonus each time you safe rescue a Survivor off the hook.

    For the Killer, the other perk for them would be BBQ to gain another 100%. This effectively makes every Survivor and the Killer gain 600% BPs in one match... but sometimes this isn't always going to happen... and you'd be lucky to get even one BPS.

    but can you get banned for it?

    It's not stated under the game rules that you'll be banned for in-game Farming, but it also isn't ok to do either. Farming is a sort of grey line with BHVR... but BHVR has said before that they're highly against the act of farming (I.E. they frown upon it).

    That being said, has anyone been reported to be banned for farming? Well... no... at least not anyone who has the entire team and Killer wanting to do it. See, the thing is... nobody really reports you for farming since the entire team and the Killer joined in on it.

    So, to report say... the Killer for farming while you yourself and your team also farmed would make no sense what-so-ever.

    But the question is, is it bannable? Well, in some cases some Survivors don't want to farm... and if the Killer and the other Survivors force that on them, than BHVR takes action against that yes. But if the entire team and Killer is on board than... the report never comes anyways, so did it ever even happen?

    I don't know, I can't say for sure. That question has been tossed back and forth and well, I don't think anyone really knows that answer for sure, except the devs of course, they're the ones that issue the bans.