Decisive Strike Condition changed to second Hook Phase

Face Camping is only a thing at ranks 15-20 (and with current Ranking System and how easy it is to rank up it only affects new Players who have no access to DS there are other changes required to fix this Problem ...).
And anyone with a brain should understand that we are talkin about 4 Players running DS every Game Situation we have in red ranks ...
DS Stun Duration was buffed in 2.6 from 3 to 5 sec (cuz all Killers ran Enduring) but with 3.0 Enduring no longer affects DS so instead of nerfing it back to 3sec i would propose a different Solution...
What if it only activates after the Survivor reached second Hook Phase (this way you prevent lots of slugging and braindead unhooking infront of Killer Situation).
It would still protect the Survivor but it does not deny Killer the Hook Points for second Hook.
Btw: I play both Sides i also got laurie and i dont use DS (BHVR can check it dont mind ;) ) (so dont come with some Silly Defense for a way to strong Perk).
How about no?
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No. Tunneling doesn't exclusively happen when you're camped. The perk is designed to stop tunneling not camping.
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Dont tunnel then? If you chased them for a while their ds should almost be timed out anyways. If you travel back to the hook a lot then use make your choice. If you camp, it's pretty easy to down the rescuer and force a trade off. Camping and tunneling is very strong and easy to do. It deserves a strong counter. Camping and tunneling tend to go hand in hand so yes, it was designed to also counter camping.