the big red flashlight

Of course by the big red flashlight i'm referring to the red stain. Now before we get into any discussions i already know tricks to try and hide it and beast of prey. However i noticed a couple things when watching other killers streams. The stain or big red flashlight not only should be removed but is broken mechanic.

In more than one instance even when trying to turn, run backwards or face the wall to trick the survivor it doesn't matter. The stain projects underneath objects like rocks and walls. Making it still easily visible from any direction. Secondly the red stain appears to project farther than it should. Meaning even if the survivor was a few meters beyond where the red stain ends there is still a portion of the red stain on the survivors back. Now to be honest that part i may not understand since it is on their back but still seems to easily be seen and a direction indicator.

The question is why is there a red stain in the first place, Again yes i no mm doesn't get it in teir 1, pig doesn't get it when crouching. Beast of prey negates it but is a wasted perk slot. Especially with the super long cool down.

The bigger question - is this game so one sided and unbalanced the devs just find ways to constantly screw killers over? Why on earth do they need such a crutch. I know good survivors will say they don't use it anyway because of they are constantly looking over their shoulders and the cam angles. So if that is the case then simply remove it from the game.

I truly believe in doing so would go a long way to help solve the looping issue.

The more hours i put into the game the more i learn. The more i learn is how unbalanced and one sided this game really is.


  • Envees
    Envees Member Posts: 370

    The stain is really useful to survs. At least to me. It helps in jungle gym situations and places where there are loops in the open but you cant see the killre such as high haybales for example. It helps in places where you can mind game since you can see the stain most of the time before he even sees you.

    As a young killer you are told to git gud. Once at the good killer stage most realize that killer is not fun at all with the amount of second chance perks, pallets and situations survs have. Killing does provide more BP. At least for me it does.

    I started as killer to earn points for my survs and stayed with it after i got pretty much all teachables on all characters.