Why quit the game?

I usually read every and any post people makes. Gaining info on how people play and what's wrong with the game. But after seeing a post of a guy admitting to quiting a game just to screw with other players. You guys complain about the keys, and moris. Just let it all happen. I play both sides. I get bad games too and I just let it happen. Untill now at least. After reading and seeing people leave a game purposely just to mess someone over because they got butt hurt. I began to get influenced by it. I play games now and when I get triggered I think about quiting out if pettyness.

My points are

1. The people who do it. May infuence others. Leading to a worst community ( cuz this one is already shyt).

2. Why quit? Take the extra minuet to take your death and move on to your next game with dignity. Bye!


  • Scorp721
    Scorp721 Member Posts: 47

    Because selfish "HaHa you didn't get to kill me so I win" types of people smh.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358
  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    I’ve rage quit before. I’m not proud of it and it’s always a snap decision usually due to a game going miserably bad for me. I’m usually being tunneled and camped to death and if already having a bad day, I’ll quit. Now, I haven’t in a while but I’ll admit to having done it.

  • Klootviool95
    Klootviool95 Member Posts: 8

    People also quit to stop others from getting achievements done

  • sk1913
    sk1913 Member Posts: 84

    People quit (killers and survivors) when they are not having fun.

    There could be a lot of way to have more fun in this game, I hope one day devs will find out.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    I'm guilty of rage quitting, and I'm sure we've all done it at one point. But I'd never do it just to spite people. Yes, sometimes it's really annoying to just be downed instantly after unhooking and dying right there, but that's just the game. Some people just enjoy being (Insert bad word here) for the sake of it. It's how they get their strange joy from life

  • If they are not having fun, ie just being slugged or something over and over....they might leave. There are a lot of folks doing it do be mean spirited too, but not everyone is.

    If you are being hard tunneled and camped, you might just DC or hook suicide and find a different game, or if as killer they have 3 gens done and you have not even seen a single survivor because they are all way better and many ranks higher w/ thousands of hours playtime to your like 20....you might get bored and just leave.

    It's a game and folks want to have fun, that doesn't mean they are entitled I know I don't care if I win or lose, but I want to be able to actually PLAY. As long as it's at least playable, I am fine and won't DC.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542

    Why slug?

  • Kay_Kazuto
    Kay_Kazuto Member Posts: 18
    edited January 2020

    I force myself to relax when I get mad. Technically I throw the match but as a serv I'll give myself to the killer, sometimes they will be nice back. And as a killer if they gave me a hard time that makes me wanna face camp them, I'll down them, tell myself they was a good player for outruning me. And I'll let them get back up and go. 😏 Y'now take then to the gates and let them wiggle free.

  • Kay_Kazuto
    Kay_Kazuto Member Posts: 18

    Sorry, correction I read whatever post is in my Google feed on my break at work. Sometimes as a pastime. I like seeing how people would cry about things. So triggered.

  • Jakeyboy1992
    Jakeyboy1992 Member Posts: 12

    Maybe if most killers wasnt dicks then we would have no need to quit simple as that

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    Misery loves company. People who quit are having a miserable time or they are just straight dicks, and dicks are usually miserable irl.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
    edited January 2020

    I asked this same question a few days ago... here's the highlight I made from it :)

  • VoodooChild
    VoodooChild Member Posts: 319

    because people are stupid lol. So common for the first person I down to DC

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763
    edited January 2020

    It’s down to bad games. If you’re playing and having a crap time, it eventually wears you down. I’ve had it happen but I always feel bad rage quitting.