Why so displeased, entity? :(

SynKaal Member Posts: 21
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Not even a safety pip...

Ok, I get that whoever DC gets punished, but do I really need to get punished too just for playing the game????

inb4: "look at OP addons"

EDIT: quick disclaimer. The survivors in the image are not the topic of this discussion nor the balancing or the iri heads. Please be gentle with your fellow survivors and killers below and try to discussion only the main issue that is a killer being punished by survivors DCing, this being because of addons, perks, the killer used or just random things

Post edited by SynKaal on


  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    Even if they didn't DC, it is hard to get any points with this add on. It's like with every instant downing killer.

    If you play for points or to rank up, don't use this add on. (Tbh I don't see the point why you would use it during blood hunt anyway, it's just a waste of the blood hunt event and your own potential bloodpoints imo).

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    The Entity doesn't care about your pips. The Entity wants SOULS, dammit!

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    I did it just for fun, but not even safety because of DC and let it go on the hook is at least bs..

    I gave it 4 souls, why she still displeased? :(

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivors quickly going up to toxic ranks where they have high queue times and very little chance against killers their own rank, sounds survivor sided. I agree killer should black pip easier.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    It is survivor sided, gives them an ego boost, making them think they're Noob3, plus they wind up playing against purple and green killers anyway.

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    I dont condone dcing, but you got it coming with those add ons. Cry me a river.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2020

    I think the point of this thread is to say "haha i made them DC". In that, I don't think they care much about their bloodpoints. They just go out of their way to ruin everyone elses time. Can't say I blame the two DCers. You have to be wanting to be a pain in the ass to bring sweaty builds like that to Double BP games. It doesn't do anything for you, and all it does is cuck survivors of their BP. That right there, is toxic.

    Contary to what you may want to think, a lot of the time it's not likely salt. It's more "zzzzz, I'm bored, next game pls".

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    The Huntress is clearly crying tears of Putrid Serum.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    Were allowed to use anything at our disposal inside the game dcing is considered a exploit like dcing to let the last survivor to get the hatch. If youve been outplayed accept you lost instead of ruining everyone elses fun.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    If you're using an Iri head, you didn't outplay anyone. That's like saying a survivor using DS is outplaying a killer. Completely asinine.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513
    edited January 2020

    You can dodge the axeheads cant you ds you either wait for a minute or hope they miss (which almost never happens) and like i said your allowed to use what you want moris/keys/addons they are in the game they exist as a option. Dcing is a exploit and unfair and the devs know it thats why were getting penalties.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    Care, they can't do the first part so have to make the add-on sound more BS than it actually is.

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    Calm down, brothers, I was just saying that I should not be punished because others did bad things... Why all of a sudden this becomes a "Iri heads are not balanced"/"game is survivor-sided"???

    CALM DOWN PEOPLE, STOP FLAMING AND TURNING A TOPIC ABOUT "Should the killer be punished because a survivor DC'ed?" into something else...

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    (Also, you should probably censor out the names of the survivors in your screenshot, since this post could reflect badly on them and you don't want to get a warning from the mods.)

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    Not pipping because of the addons I can put the blame on me, I choosed to use them, but getting punished because they DC'ed is a little too much.

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2020

    Shouldn't turn into it. I used this pic as an example, to topic is not because fo the survivors, they choosed to DC and got punished by it, I can even go further and say that is their problem they decided to DC. The point of the topic is to discut my side and why do I have to lose rank/not pip because others decided they didn't want to play that match.

    Quick edit: thanks for the advice anyway, my brother <3

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    They can't help it. Anything that would remotely sympathize with a killer would be oh so horrible in the eyes of BHVR and survivor mains. You already know the answer:No it's not fair, no you shouldn't get punished. but this is DbD and it'll always be survivors first.

  • AngryFluffy
    AngryFluffy Member Posts: 443

    You can dodge ds by not tunneling. As killer I almost never have a problem with ds tbh. And yes, it is possible to run around a huntress for a while, one time I ran one around for 4 gens and didnt even know she had iri heads, but sooner or later you will get hit. And it is not fun at all if you see your team going down like flies, or to get camped with a iri head up in your direction ( which sadly happens a lot of times I face a huntress with iri head).

    From my point of view I'd only use iri heads if I'd want to actively ruin any fun for the survivors, because logically no one really likes to go against it.

    DCing is never an option for me tho, but in a situation like that as survivor I'd might just let go on the hook to get into another game asap. So there would not be much difference.

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    Indeed I know the answer, but should us all try to change this talking about the issue instead of closing ourselves into our hate for the other part?

    I can understand why BHVR leans towards survivors more, ina way they are 80% of the player base (if we think about players only being one of the two options), but preventing killers to get punished because of bad use of a (sort of) feature is beyond the point of acceptable and this has nothing to do with balance, it's just QoL for the game. Survivors already don't get punished when the killer DC, so why not the other way around too?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I understand you didn't mean any ill will by it, I just suggested it to be safe because I don't know whether the mods will see it that way. Up to you, though 🙂

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    I will put a disclaimer on the topic itself, just to be sure! Thanks for the support, brother

  • Ashlich
    Ashlich Member Posts: 119

    Because it doesn't line up with their agenda. Just because 80% of the match is Survivors doesn't mean the 20% should be ######### on. This is BHVR you're talking about, where over half the killers are in such a bad spot they can't be used in real matches unless the player themselves is a master of them. So yes, the "majority" are going to wanna keep the "minority" in place so they can keep enjoying themselves at our expense.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513

    Depends on the scenario because i had a survivor with ds go for a unsafe unhook so i grabbed them off and of course ds they grab the survivor then run. You can get dsd even when your not trying to tunnel. And for iri head peanits already said itll probably become if you land a shot from a certain distance away its a one hit down to remove the just going behind them and hitting them with the axe poing blank.

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    If you want to further discuss the iri heads problem, please head to this other thread I just made for this https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/116839/lets-talk-about-the-iridescent-heads-on-huntress/p1?new=1

    Keep this one for the problem about the killer being punished by survivors DCing! Thanks, brother

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21

    As I stated before, this topic is not about Iri heads, balancing issues or anything, please let this part of the discussion just die, my brother!

    As a last answer to the comment, I use iri ehads when I want to feel powerful for a match, same as tombstone myers. It's not meant to rank up or gather BP, just once in a while feel like I have the power on the match and even then sometimes I feel powerless against them.

    Anyway, let's this discussion about balancing and iri heads die on this comment, shall we, friend? Thanks a lot <3

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Yes, with the hitboxes in the current state where you can get hit from air 6 feet to the left or right of your character (even from the Huntress' POV), you can accurately dodge them. Sure.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    I believe when a person dcs automatically all survivors and the killer shouldn't lose their rank. Only bad thing is that they can just hook suicide

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    The Entity was just disappointed that you brought Iri heads.

    But really - The emblem system is designed to encourage you to play in a way that is fun for everybody in the match. Any killer with an instant down ability is going to be lacking brutality points if they repeatedly use it. Why? Because it's not very fun to play against and the devs don't want to encourage people playing that way. Also, there would be no incentive to play any killers without an insta-down ability if those abilities rewarded you with you the equivalent of two m1 hits (as far as emblems go). I don't think you can separate the discussions of 'killers de-pipping from survivors DCing' from a discussion on iri heads and the build you were running, because it is likely a cause and effect.

    You are in fact rewarded for survivors DCing. The game is not punishing you in any way. A survivor DCing gives you bloodpoints, as well as points towards emblems. The thresholds required to reach each tier of the 4 emblems do not change, so it seems that you are saying that 'the game does not reward you enough for survivors DCing'. I don't really know about counting a DC as 3 hooks, 6 hits, and 3 short chases in the emblem category... I feel like the reward you receive right now is fine, even though you are often prevented from ranking up if somebody DC's right at the beginning of the game. It's extremely hard to say how much you should be rewarded for a DC, as there's so many different circumstances you could be in. No algorithm could possibly accurately determine how much you should be rewarded for a specific DC just by looking at the state of the match.

    Sure you want to have a large reward for getting a down and the person DCing at the start of a match, but how can you prove or have the game predict that you were going to hook that person 3 times throughout the game? But what if you get stomped and 2 people escape, and 2 people spontaneously disconnect while walking out the exit door from internet issues or something. Should those count as 2 kills, 6 hooks, etc... and give you a pip? Probably not. And you would have a lot more rank 20 skill killers in red ranks if it did work like that.

    If you're constantly running into people DCing and you are de-ranking because of it, and you hold ranking up/pipping as your primary objective while playing, I'd recommend just trying to play without items that people tend to consider 'OP', as most of those items people fine very frustrating to play against. That obviously isn't going to prevent everybody from rage-quitting, but it will obviously reduce how often it happens.

    There isn't really a difference between rank 1 and rank 3 as far as matchmaking goes, and rank becomes pretty trivial once you get to that point. That's a separate discussion, but I wouldn't take deranking too seriously anyways if you had fun and enjoyed the match. Play how you want to play, but consider the other people in the match.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    I just got my own taste of it. Wraith, Ormond, everyone on death hook, one kill, 23K bloodpoints = entity displeased. Not gonna lie, I tunneled on the next two games and big shock, I got ruthless and merciless.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    I.. Don't think the issue is necessarily about being rewarded too little or not at all.. I think the way that the emblem system works for the killers in terms of the effects of a DC is entirely unfair in itself.

    From what I've seen scrolling through the forums (I'm a survivor main, so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong here..) DC'ing players drastically change the killers ability to pip, since I think it was changed to what.. a 3k or so at least for a pip. That getting into higher ranks it was becoming impossible to pip based off the "balanced" nerfs and buffs to try average around a 2k in a game.. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    But my point is, conditions should change based on a DC. A DC for a killer should contribute more to getting a pip than it does. Of course, you can't be sure if the killer would have killed them anyway, but if they had it completely sabotages their score. Because it hardly effects survivors, of course, it does cause a disadvantage because an early game DC ######### over generator work and can often snowball the game, but when this isn't the case, the other survivors are completely capable of double pipping despite the team mate DC. Killers.. don't really have that.

    Of course, kills are important for Killers, but when those killers are getting ######### over by the emblem system you know it needs to be changed. It shouldn't rely on amount of kills, especially when it's not considering all the factors out of the control of the killers. And Honestly, this problem is becoming increasingly obvious and exploited given the flaws in matchmaking currently.

    I'm sorry

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well you would've probably depipped anyway because of your addons. I know that's not the main focus of the post but when you bring a build with the intention of having literal 5second chases you won't get many chaser points.

  • xenofon13
    xenofon13 Member Posts: 1,241

    Iri Hitboxtress, 2dc's and you want safety pip? This game is the definition of depip.

  • SynKaal
    SynKaal Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2020

    I understand your point but still not the point I'm trying to raise awareness on.

    Imagine this: You enter a match as trapper with padded jaws, two survivors get trapped, you hook both, they decided to just die and the other two are just not in the mood to play a 2v1 with 5 or 4 gens left and DC. You were using weak addons that, in a way, grants 2 hits for the emblems, not many gens were done if none at all, you got only 2 hooks and was denied of 2 more for 2 survs and the complete 3 for the other 2. You are in no way in the position to do anything, you can't control the way survivors want to play and yet, de-pip.

    See the problem? It's not the iri heads, it's the DCing and killers getting hurt because of it. I'm not asking for double-pip or even a pip on this case, I couldn't play the match so there is no reason to go up on the ranking system, but I should at least be protected from rank down because, as stated, I had zero control of what just happened.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    Hopefully it will change with the dc penalties and the upcoming reworking of ranks.

    The emblem system should give and auto black pip for both sides in this scenario apart from swf members.

    Maybe instead of punishing just the player but instead punish the whole Swf group. What if everyone lost the maximum one earned in bloodpoints in the match and for each one who dc's this doubles. Triples etc so 3 dc then its three times those max points.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You could have still safetied if you hadn't killed the other 2 on 1st hook. Let them do 2 saves each, give them 3 chases (6 total) and that's more than enough for safety.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Lucky you. Sometimes I'll start the match with entity displeased on my screen from the beginning, blocking the entire left side of my screen for the rest of the game.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I understand where you are coming from, because it certainly isnt fair to de-rank solely because of survivors DCing when you havent made any mistakes as killer. But, you also just can't give the opposing team immunity to reranking if someone on the other team disconnected. It's just like so impossible to programmatically define the line where it's ok to give that de-rank immunity and where it's not.

    I agree its an issue that should be looked into, but I think devs have higher priority things to work on. Solving this would be such a massive time investment in defining all of those lines, for not too big of an issue