KIller Abilities are not fun to play and deserve serious fixes.

For playing a while as a killer i noticed many abilities are just unfun to use and they are on the same lvl irritating as survivor having endless loop around 2 genereators.

Huntress- Hitboxes on hatchets are rly bad and when u try throw one its slows u down so if u hit that thin air on a side of wall well u getting #########. SO many times almost raged cuz of that hitboxes that i just put huntress ona bench.

Wraith- For god know why reason whenever u unstealth u stop almost in place, why ? hitting a bell and walking is to hard to put it together right ?

Spirit- fun ability in theory u have to be godskilled to use it properly and predict player movement like u would play 10k hours as well ppl go invisible for some reason what make u irritaded as ######### when u try look for scratches. And god if u dont play with pro heardset u are done u can forget u will hear anyone.

Nurse- Same as spirit super unfun ability that punish u for using it unless u spend milions of hours on game and u know exacly what distance u will go.Well if u dont u just jump once and getting stunned and then u hitting uninstal button. ppl have to lvl up nurse for one of best skills in game and i am sure most right now is just feeding her bloodpoints by playing other killers like me, i just couldnt stand this bs.

Some skills are OK-ish canibal and billy chainsaw's they fine if u dont count that 10h stun after hitting something mid skill, Pig pounce i can understand why that slow part is there.I dont have to much experience in game and thats why i decide to wrote this. Cuz i am new player and if u dont rly care of new player opinion then well as fast i started playing here i can end nothing holding me here especialy clunky unfun mechanics in skills.

So yes thats couple killers i played recently and how i feel about them if someone have other unfun killers skills to share plz write cuz i dont want step into another landmine.Thank u and i hope some devs see that.


  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877

    With Huntress I have the opposite effect. Due the hit-boxes being funky, I am able to hit Survivors around corners and over the top of certain objects.

  • Souless
    Souless Member Posts: 47

    Ok u didint read it carefully. I am NEW PLAYER what makes me instantly bad, i am learning, there is no way for me to be instantly good or meaby i am cuz i am placed with way higher ranks no idea ppl say matchmmaking is ######### up. What this post IS ABOUT are skills and that they are not fun to use and as well pusnishing player for using them what is double unfun in some cases. how to learn using properly a skill if that skill is punishing u for using it, you just ending up with not using skills cuz not experienced players finding out that not using skills is better for them cuz they dont getting punished, what this means is unexperienced players ending up with not wanting to learn how to proper use skills and get better in game and in the end u know what will happen, they just quit cuz they think they are just bad and there is no point. Keep that in mind plz or u just want to say to me that i have to spend 100 hours as nurse in stun after missing my skill to say anything cuz thats the right way ?

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    The reason why you find these abilities unfun is BECAUSE you're new. Nurse I can see why you'd say that. Wraith is very add-on dependent and without windstorm and his bugged lunge he's even worse than he was before. Hillbilly and cannibal the solution is to just git gud at using the chainsaw and not bump into things (a tip with Bubba is only hold forward and move your mouse and not move left or right). When you know how to read scratchmarks and listen out for survivors spirit's power can be used by anyone with half a brain cell and win with it.

    The solution here is really to just learn the game more. I'm fairly experienced with killer but when I tried playing hillbilly and nurse for the first time (like a few weeks ago) I was trash with these killers but quickly learned and adapted to their powers and now hillbilly is one of the killers I have the most fun with

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Okay, so its too hard for you to learn gameplay mechanics? Then you shouldnt play any game which needs some kind of skill to be played. Killer is the powerrole so you need to have some skill to be a good killer. If you could just do hit´n´run it would be nonsense to play survivor or different characters.

    Spirit is most easy to use killer cause you just have to listen to survivor sounds. No skill involved anyway. And Nurse is most hardest killer to learn, and so far the most dangerous one. Huntress hitboxes are always worse. they probalby hit survivors even though you should have missed entirely. Still she needs skill to be played due to her drawbacks, which are needed. Wraith is just bugged right now.


  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    A bit of truth is in his/her words.

    I don't know which guy at bhvr has think that stuns are a fun-element for the killer players, but they have make sure that almost every killer has to suffer under them.

    Imagine survivors would have to deal with the same amount of stuns as killers... Oh I would like to read the forums then... :).

    Still, also AlostPuppy is right.

    Some killers need some practice. The good news is, they most time need not many of it. If you have the chance to learn, use the chance. It is for sure difficult at the moment where the matchmaking puts red and purple rank survs+de-rankers down to lower tier killers to troll them, or whatever^^.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited January 2020

    Nurse's power is mainly unfun right now, because its buggy as hell. Her post-blink lunge is extremely inconsistent in terms of range, and the game quite often takes away your ability to charge chain-blinks. Also the Yamaoka map is littered with unblinkable zones.

  • Souless
    Souless Member Posts: 47

    Practice will not make them fun to play, skills unnecesary punishing killers in diferent ways for using them or making them dificult. As well addons not supose to make skill playable if it is this way its a design flaw and should be remade. Get out of ur box getting good will not make skills nice to use it will only mean that you overcome obstacles.

    xBEATDOWNSx Member Posts: 636

    Spirit and Wraith are among the best killers when you put some practice in and understand their limits.

    Keep playing. You'll get there.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I lost it at the spirit part lol

    She has one of the smallest skill caps in the game and you don't need to be godskilled to be good with her. You will be fine with almost any headphone.

  • Souless
    Souless Member Posts: 47

    Its not about getting there its about it can be very unfun experience to get there.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    Imagine thinking you need to be godlike while using spirit.. all what you need:


    MOST OF THE time the huntress doesn't even have to hit the survivors thanks to the awesome dedicated servers and the trash hitboxes..

    Just imagine.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited January 2020

    It seems to me you're not having fun because you are too focused on the outcome. You must accept that you are new and will ######### up often until you'll learn.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Every killer is pretty fun to play, imo, except Nurse.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Don’t play Nurse, Huntress, or Spirit until you have more experience. I would recommend Wraith as a starter killer. He has a very simple ability to use, survivors can stealth against him, and he’ll teach you the basic fundamentals of running tiles.

    Spirit...while it seems hard to play is not hard to play. If you have tracking down she’s so simple. You do not have to have any mechanical skill to play her unlike Nurse and Huntress.

    Once you’re a decent killer you can move onto the “harder” killers, but Wraith is pretty simple to use. Trust’ll get there. I thought I’d always be trash.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    I think the problem aren't the abilities. I think the problem is the current state of matchmaking (they say it's a bug, but I have my doubts). I think that you'd find the abilities more useful and less annoying if you played against survivors closer to your ranks.

    However I do agree that some killers need some buffs; like Trapper, Pig and Clown.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    To make killer abilities more fun to use and play against we should implement more cool downs.

    Cool downs are the magic silver bullet that both prevents killers from overperforming and gives survivors enough time to goof around and enjoy the game.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Seems to have worked well for Nurse. It's like Flex-Tape - Just slap a cool down on that cool down so you can cool down while you cool down @_@

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278
    edited January 2020

    Trust me, it does not take much skill to play Huntress and Spirit, you're over exaggerating, I have tons of fun.

    I mean it doesn't take much skill after playing them for a while, they may be hard at first but you'll get used to her and not have any problems, you can mindgame the hatchets like you can loops.

    Spirit does not take skill at all.

    Post edited by OMagic_ManO on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    Cooldowns are not everytime a savior, imo.

    As example, if the devs would make the m1 attack independent from the Legion frenzy abilitie, they would reduce a lot of frustration with this killer and that hangs together mainly with his cooldown mechanic.

    Also I think that many problems killer have, have nothing to do with cds. The trapper could use more traps at the beginning as example. Or maybe also darker traps (without addons).

    The gas of the Clown could do more as just looking nice and so on (I know I exaggerate here).

    CD's are maybe a help here and there, but I don't think they would be the holy grail.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited January 2020

    Spirit takes basic tracking but that’s it.

    If you think Huntress is a no skill killer then you are out of your mind. She easily has the highest skill cap of any killer. She’s not a killer you can learn to play overnight unless you’re used to first person shooter games.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    They abilities are designed how they are in order to balance the gameplay for survivors going against the killer, as well as to create a skill gap between people who are new to playing the killer and those who have practiced and mastered the abilities of that killer.

    If you aren't having fun with a specific killer, play a different killer. If you aren't having fun with any killers, play survivor. If you aren't having fun with survivor, play a different game. If you aren't having fun with any other game, it's probably time to go outside.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Mr_K, I see that you are still very upset about the Nurse nerf lol

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    I think it’s fun. I just started with hag and learning how to trick survivors into going into my traps has been engaging. I was bored as survivor. Maybe pick one killer and get good at it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Sounds like either you don't like the game/playing as killer or you're not willing to learn to adapt to a new game. Dead by Daylight isn't like most video games where you are near godly the second you boot it up. It isn't like most video games at all, in fact. Either give it more time and see if actually learning the mechanics will make the game appealing to you, or play something else. The fact that you're complaining about Spirit isn't a good sign though. She's one of the easiest and also deadliest killers in the game.

  • Zamblot
    Zamblot Member Posts: 270

    I kinda agree somewhat but I gotta admit it was the opposite for me. Killers started off fun but man they are so stale and boring to play now. I went from a 50/50 player to a 90/10 player very recently (90% surv) and it's much more enjoyable imo

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765
    edited January 2020

    Person that created this thread, ignore this comment above and keep sharing your opinion as you wish (without offending people, like this guy did).

    I agree that some powers have too much restrictions, but when you start to learn them, you will find some fun killer to play.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I started playing Huntress again and she definitely takes skill, if you aren’t a good Huntress then you’re gonna get looped to oblivion, you have to be good with hatchets otherwise you’ll fail.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Skill yes if you're not accustomed to playing her, but it does not take long to learn to play her, she's underrated, at least to me, if you play one or two games with her, the rest will be easy.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I reworded what I said, Spirit is easy to play and Huntress at least imo is not hard to play after a game or two, I find her to be easy, not at first.