How can a killer tell if a survivor is toxic?

UnluckySteve Member Posts: 14
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

I'm not a toxic survivor. At least I don't think I am. I know how to loop well(I try juking but it barely works for me lol) I don't run extremely meta perks. I usually run Sprint Burst,Fixated,Resilience and Quick and Quiet. However I get messaged by the killer getting hate messages (PS4). Which makes me think am I doing something wrong or something toxic.

I usually play Claudette but not Blendette,I also play Kate,Steve,Dwight and Jake if it helps.


  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    There's not a single "objective" definition of what counts as toxic, so whatever people personally consider toxic (if anything).

    Like for me no in-match actions that don't straight up break the rules are toxic. The term is exclusively reserved for stuff like genuine harassment or threats post-game. To some it might just be tbagging, and to some pallet blinding, bodyblocking and "excessive" looping might count as toxic no matter what.

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Pointing, very toxic. Never point.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    They know their bros.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Despite what some people will say, there is nothing in game, as a mechanic, that is toxic. No emote, item, addon, perk etc can be toxic. Anyone who says anything else is incorrect. What is and isn't toxic is also not up for debate, nor is it a matter of opinion. Toxic is an attitude. A state of mind. Just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't make that thing toxic.


  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    As killer main I would say everything that seems only be done by you, to either upset one of your teammates, or the killer.

    As already said in this thread - there is no clear definition of what is toxic and what not.

    I bet from 100 killers and 100 survivors have 100 killers and 100 survivors a different opinion about that.

    What me matters, if you try to body block me, I take it as toxic and will deal with you, how I only deal with toxic people. Nobody comes between me and my prey... Nobody :P :).

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I've seen killers complain that survivors are healing and complain that survivors are not healing. Who cares? Play how you want and have fun.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Blendette is pretty much all I can think of. Unhooking in my face could also be considered toxic if the survivor I just hooked is only on first phase.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    Honestly doesn't matter, Killer or Survivor play how you want. People are gonna complain either way.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    Go Watch some Noob3 videos. You will quickly learn what toxic is.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Noob3 is just an old meme at this point ngl. Ayrun and Ussylis are the ones actually keeping up with the meta.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    True that. Noob doesn't post much anymore. I have never watched those other 2. Any good?

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    By the way, people saying there’s nothing in the game that is toxic are full of #########. Maybe the crouch was not designed to be toxic but people made it that way with teabagging. There’s plenty of ways to be toxic and many people exploit this. If you go in to annoy or piss people off, then you’re toxic. Period.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Well honestly they're not that toxic, they just play really well and optimally. They don't do memes and jokes to cover up how boring their gameplay is, instead they constantly offer helpful tips for both sides. Demi is the only dbd memer I know of on YT.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Do you have the malicious intention or are you purposely doing things to aggravate, upset, or ruin the experience of any of the other 4 players?

    If you answered no, congrats you’re not toxic. Yes, please step on a lego. “But I’m just having fun!!!!” - if your idea of fun is at the expense of others, you’re a jerk.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720
    edited January 2020

    I play the full stealth build on claudette. Brown pants, brown shirt, no hats.

    • Spine Chill
    • Urban Evasion
    • Self Care
    • Iron will.

    When they FINALLY fix Distortion, I will use that instead. in one of my perk slots.

    It is amazing to watch the killers walk right over me, while standing still. First time as a player you buy her brown pants in the store, dawn them and stand absolutely still. You wonder "HOW DID THEY NOT SEE ME". It is very thrilling and scary at the same time.

  • Zephinism
    Zephinism Member Posts: 542
    • Playing a certain character that they don't like.
    • Wearing a cosmetic that they don't like.
    • Running the killer in a loop.
    • Tapping a totem when the killer has Thrill of the Hunt
    • Doing generators
    • Bringing Keys
    • Bringing Flashlights
    • Bringing Toolboxes
    • Escaping through the Hatch
    • Tbagging at a pallet
    • Tbagging at a Door
    • Disconnecting
    • Killing yourself on the hook
    • Running away from the basement
    • Pointing at the killer.
    • Blinding the killer
    • Using Decisive Strike
    • Playing with friends.

    Take your pick.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I can just tell whos toxic, obviously some actions are toxic like T-bagging and flash light spam but others just try hard and during that chase you know if you end up killing them they will send hate messages.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Basics of toxicity include t-bagging, flashlight clicking, spamming in and out of lockers to get attention. Annoying behavior that killers can take personally and call toxic include chain blinding, repetitive flashlight/head on/pallet saves, hook techs, grab dodging, and constantly running the god loops.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,248

    Honestly, the only thing that really tilts me as 1200 hrs killer main is hook sabo coupled with Breakout. Any squad running a thou-shalt-not-hook-us build fills my tilt-o-meter

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Point and t-bag. That's when they get tunnelled and face camped until death. I'll let everyone else go just to teach you a lesson. You taunt the bull, you get the horns right up the keister! Then they come here and whine about being face camped and play the "innocent" role. ~facts

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    If you weren't doing anything clearly toxic like teabagging or pointing or stuff like that you are conciddert toxic for having more skill then the other one

    At wich point you should take it as a compliment

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    How is body blocking toxic? It's a strategy that works and is incorporated into the game. There are even achievements for taking hits. The toxic behavior is lashing out at someone for out playing you. You're welcome to chase said person, but what they did is not toxic by any means, no debate. 

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    Clicking a flashlight or jumping in and out of a locker aren't toxic. I do it daily to get the killer to come after me instead of the injured person. You'd be surprised how often it works. As for tea bagging - if someone clicking control is too much for someone's delicate sensibilities, they need to go play Minecraft.

    Again - not liking something =! toxic.

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318
    edited January 2020

    pointing, tbagging, clicking flashlight, body blocking constantly, unhooking right away with bt, bringing a farm map offering, key, BNP, spamming rushed actions to annoy the killer.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited January 2020

    You maybe right, but I am more as just annoyed if someone gets between me and my prey.

    It is my personal feeling and less an actual rule, or whatever. Some guys are highley annoyed by tbagging, face camping, flash light using, loopings, tunneling and my weak spot is body blocking.

    That is the only reason why I have Madgrit on every single one of my killers and I will for sure give the survivor who has did this my complete and only attention then :)*.

    Imo, it is ok to have weakspots. After all, it shows that we are still humans ;).

    *Last part only when I am in a bad mood.

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    "Everyone is wrong except me. Only what I say is toxic is actually toxic. Being toxic is just THIS one thing that only I approve. And everyone is wrong. Did I say I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT TOXIC IS?"

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Camping and tunneling are also strategies that work, but survivors sure complain about those. Body blocking is 100% annoying when it's the fresh unhook with BT and is a guaranteed death sentence when done to me. Actively trying not to tunnel, and they run right in front of me. 15 second countdown, then you die.

    They're absolutely toxic and that's the reason why it works on the dumb killers. Not me, I'm more like...

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    nickname checks out.

    @UnluckySteve - if you want to know the consensus on what toxic means, the correct definition would be to actively trying to upset the killer / the other survivors, for whatever reason. This also means that "Clicking a flashlight or jumping in and out of a locker" are toxic behaviours, since they are done to upset the killer.

    This being said, consensus is different than dictionary, so don't worry about it too much.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Toxic for me is running a Mori, teabagging,healing in front of me. Tho when these happens I get sweaty and destroy the "toxic" survivor

  • mmorrow8
    mmorrow8 Member Posts: 59

    I'm actually suprised I haven't gotten any messages about being potentially toxic. I know I used to Tbag on occasion (if the killer was being a #########, I don't do it at all anymore) and I flashlight blind at pallets since I'm not entirely great at looping and somewhat good at dodging (I'm a PS4 player so it doesn't help that much). I help my team, I unhook survivors being camped, I run Borrowed, Balanced, Deliverance, and Self Care, and if I feel bad for the killer I sometimes stay behind to let them kill me. So I'm surprised that on either side I haven't gotten messages calling me toxic. Just ones calling me stupid or one's thanking/telling me how good a player I am.

  • Athanar90
    Athanar90 Member Posts: 123

    As a killer main, I'll let you know how I see it.



    -Pointing as a taunt

    -Flashlight clicking

    -Playing counter to any objective (i.e. not either doing gens, totems, hunting for items, or distracting the killer)

    -Body blocking (Why can't the killer just push them aside? It would make sense, and there's no reason survivors should be able to actively block a hook.)

    -Worst offense: Pointing out where teammates are. Especially if they're in a locker or a good hiding spot. I give the pointed person a head start after downing the pointer, sometimes even staring at them and giving an empty swing to acknowledge them.

    And not toxic:

    -Hiding, looping, etc... The objective is to survive, and loops are a way to do it. The killer's job is to break the loop with a mind game or move on.

    -Pointing for the benefit of other survivors

    -Flashlight blinding, including after pallet stun. Blinding after a stun is a decent way to break a chase.

    -Doing gens, totems, finding items, distracting the killer

    -Using keys to open the hatch (I feel it needs a rework and that keys shouldn't spawn in trial, but they're not toxic. And before you say anything, I rarely mori.)

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I don't think killers think survivors are poisonous /s

    but in reality, everyone has a different perspective of what is is "toxic", some think its that one guy who will not shut up in the chat, others, like in this game, t-bagging some people think is toxic, some people think perks are toxic, in which completely bamboozles me (hehehe), and of course, DOING THE BLOODY OBJECTIVE, WHY DO PEOPLE THINK THIS IS TOXIC, but everyone thinks differently, like my opinion on this, nothing is really "toxic" unless its poisonous, so nothing in this game is toxic

  • thunderfly
    thunderfly Member Posts: 23

    Toxicity is subjective,. Anyone on the wrong end of a bad beat can claim the other side was toxic. I would posit the only truly toxic behaviour is DC-ing as it hurts everyone.

  • aGoodOldRub
    aGoodOldRub Member Posts: 267
    edited January 2020

    It is funny how like 100% of the people who give ######### to "killers" like it is an individual hasnt' even gotten to rank 5 killer. I recently saw a guy with 3000+ hours who hasn't gotten to rank 5.

    People talking about stuff that they have no clue about is pinnacle of 200iq. 😵

    But basically as Rank 1 survivor and Rank 1 killer when I play killer what I think toxic is t-bagging after every vault and pallet drop and t-bagging at the gate. It is basically saying haha f*ck you, ez pz, git gud and gloating.

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    Taunting the killer: bagging/spinning/emoting after pallet drops. Waiting at the gates to bag and not giving the killer a hit for points. Messaging ######### like “ggez” “baby killer” all that trash. Those are all just dick moves. Any mechanics in game are fine. Its just bad manners stuff that is “toxic”. But some killers will tunnel me and my boyfried just for being Nea. People are weird.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696

    Toxicity only occurs in the endgame chat, barring cheats/exploits.

  • PsychoKill89
    PsychoKill89 Member Posts: 3

    I don't play toxic at all I get in the game and try to do whatever I need to do to help my teammates and survive, but sometimes it doesn't work out where I'll get targeted or whatever but if I don't die at the end and know I can get out I t bag at the exit gate or hatch cause sometimes killers deserve it. But other than that I play the game to do what is supposed to be played and try to escape.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987
    edited January 2020

    Flicking their flashlight, blinding while I’m breaking a pallet, body blocking, trying to distract me in a chase, t bagging, pointing on the other side of a pallet

  • zaquintar
    zaquintar Member Posts: 54

    Definitely toxic is when survivors follow you around instead of completing objectives. Luckily often times that results in them all going down when they make the first mistake

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609

    Toxic ≠ Skilled

    People just need to stop watching no0b3, cuz now every one thinks that someone skilled is toxic

  • TheNHK32
    TheNHK32 Member Posts: 30

    1. Their name

    2. The items

    3. Cosmetics

    For example: Winter nea skin, some random claudette skin, shirtless David, facemask nea, call me crazy but I'm right 8/10 times, the other two i mentioned will solidify my guess.

    The rest is easily determined ingame

  • PapiQuentin_
    PapiQuentin_ Member Posts: 889

    There are some fools out there that call looping toxic, that call doing gens toxic, that call using BT against a camper is toxic.

    Some killer players out there would never have survived Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 lobbies back in the day. That s^^t was wild

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited January 2020

    A match as Jake in asylum. At the start game, I saw David from faraway walked toward me, I sign "come here" so we could rush a Gen

    It was actually Myer, Im tunneled to death

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    When they moonwalk in front of me.