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Can someone help me on how i can get this challenge done?

Im on the challenge in Tome 3 where i have to unhook a survivor during the end game collapse. The only thing is that every game i play, i either dont make it to the end game collapse or i make it, but i just cant get a moment where someone goes down and i can go for the save. I have BT to help, but i still can’t get the challenge done. Its one of the few that i have left to do and have been trying to do it for weeks now. Is there a certain perk build that could help me or certain play style that would really help me?

Best Answers

  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413
    Answer ✓

    It's pretty luck based. Kindred can help you position yourself for saves if necessary. Rush gens as fast as possible and hope to god somebody even goes down when the gates are powered. Then open one yourself and get a save by any means necessary.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883
    Answer ✓

    Make sure the gates are open if they 99 them. Your best bet is to go for insta-save with bt and get a trade. Iron will and dead hard might help if you are injured during egc since you can't spend time healing if someone gets hooked, you can use empathy if you want the extra info


  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,925

    I would use borrowed and hook rush for that safe even if I go down. But the challenge would have priority over escaping.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Use No One Left Behind, as well as Borrowed Time to secure a safe unhook. Bring your best toolbox and rush generators as fast as you can, because you want as many of your teammates as possible to be on only their first or second hook by the time the endgame rolls around, otherwise you won't be able to save them. I would recommend filling your last two perk slots with Adrenaline, to help you get to a gate ASAP and to make sure you can tank a hit during the rescue if necessary, and something that will speed up generator repairs like Prove Thyself or Resilience. Wake Up could also help as an alternative, since it will help you trigger the EGC as soon as possible.

    Make sure a gate is open as soon as possible, or if someone is going to get hooked near a gate, you can also 99 it and then open it before going for the save. Use NOLB to keep track of vulnerable teammates who are in danger of getting hooked and stay relatively close to them, so that you can be the one to get the rescue when they go down. Bond and Empathy are also viable alternatives to NOLB if you prefer, since NOLB won't activate until the EGC actually starts.

    This challenge is also far, far easier if you can get at least one friend to play with you. That way, you don't have to rely on teammates' bad luck, since your friend can just throw themselves at the killer during the EGC in order to get you your rescue.

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    It’s just based on the perfect scenario happening and it will eventually, likely when you aren’t expecting.