Supernatural Survivor Paragraph possible?

I've already made a bunch of discussions on this, even making a poll on it before. Supernatural is a very popular show that I believe would definitely fit in dead by daylight. It's like ash vs evil dead so it doesn't really have a killer that could be added, hence only really allowing a paragraph to happen. Now the 2 main characters Sam and Dean winchester, I believe can both be added as survivors, but myself and any other fan would most absolutely be ok with just getting one or the other. The reason I am very repetitive about talking about this license within the dbd community, is that supernatural does not have its own game, and the brothers have never appeared in a video game before either, so it would be absolutely AMAZING to see my 2 favorite characters joined in my favorite game. Also, I don't think the community would have any problem with it, because they wouldn't necessarily be a chapter because they wouldn't have a killer, so they shouldn't (at least I believe they shouldn't) interrupt the flow of chapters. What is everyone else's opinions on even the possibility of Sam and/or Dean winchester being added to the game?
Huge Supernatural fan here and I 100% agree that they need a DBD chapter. There's a few villains that could be the killer. Yellow Eyes, Alpha Vampire, Leviathan. Cain with the first blade would probably fit into the lore of DBD quite well.
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Would be cool to see, especially because they've conquered many supernatural beings they were practically raised around demons. They've even dealt with hell before, so there's no reason why they can't appear in the entity's realm.
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Yeah I really believe they would fit well with the lore, and I would definitely not mind a killer if it's even possible. Paulie Esther even mentioned how he hears it alot about how dbd players ask for super natural alot, and i just wish the devs would just tease us with anything
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The only problem I can think of is that Sam and Dean wouldn't run, Dean would go down swinging. I could ignore that though.
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Well, there are many more chapters and paragraphs to come, so never say never ;)
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I'm pretty sure every licensed killer in the game killed for their own agenda before entering the Entity's realm. Myers, Bubba, Freddy, Amanda, etc. They all had their own agendas once upon a time. I think the Leviathan would be a great addition, if for no other reason so Demogorgon would no longer be the only non-humanoid killer.
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Cain is pretty mindless, the mark only wants blood, nothing more. The mark being both lock and key to Amara does make it tricky to fit in, but Supernatural has so many different timelines and alternate universes, plus it's known for breaking it's own rules, I can see them fitting it in. Heck, the entity could be one of Chuck's creations for his own amusements.
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Cain would fit since the mark only craves blood. Since the mark is lock and key to Amara, it's tricky to fit in to the lore, but Supernatural has so many alternate universes and timelines that you could fit it in. On top of that, Supernatural is known for breaking it's own rules. Heck, the entity could be one of Chuck's creations for his own amusement.
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The same way demogorgon does.
I M A G I N A T I O N.