So they’re re-working an indoor map but no survivor bias right?
To all of the people using their “stats,” of all killers being over 50% and therefore being okay let’s also remember those stats say indoor maps generally are the ones with highest kill rates.
So again, their stats that you so lovingly cling onto, say that they’re buffing a map for survivors.
I dislike this map both as survivor and killer. It's good for stealth killers, but it's a chore for others like Billy, huntress, nurse, plague, etc.
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I don't want their crappy rework. All it does is add Version 1,2,3 and 4 to flood the map pool but still the God windows are still there.
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Reworking a map doesnt mean they're making it more survivor sided. Before we get our pitchforks, lets see what they have in mind. Getting Lery's while I'm playing Huntress for example feels pretty crippling (or Billy, who ive been playing lately). Just because stats say killers on average get more kills, doesnt mean its even a fun map to play on. I know playing on "The Game" as any non-stealth killer is pretty boring since that map is nothing but abunch of safe pallets rather than trying to mindgame a jungle gym or something. "The Game" pretty much just comes down to steamrolling ppl during the 2nd half when all the pallets is gone, because someone forgot to program windows on that map, lol.
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I was expecting Haddonfield rework, but I'm also ok with this rework.
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Oh this won't change, they will just add more pallets and a god loop in the middle.
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Right! I know they’re doing it with the Doctor which makes sense, but if they’re not reworking Mikey does that mean they’ll never rework Haddonfield
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I was thinking they’ll change the unsafe pallet spawns to safer spawns, sigh
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God I really hope the Lery's rework kills the double window of hell. You know, the one with a guaranteed god pallet right next to it.
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Maybe it's a rework so nurse, Billy and Huntress won't get cucked so hard while at the same time survivors will benefit aswell? Well, I hope it is. I personally hate playing this map as any of the killers I mentioned. But thankfully my game Crashes accidently whenever I spawn in this map ;)
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And another double standards thread. Pretty good job so far.
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Your nurse rework ended pretty well and wasn't a complete nerf at all xD
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I'm 100% that rework of lerys won't end well,you did a good job on the instaheals but nurse is just extremely bad now,unless you have hundreds of hours on her and are just a god with her ingeneral.All i can say is,we'll see but i still believe it will end badly.There were much better maps to rework as well considering how unbalanced high levels of plays can be aka red rank survivors.I know you were going with the:we rework x killer and we rework x killers map but for balance sakes i think you should have reworked worse maps,like cowshed,or thompsons, bloodlodge or disturbed ward(there are more bad maps i just named a few).
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Cool, when does Haddonfield get a “rework,” to make it fun for killers?
Althoguh honestly before any maps is rather see matchmaking fixed... constant games of all red rank survivors against a rank 12 killer are so boring for both sides
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Silly, yet not unreasonable to expect.
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Don't forget Yamaoka maps "rework" or at least "Update"
Too dark and it's unfun for both side (Killer = Lost chase easily because too dark. Survivor = Get bumped something objects near bamboo because too dark)
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I really hope you guys don't plan to add 4 other versions on this map like you did with Preschool...
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Ugh it's all you get too. I had Badham preschool 10 matches in a row yesterday, and 6 in a row the day before.
There is a stupid high chance of only getting that map for some reason, I wonder if the randomizer is bugged or what....
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I'm curious to know what will be changed. To be honest I hope it will get closer in resembling a real hospital instead of glorified series of changing rooms.
Everything is forgiven as long as you guys give some love to autodidact pretty please :3c
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Only in DBD can someone claim that 4 four players that can't hurt or kill you while you can hurt and kill them that there is a bias against you.
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To be honest, Lerys could use a rework, and it does make sense to rework it since doctor is getting changed. I'm a bit excited to see what they'll add. Maybe some easter eggs
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THIS RIGHT HERE, lol. Wish ppl would see what happens before grabbing the pitchforks.
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In general I am really against making so many version of the same map. It is not like they are completely different like the original Coldwind, Autohaven etc maps. They are just randomized but still very similar. And you make 5 of them it is pretty normal to get them more often which is really boring because that for me is the same map. And it just reduces the chances of getting any other map so you feel like you getting stucked on one map ... I think it is just bad for the game in general ...
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Holy hell people, they are reworking lery's because it's docters map
Not because it's killer sided, not because survivor bias
Purelly and only because it's docters map
I for one am excitted to see what they do with it
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To be honest when I play killer I rather play on Haddonfield then Lery's, the Game, or the Yamoaka maps. I don't like playing on Haddonfield, as against good survivors the map is just one massive god loop. I will try to play on Haddonfield as there is still a chance I could safety pip and get reasonable amount of points. On the three abominations I've mentioned above I'll either just go into the basement to be a chest defender or try and get the survivors to farm.
Maybe it's because I'm a Hillbilly main.
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Never liked lerys anyway to be honest windows sometimes man lmao