Survivors find something annoying = Nerf

So apparently anything the survivors find annoying will be killed off from the game and the Killers will pay the price over and over again, what's with the constant killer nerfs recently? Did the rank 15 survivors really complain that much that the devs decided to just make them happy without regarding how this will affect a major role of their game (Killer)? Do the devs not realise that if less killers play the longer and worse the matchmaking will be? If anything this hurts the game because now every Killer will camp and slug more so than usual.

Just my thoughts on the matter what do you guys think?


  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    No, this is another cash grab. They keep talking about how it's best combined with surveillance, which will force you to buy one of their most expensive DLC's to get it.

    Any survivors that play against me....They're going to have a REAL bad time in tunnel/slug town.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Killers will be bots in a year or two.