

Do you think the new Hex: Ruin is good?

Member Posts: 4,428

I think the new Ruin is awful, the problem with this perk is it is meant to be an end game perk, but it's a Hex at the same time and Hex perks are cleansed mostly at the start of the game, I don't know what are people at BHVR thinking...

Do you think the new Hex: Ruin is good? 100 votes

15 votes
72 votes
Maybe, I will wait for the PTB
13 votes

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  • Member Posts: 428
  • Member Posts: 781
    Maybe, I will wait for the PTB

    Probably not, but I will wait until the PTB to see. They are probably going to scrap it or buff it during it.

    Have to wait and see.

  • Member Posts: 16,664
    Maybe, I will wait for the PTB

    I dont use Ruin anyway, and Killers should not carry Ruin from brown to red Ranks, because then they would learn that it is not necessary.

    I will test it out, not only on PTB, but also on live, because this is the only way to test things.

    However, I think it should not be a Hex Perk anymore, because then it would also provide late game value.

  • Member Posts: 4,428

    I think the only reason why it is still a Hex perk is because it belongs to Hag.

  • Member Posts: 16,664
    Maybe, I will wait for the PTB

    This would be a dumb reason, if that is the case.

  • Member Posts: 1,752

    I will continue to say it: Maps are too big for most killers and now without ruin, they will have even more of a horrible time

    So nothing new honestly

  • Member Posts: 3,059

    Honestly this should just be a Surge buff with out the hex part.

  • Member Posts: 284

    *cries in Tier 1 Myers on Yamaoka Family Residence*

  • Member Posts: 4,104

    Here's the thing, the new Hex: Ruin will regress and DOUBLE the REGRESSION speed of generators are not being worked on.

    However, this buff is actually rather weak since survivors usually split up. So, if the game starts and 4 survivors start working on 4 different generators (a standard start) the killer is still pretty screwed.

    Here's why this is a problem, suppose the OG boy, the Trapper is the killer. He finds and begins chasing one survivor shortly after the trial starts, maybe he trapped a loop or two on his way to the generator. Now 1 of the 4 generators is not being repaired. This generator is now regressing at double speed. Cool, cool. However, the other three generators are now going full steam ahead since they are not getting regressed at all and those survivors have no reason to stop repairs assuming the first one found is a competent looper. So if the survivors play smart, your perk, a HEX mind you, is now worthless.

    So going forward, time to "git gud" folks as downing and hooking survivors is the only real way to slow down gen repairs now. I will expect a sudden surge in Pig Mains (followed by a RBT nerf) and an sharp spike in NOED use (followed by a sudden change for that as well.)

    (Don't get me wrong, I think that the change isn't their worst perk gutting or killer gutting (Shudders in Year of the Hound event. I also agree that the skill check regression needed to change if we want to have more survivors available. I just wish that the devs had gone about the change differently.)

  • Member Posts: 13,616
    Maybe, I will wait for the PTB

    Don't know, but i'm leaning way more towards it being a no from me.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    This has got to be a joke... 😂

  • Member Posts: 259

    Most killers need a way to slow gen progress down, not to mention PGTW and Surge won't work with this version of Ruin while it is in effect.

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    This is probably the reason why people like Zubat use it on every killer build. But hey i am sure you are better than him.

  • Member Posts: 1,146

    If they added another objective for the survivors rather just gens and gates I could understand the nerf and give the changes a chance. The way it is now it is just shortening games in the survivors favour. SWF will destroy the games in minutes, there may be a small chance solo survivors may at the most be slightly bearable to go against.

  • Member Posts: 9
    Maybe, I will wait for the PTB

    I will wait until PTB just so I am not entirely biased but I truly do believe this is a bad bad change. Especially if it’s a Hex. It’ll be gone almost right away regardless. There is no point in it being crucial by late game if you’re playing in red ranks and it’s gone almost right away.

  • Member Posts: 209

    It's a HEX perk meant for LATE GAME, it's so stupidly idiotic you wonder if whoever made this decision has ever played the game.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    If anything, it will keep people on gens as they don't wish to lose progress.

  • Member Posts: 4,188

    Doubling pitiful regression speed barely does anything.

  • Member Posts: 15

    Yeah, I think it’s ok. I never really used Ruin anyway. Gotta be on dem quick patrols my killer bros! <3

  • Member Posts: 35

    In a dev stream, they confirmed that the reason it's still a Hex is because all of Hag's perks MUST be Hexes as they were introduced with her.

    Timestamp: 29:41

  • Member Posts: 3,703
    edited January 2020


    Not that I was particularly devastated at the massive change to the perk.

    Hex totems get cleansed fairly quickly, more so now what with the totem cleanse Tome challenges.

    The totem is more often than not cleansed before the new Ruin hex can have a real impact.

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