The problem with the new ruin and how the changes where handeled


I want to start with the problems of the way the changes where anounced.

The post agnoledges that 80% of red rank killers use ruin. But the post never explains why that is. It only says that ruin is annoying for survivors and that the gate keeper emblem will be changed so ruin isnt nesesary to get a good gate keeper emblem. But gate keeper is not the reason 80% of red rank killer use ruin. If you don't want it to look like you are survivor sided you need to agnoledge why so many killers use it. Because it is a vital perk to get some hooks done without losing 3 gens in the first two minutes.

Another thing are the perk itself. The permanent regresson makes using perks like pgtw impossible and surge useless in comparison.

Critic for the changes are deflected by saying things like " you just need to presure people" or " it's realy strong in the endgame".

The first one ignores the problem that with many killers you can't realy presure people. How do i presure the 3 other survivors from not doing gens while chasing the forth? Espetially with killers like the trapper.

To the second how do i get a totem to survive till 1 or 2 gens left if it anounces it pressence the moment someone leaves a gen?

I think the changes as well as the anouncment where poorly handled. You need to make it clear that you understand the problems of the killers or it will look like blatend survivor favretism.

The same goes for the doc changes. If the only reason for changing him is annoying to play against without agnoledging the problems of playing doctor it's easy to belive that you are survivor sided.