Do developers just not want people to play Killer any more?

Seriously, this kind of lunacy shows incredible bias towards Survivors. There has not been a single Killer buff in the game since Ghostface, Freddy got nerfed, Nurse got nerfed, Oni got nerfed less than a week after release. Doctor and Ruin are getting nerfed because... beginner survivors have trouble with them? Beginner survivors have trouble with everything in the game, that's the idea of being new to a game; you're not experienced enough yet.

You're also completely failing to address the reason WHY red ranked Killers run Hex: Ruin in the first place: Because high-ranking survivors can get the generators done too quickly. With two sets of two players on different generators, you can have the game 40% done in 44 seconds. With four players on different generators running an Engineer's Toolbox with Brand New Part, you can have four generators done in less than a minute. Hex: Ruin is ran so frequently because it is impossible to apply enough pressure to all generators simultaneously.



  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Gen speed baseline can not be addressed before Ruin was addressed. I'm not sure why people don't see that. A gen speed nerf could not be implemented without Ruin being nerfed.

    If killers are getting constantly stomped after the nerf without Ruin, the devs will do something about it. This change needed to happen first.

  • WhattheHeck
    WhattheHeck Member Posts: 93

    This is the best Post so far

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    Because you can't announce that without seeing the results of the Ruin changes over the next few weeks. Its possible (yet unlikely IMO) that the stats show killers are still doing just as well as they currently are - which would lead to them not needing a gen time change. Then they would have a riot from killers demanding the gen time nerf.

    Why are you assuming they won't nerf gen times in the future? Don't be ignorant.

  • Leyoyo
    Leyoyo Member Posts: 109

    No because you know survivors give more money

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    They want to phase it out so it becomes a PvE games where four players play against an AI Killer. /s

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Of course they won't let the survivors know it's a bot so they can still have fun thinkin they are bullying a real human being. 😂

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I agree completely with your idea with scaling difficulty. I don't see how that idea can be turned into anything tangible, though. That almost seems like it would be an entirely different game.

    It seems like that would be such a massive rework to the game that it would be impossible to effectively balance that in any reasonable amount of time. Or like it would be something that would come out with a 4.0.0 release of the game or even further down the line

  • Keene_Kills
    Keene_Kills Member Posts: 649

    Worked on me. I completely steer clear of killer now except to do challenges, and then I'm instantly reminded exactly why I steer clear.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I made a post addressing map reworks. Reworking maps is an entirely different beast in itself.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    edited January 2020

    It would be a huge change, and probably a very difficult one to implement, but I don't think it's impossible. And it's really, really necessary.

    DbD needs some large scale changes to make it fun for everyone. Tunneling, camping, being slugged for four minutes, fast gen speeds, stealthing around not working on the objective, and playing for the hatch are all unhealthy for the game. I'd say generators need to be tackled first, followed by tunneling/camping. The remaining three things aren't so awful that people will stop playing because of them, but they're still unhealthy and are worth addressing. I think the mechanics need reworking or the game needs more structure so that these elements that absolutely ruin the fun for many players are no longer possible.

    Oh, and also buffing solo survivors so that they have the same information as SWF so that all survivors are on an equal playing field and killers can be properly balanced in return.

    All that is easier said than done, I know, and it would take a large number of man-hours to achieve. But this is the most frustrating game I've ever played (and I fell into those stupid holes back when E.T. came out for Atari); that's really disappointing given what DbD could be. As is, I've been looking at trying out Identity V. Or just going back to regular survival horror. Evil Within 2 and Alien Isolation are waiting for me, but the lack of space on my PS4 means something will need to be uninstalled first. More and more it's looking like DbD is going to be what frees up that space.

  • ZFennecFox
    ZFennecFox Member Posts: 510

    I have a tendency to time my matches from the start with Ruin 3 a gen was done and dusted by the 1 minute mark. If that doesn't speak volumes.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    There isn't always a 1:1 counterpart though, and in some cases there is no counterpart at all. 'Balancing' actually usually consists of changing 1 side at a time - one side of the scale is too heavy, so you take some stuff off of it and see if its balanced out better.

    But aside from that, map balance is like such an abstract and subjective thing. Most people can agree that there are several maps that highly favor 1 role over the other, but almost none of those people can come to an agreement on what literal detailed changes should be made to those maps. Like, everybody has their own ideas on what they think should be added/changed/moved in order to make a map more balanced. Or you're like me and have no idea where you would even start. Idk how you would even go about effectively testing if map changes are actually more 'balanced' than they were originally

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,830

    Where did you read about them hiding ranks? Ive seen that come up afew times but have no idea where that was actually said. Do you mind leaving a link?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,830
    edited January 2020

    Is that an Oni buff I see? The rest though brings up things that seem pretty bad that I didnt even know about. Snap out of it returning you to T1 madness instead of T2 would make alot of Doc addons pretty useless. Youd have ppl TRYING to keep a survivor from hitting T3, just so they could have the T2 related effects from their addons.

    I was actually joking earlier about Huntress being able to throw a hatchet on the new Lery's and hit a survivor on the other side of the map, but apparently...some walls are gonna let hatchets go through em.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    As for Oni it is the supposed fix to his completely rekt flicks from last hotfix.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    I wish more people where playing killer lol so I could find a game as a survivor, I have practically become a killer main because of crappy matchmaking, and even when I play killer more I'm being matched with ranks 1 and 2, and I'm damn rank 10 lol the whole game has just become miserable for me to play lol I don't care about nerfs and buff at this point, I just want to play and know I have a chance, when I get them red ranks in my lobbies, I know it's going to be hell 😂

    AAAAA Member Posts: 558

    I used to be someone who rolled their eyes when someone said the devs only care about survivors. But this has made me into an actual 20%er. I am forced to conclude that either the devs are complete idiots or they only listen to survivors.

    So I intend to get on the toxic killer protest bandwagon. If we make the survivors whine because killers are being toxic over the Ruin nerf, either the devs will either revert Ruin (or add something else to keep gens from being done super fast), or nerf killers more. If it's the first option, great. If it's the second, bye.

    So yeah. I'm gonna start stockpiling moris. And I'm gonna start searching the blood web for NOED and Franklin's. And I'm going to pray BHVR comes to their senses.