A honest opinion by a long time player of both sides (new patch)

HYthinger Member Posts: 130
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Pls read everything i think my point is more clear forwards the end.

If there is anything you dont agree with. im allways open for a civilised discussion.

The new patch notes show that the devs only see the coin form one side. The side of a beginner mosty from a survivor side. (no offence. we know you do your best) This of course makes sense from a buisiness standpoint since you want to keep the new player but pls hear me out.

One example:

"Ruin is used in over 80% of all games in the red ranks, and across the entire userbase it appears in about 45% of all games. We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating to play against. Three key issues were identified:"

Ok so you just looked at the survivor side and why its unfun for them. But u didnt even ask yourself WHY 80% of red rank killers use the perk?

The answer is easy and every good (and not entiteld) player will be able to tell you why.

If the killer your against / or that you play is not a "viable" killer you will not be able down a survivor in the first minute of the game (as long as the survivor is not bad (red rank)) (remember. you need to find one first).

This means that in the 60 seconds the killer got one hook and 3 gens are allready on 80% progress. Now one survivor needs to go for a rescue. The killer can now decide if he wants to A: camp or B: go for another survivor.

A: will result in 3 gens being completed and B: will also result in 3 gens being completed (this is if the survivors are good, like red ranks are suposed to be (but obviously not are since ranks are bad designt and to easy(both sides).

THIS is why ruin is used in 80% of the matches. It prevents the first 3 gens from being done instantly without you having a chance to counter act on it. NO GOOD GAME EVER WILL NERF SOMETHING BECAUSE THE BAD PLAYERS DONT LIKE IT.

Second: Ruin is not a end game perk. Most of the time ruin holds for a max of 1 minute after the match starts (red ranks).

You changed the perk so its more viable in end game than in the start of the game. But this misses the whole point of the perk. IT IS NOT SUPOSSED TO SAVE YOUR LATE GAME.

At this point there is no reason to not just use NOED insted since its better (but unfair. But who cares anyway. there are so many crutches in this game its not even funny anymore. e.g. NOED AND DS .)

Same goes for the doctor changes. you only looked on the reasons why survivors dont like him. But you dont look at why he only gets picked 3,5% of the matches.

Reason is as easy as it sounds simple. HE IS WEAK. His abbility is basicaly useless and the "frustrating things" you changed......nobody on rank 1 cares if he is being chased by the killer or not. just because the killer knows where you are doesnt mean you die (pallet loops etc).

All killers that are in the top pick rate are strong and rather easy to play. Spirit, Hillbily, freddy, (Huntress), and ghostface(truetallent showed how good he can be. thats why his pick rate is so high).

Now for the title and why i chose it.

Most of the time when i play dbd i play survivor with a friend (2man swf) because its more fun to play with firends than alone. Playing killer or solo survivor is more frustrating than playing with atleast one other player i can trust on. (to be honest. without him i would have quit a long time ago).

This is (hopfully) one thing every player no matter if killer main, survivor main or something else can agree on.

The game is the most fun with friends because you can joke around, do bs and enjoy yourself. Solo is not fun because most players even on rank1 , i dont want to be rude but........they are bad as hell. you rarely get a good solo teammate and its has gotten worse because of the damn emblem system making it easy af to get to to rank1 on both sideds (can we get victory cube back pls?). Same thing goes for playing killer but because of other reasons. On rank 1 the game becomes a sweat fest to decent even with good killers and you bascicaly only win because of the mistakes the survivors make (they do many because of the reasons above).

And i think the devs know this (that swf is the most fun).

The reason for the title is, like mentioned above that i play swf with a friend........and we nearly never lose......ever. With a chance of 10% one of us dies (and we are only two. no 4man). we dont even tryhard. we are even memeing around with head on or diversion or something like that. This maybe sounds arrogant but......thanks devs for nerfing ruin without it its gonna be even easier for good survivors to win and bad survivors will still die to the really frusttrating thing (noed). Side note: adrenaline, ds and nearly every exhaustion perk is OP (another reason survivors dont lose. SECOND CHANCES EVRYWHERE).

If you made it till here....congrats and thank for your attention. (my grammar is bad dont judge me)

Note to the devs: me and my friend are really enjoing your game and we know you do your best to satisfy everyone. But you need to understand that this is impossible and many games died trying it. It would be much appreciated by the community if you would listen more to people like your fog wisperrers. They know your game. And if your honest......they know it better than you do. making the game noob friendly will not help it survive in the long run. You have a big community of people who played this game for thousands of hours......listen to them. Thank you for your great game :)