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Doc reworks is so survivor biased i'm annoyed

I mostly play survivor and swf and reading the reasons for the doctor rework hurt me.

Ive played a fair bit of doc and my gf mains him. The issues of doc were that he was relatively slow and switching stances only made it worse. He has his treatment grabs and that's about it.

Yes the passive maddness tiering is annoying, but that just means you have to adapt! Passive maddnes meant you can't just blendette or urban evade around the killer all sneaky like. It pushes you to play different and actively attempt to get out of his tr fast and without being seen. Survivors that complained the loudest are just try hard blendettes mad that they cant urban evade out of every situation to self heal in a corner.

Did doc need a rework? Yeah! His stance switching should've been was faster, or just giving him a static blast and keep passive tr but at a slower rate. I'm hoping when it goes live its not as bad as it sounds, but the reasons for reworking Doc should be for doc mains and killer players not survivors with two braincells.


  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    The wording of the patch notes pissed me off more than the notes themselves. I guess the devs think we are bots and can't fathom the concept of "fun".

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    Legion was the same way.

    Sure it was too much, but they couldve easily just tweaked a few things to old legion instead of completely rebounding him.

    Legion caused survivors to stop relying on pallets and windows and shouldve encouraged survivors to try new tactics, but here we are living in a world full of pallets and windows.

  • silenthillgod100
    silenthillgod100 Member Posts: 7

    Don't forget that snapping out of it returns a survivor to tier one now, instead of tier two and there's a 3 second cool-down after shocking someone before you can attack

  • zirumiox
    zirumiox Member Posts: 20

    The ideas behind the ability changes were good if you just understand what they mean. Personally i love the reworks ability kit, makes him a lot more skill expressive and fun/rewarding in chases cause you don't have to swap a stance and therefore lose speed(a clear buff to a before bad ability in chases). And you no long lose tier 1 madness reveal on other survs if you just put shock on in chase.

    BUT the fact the decided to add compensation nerfs to the abilities without even having an idea of his power is stupid. Basically all somewhat well balanced games add in slightly too strong stuff so people play vs or with that and then can give data so they can balance. They just need to admit they cant make killers and perks so that they are one and done, balancing happens by data and feedback.

    Also when they only mention surv fun vs doc the really meant it. His power is all addons and one of them has to be a shock modifier or the shock is near useless(so you are down to 1 addon or doing a gimmick build). They also didn't touch the fact window vaults don't get interrupted. Even if doc hits before the vault goes over it still happens if started.

    Basically his power depends fully on using addons to even do anything and does less and less the better the survs understand him cause it only really punishes player who don't. On top of that it has a lot of bugs or whatever. These didn't get touched on so the rework is really worrying.