There is no reason anymore not to use noed

Ruin has always been a save pick for me as killer. As much as selfcare an ds was for me as survivor.

I no longer play selfcare because its way to inefficient thanks to the healing nerfs. i run a medkit now or another perk that helps me healing without wasting to much time on it. Unbreakable has taken its place now.

DS. Why would i not run it. Be honest. Its OP and devs dont nerf it so why dont use it (like noed).

Now for ruin: With the new changes i no longer see the reason to run the perk so i got a free slot. There are no perks to stop the gens from being done in under 3 minutes so i might as well punish survivors for doing their objective by using noed. Which also rewards me for failing my objective. But like i said with DS. Why wouldnt i use it now. I got a free slot. Survivors dont have time to do totems if they dont want to lose. And so noed will punish them for playing the objectiv. Btw: most my matches allready end before noed could even activate since the matchmaking is not "skill" based at all and there are enough noobs to make the good player lose (thanks to the emblem system (give us victory cube back and remove the black pip). There is no "draw" there is only "win" or "lose". You either kill atleast 2 survivors or its a lose. You either survive or you lose. This are primary objectives of both roles and you dont deserve a safetynet for failing it no matter how good you played. Because after failed and it doesnt matter how.

Honest words from a person with 1,5k hours (and probably all other people with as many (or more) play time as me: Nobody cares for the emblems because rank says nothing except how much u played in the season.

rank =/= skill. As long as it stays like this no one will care if they pip or not since its impossible to not get to rank1.

Noed and DS are basicaly the same.......punishing the other side for doing their objective.

rant over

PS: tunneling doesnt exsist. its a 1v4 game. you as a survivor are not in a 1v1. and if the killer decideds to take you out of the game he can do that.

same goes for gen rush: No...its not gen rush. the survivors are just doing their objective and are not toxic because they do.

I still refuse to use moris of any kind since they are the most broken thing in the game.


  • Hero_awesome
    Hero_awesome Member Posts: 301

    XD I don't even care anymore. They promote genrushing while say pressure more and do this. Im sorry guess I'll just semi-camp and tunnel like crazy now.