Game is killer sided

Balanced landing, insta heals, ds and all the other nerfs helping killers as usual. Not only that but killers have camping, tunneling, noed, and overpowered killers. This game is so killer sided
Quit being a troll. Thanks.
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why is he trolling? the game is killer sided
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The only fact we need to show that this game is killer-sided is that killer kill rate is in the 60s. If they're killing more often than not, then it's killer-sided. Plain and simple.
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Sick bait
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- Balanced landing
Way too strong on some maps
- Insta heals
Simply unfair, plus, the "nerf" made styptic agent even better
- DS
Had basically no reliable counter before its nerf
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Go play a day in Red Ranks and tell me that the game is killer sided again.
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Camping and tunneling does. You know? That thing that ruins the game
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And now Ds is still strong and only slug is a counter
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It's killer sided
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Good troll until you said they have over powered killers and outed yourself
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I'm tired of awful survivors thinking this game is Killer sided. Sad.
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How is it Killer sided?
Please explain to me how the game is killer sided in Red Ranks, where more than half of the games is a sweat fest.
Just saying it's "Killer sided" doesn't show much, especially with how much INSANE bias the recent developer update has shown towards survivors IE Doctor being "frustrating to go against" with no mention of how frustrating just PLAYING killer already is
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the game isn't completely killer or survivor sided.. but yes, this game has been favoring killers a bit more. of course they won't admit it, because they want to have easy 4k every match and if they have one match that doesn't go in their favor, they will complain and ask for nerfs.
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Your name isn't doing you any favors.
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I like Otz, but he is being a bit too hopeful here. There is nothing positive about this change for killers.
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And here's you thinking you're a professor
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totally agree, way to op! only the trangender sjw hero McuckE can save us now!
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Not far off to be honest.
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Kill rate in red ranks is at about 70%. How is DbD not a killer-sided game, tell me? But killers still complain way more than survivors, it just proves how biased they are, like little babies that want to be spoon-fed.
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But remember. DoNt trUsT The stATs
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Of course they will deny the reality if it doesn't fit their vision of reality, they will complain instead.
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Do you know HOW those kills were made? A ton of survivors suicide on hook or there's also camping which makes both sides depip, and don't forget the matchmaking and SWF playing with low ranks making the kill rates unreliable.
And even the devs said not to take those stats super seriously.
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the Doctor changes aren't gonna make him worse. and ruin can still be worth using. yeah this change is a nerf, but have you considered maybe it's because it needed a nerf? and thanks my name is just a joke
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I killers camp and depip it's their own fault lol. They know they'll depip but do it anyway. Can't blame anyone but themselves
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Sorry but that wasn't really the point I was making. Read what I was responding to and then read my respond again.
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Damn it people, read the signs!
"Do NOT feed the trolls."
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Survivor main alert guys lmao. Balanced wasnt nerfed it was brought in line with all the other exhaustion perks, ds is still really strong, camping means you do gens, noed can be cleansed or prevented altogether, and if u mean overpowered the only person i would considered remotely op is nurse for her mobility and tp ability. However good players know how to mind game and out run a nurse. Spirit is only slightly better than average now, and any insta down can be negated with good positioning and awareness.
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You clearly don't play survivor or you would know
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Oh my god don't talk about balance of you don't play both sides.. geez
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Balanced landing actually got a buff, no "ahhhh" when you drop from height and only nerfed in the sense you cannot abuse it again and again.
You don't get killer perks you can abuse again and again. You can't use pop goes the weasel everytime you kick a gen, survivor perks are way more abuseable.
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