About new ruin

conceptualgenius Member Posts: 7
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Ok so like honestly it doesn't matter whether I'm a killer or survivor main. I am a killer main at heart, but play survivor more because I can't play killer with my friends without needing at least 3 more of them for a kyf lobby.

As a survivor I definitely found it annoying to face ruin almost every game, and as a killer I hated that I had to use it every game or risk getting rushed.

At this point everyone knows about the new ruin. With it being nerfed, this is good as a survivor because it means I'll see it less often, and even when I do it won't be as hard to deal with. As a killer it's good that I'm being forced to get out of the habit of using it, but now I have to sweat my bum off for pressure.

So now I have two major questions:

1. How will the new ruin work with base gen regression?

it says that when a survivor is NOT working on a gen it regresses at [1/1.5/2] times the normal rate. Implying that you DON'T have to KICK the gen for it to regress while using new ruin. BUT does this stack with normal regression? Ie, kicking a gen with new ruin causes it to regress at [1/1.5/2]x the normal rate PLUS the normal rate, Therefore [2/2.5/3] after actually kicking the gen. Or is there simply no point to kick gens, except for a minimal amount of points, or can't kick gens whatsoever?

2. Is there going to be some form of compensation to killers for the speedy completion of gens?

Ruin used to only affect survivors if they worked on gens, and indirectly by wasting time looking for the totem. Now it only affects the gens when they're NOT being worked on, and if survs weren't working on gens they were screwed anyways. I'm completely fine with ruin being reworked like this from both sides of the equation, but from both, I agree that gen times are quick at only 80 second not including perks and items. Maybe an increase of 10-20 seconds to 90 or 100. Or maybe even tweak the multi-survivor repair deficiency so that when more survivors work on a gen at the same the, the speed penalties are slightly more. And then maybe tweak prove thyself to fit better into that penalty, (because that's the point of the perk). If I'm not mistaken, it's 10% penalty per additional survivor after the first. So make it 15%, same with prove thyself.

Thanks for feedback, please respond with thought and no toxicity.

[Edits for certain typos and errors, I realise I didn't fix them all.]

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