Ruin got changed, great

It was too polarizing and made killer perk choices boring, I'll agree to that.
There's just one HUGE problem.
Killers will be very eager to not play any of the maps that are the size of Russia now.
Every single map should be at most Yamaoka-sized. Preferably closer to Badham size. For reference, there's a list of maps by size.
I'm not joking. Devs, you should remember something. The majority of the killers in this game have no mobility powers whatsoever besides just walking. You can't pressure big maps with these killers, you absolutely cannot.
You either give some form of universal mobility tool for killers, which probably will never happen, or you reduce the maps. There's no debate here, ask any seasoned killer player if they like playing Huntress on Mother's Dwelling. We all know what the answer will be.
Yes, Ruin was inherently bad design. It absolutely dumpstered new survivors while being a minor inconvenience for really good survivors. The game has no room for things like that, I agree. But if 80% of players in red ranks are running something that's not even reliable and usually lasts for a short time, it's a symptom of a larger problem. Reduce huge maps and you'll solve half the problems for weaker killers in this game. If things get too tough for survivors you can always put stronger tiles in problem maps. It's not too complicated.
Just like I was in favor of reworking Legion and changing Spirit because I believe people DCing too much vs something is a symptom of a bigger issue, I assure you that DC rates on bad killer maps will increase with the Ruin changes.
EDIT: @Peanits can you tell us if that's something the devs at least talk about?
Hoping to keep any discussions constructive.
I agree. Ruin was bad game design. But it should have been changed with either secondary objective or gens time getting increased.
Map reworks are going to take forever because the devs are so slow to actually fix anything in this game.
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Maps are THE problem though. Increasing gen times is also bad design, and creating a secondary objective that makes sense is much more work than redesigning maps.
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Yes, maps are the main problem.
But I'm not going to wait 5 years for the devs to learn how to make good maps.
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And I'm not gonna ask them to put a second objective in the game when they barely got the first one to be somewhat OK.
Adding a new objective is asking to break the game completely. And I can't see how two objectives will be balanced on all maps regardless of size if one isn't.
And increasing gen times still doesn't address the map difference. It's objectively better to reduce map variance.
It's no use introducing out of the box changes if they have the potential to very realistically make the game worse.
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Clown, Huntress and LeatherFace are going to be absolute nightmares to play as on big maps now. Love having maps that take 5 minutes just to get across.
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Yeah I think maps should be lower size variance tbh. Being forced to concede an early gen never feels good. And I think it would help no mobility killers more than anything else the devs can do.
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Maps definitely need a massive change with how loops are. Ormond is one big connected tile, and maps like Coldwind are horrid because of the strength of the pallets. The state of maps is currently awful.
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Yeah as ScottJund said in his video nobody enjoys running Ruin, it's just a bandaid for how awful some maps are sometimes.
I'll never understand how it's OK that some maps are so different in size to each other. It obviously affects game balance.
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At this point, it's almost like they're refusing to acknowledge that maps are awful. It's a big problem.