
I just watched my friend play a match with a tunneling freddy. He used a key to escape with one other survivor. They escaped after he tunneled 2 other survivors to death. Why do people want to nerf keys when killers have the option to do this? Also here is the end result of the killers response.
Who wouldve known Tunny was a word?
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What? No one had borrowed time? Or decisive strike? Or even flashlight? Or toolboxes to genrush? Not going to believe it lol
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Not everyone runs those. There was one toolbox and that's because it was found by my friend and he dropped it for a key he found after the 3rd gen was done.
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Then why are you surprised? If you bring all medkits when no one will let you go and heal. And if you didnt bring anything then well maybe you should have. Killer may be #########, but key is not a counter to tunneling.
People want keys to be nerfed because it lets people escape anytime they want and abandon your team.
Keys are cancer like moris
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Obviously you didnt read that he escaped with another survivor after 2 were tunneled to death. If you wanted more details on the match you could have said so.
The second survivor he escaped with was on the hook. He unhooked them and escaped with them. There was no team abandonment.
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In this case there wasnt, but people bringing keys often do that
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Because fixing toxicity with broken game mechanics leads to more toxicity and those broken mechanics don’t require any skill. That’s why.