I've Lost. Dedicated Servers and Buggy Rift Challenges.

Dear Bhvr,

After spending the past few weeks weeping over corner hatchets and terrible, terrible post vault/pallet drop M1s, I was already on edge. I was trying to be reasonable, convincing myself it was the nature of the game in "testing state" for servers. But after struggling to get this Dark Sense Challenge done for so long, actually getting it done, but not getting credit for completion, you have officially become too careless in my eyes. Your focus on developing content instead of addressing concerns of the community and bugs is entirely toxic.

Killers have been complaining about the speed of the game for YEARS, and you refuse to acknowledge it as a serious problem, writing it off as rage or something?

We've seen survivor perks systematically become useless because, instead of addressing this speed issue, you would rather smack a Band Aid on the killer's poor, calloused fingers. "Lookie here! We removed something you don't like! Please don't make us change things!

Instead of sacrificing, investing in changing your game, you've become the Overwatch of isometric titles. Don't change the game. Keep shelling out paid content. Don't rock the boat too much and keep your player base stranded in a once beautiful vessel. Refusing to acknowledge that you might have to really shake up the mechanics of your game and try a few things.

I've officially uninstalled the game, but I cannot say I won't come back. I want to see where DBD goes over the course of the year and I want to see some actual initiative taken.

You may think that your forums are full of complaints by the nature of being a video game, but no other game has such perpetual, infuriating problems. You ARE different from other games, and the biggest difference is the challenge you face. Its unlike any other genre, but the minute somebody comes around and makes a similar style game to pose some competition, your formula will not work.

Please convince me to return. Please don't continue this conquest of wallets and consider how valuable the player base you built is. Even if your goal is to move onto a new game in the future, consider credibility. I don't want to put you on the [REDACTED]-list with some triple-A developers.


A tired... tired victim of the Entity