Fun to play??
So all these changes keep taking place that is leaving many of us scratching our heads. We keep being told it's to make the game more fun. More fun to play against, more fun to play as.
As someone who has been a killer main since they started up until about 6 months ago...are you guys having fun? I honestly don't have fun playing killer anymore. I mean honestly besides spirit, they have given us nothing but the same ole m1 killers. The outcome of every game is determined by the survivors you get at red ranks. Tofu said exactly what i've been saying for a while now last night....Most red rank survivors are not good. You can do well with any killer against a lot of survivors. But when you get those games with 2 or more good survivors you basically just roll over and take it or hope you're playing nurse. They have dumbed the game down so much for the majority that when you go against real skill you can't do much as they loop safe pallet to safe pallet.
I honestly love playing survivor. I feel in control and feel that my skill is going to directly affect the outcome of the game. It's a much nicer feeling than playing killer and knowing the skill of the survivor is going to be the one that affects the outcome of the game.
So with all these changes to make the game more fun, i'm just wondering am I the only one who does not find killer to be fun at all anymore?
That is actually good to hear. I honestly hope it is still fun for you as you rank up. I've been rank 1 for 2 years now and I just don't enjoy it at all anymore.