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Constructive Feedback Only.
Why do you dislike the Ruin CHANGE?
Personally, I do not use Ruin and I still win games.
A killers options on winning are not just based on the Survivor team and whether it’s a strong SWF or a bunch of randos.
Killers have to have an adaptable play style just as survivors do. It’s all based on Maps, Perks you choose, and Add Ons. Ruins changed, adapt.
I provided a screenshot in another post of mine of me winning a game as Bubba with no Ruin. The excuse I received was because I had “Map Placement + Insta Saw” and with that I “didn’t need perks to 4K”. Does this not prove that Ruin isn’t ALWAYS needed?
A lot of you need to understand you CANNOT win every game you play. Regardless of Ruin you will still lose against the majority of strong SWF teams and even some solo player teams. At least, that’s my experience.
I’m not in a frenzy about this change because I’ve adapted to not using Ruin a while ago and now it’s more of a chore using it because of the worry of it being destroyed early game.
We haven’t even had the chance to actively experience and provide constructive feedback on the change.
Why do you feel the Ruin change is so detrimental to Killers?
Ruin is the only perk to slow the gen speed down right from the start of the match without anything else happening. (Even though good survivors will just ignore the ruin or cleanse it in 60 seconds). The new ruin isnt going to be that useful against high rank players.
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I understand that. But the majority of my games consist of Red Ranks (usually a group of at least 3) or very consistent Purples.
So, I tested my gameplay and I win the majority of my games without Ruin. I used Ruin for my final game last night; destroyed in like 1-2 minutes. I don’t believe it helped out much because two generators still popped before it was destroyed. I ended up killing all 4 survivors on the final generator.
Ruin may have helped slow them down on those first two, but was it detrimental to my gameplay to have Ruin? I wouldn’t say it was because the gameplay was just as my games without Ruin.
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¿What about corrupt intervention?
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Ruin is needed for killers that need to prepare early game like Trapper or Hag, but also for weak killers with low map pressure, like Clown or Doctor.
Ruin changes dont make sense, as new Ruin is supposed to be strongest mid game, while hexes with immediate effects are cleansed very early. The only way for a Hex to survive to late game is to make its effects hidden until late game, like Devour Hope or NOED. Ruin is not one of those perks, so it will be too weak
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Corrupt doesn't actually do anything to slow down gens, just makes it less safe because the play area is closed in, maybe gives the killer an extra 10s before survs actually get to a gen but that's about it. It's still a solid perk, but it doesn't address the core issue of gen speed. Ruin at least slowed down gens even if survs were hitting great skill checks by not giving them the free 2%.
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Nurse nerfed for overperforming in high ranks. Ruin nerfed because it's overperforming in low ranks. God loops still exist though
I don't use ruin, but this change sounds bad. If you don't either than you know how fast generators really go. I see 2 things happening if this goes through
Survivor queues get even longer
Even less killer diversity in high rank
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So, would you say it would’ve been more ideal then to remove it as a Hex? Or only activate late game?
I do understand that it’s not the best decision the devs have made since I’ve started playing, but Ruin is not the cure-all in my book for beating survivors.
Would you accept the Perk change if it were no longer a Hex?
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Agree. Even tho ruin was my main perk on my kit,I disliked it as a perk, but now,I might still consider using it.
It is bad imo because it can't be used with pop and overcharge. If they make it able to kick a gen with ruin equipped then I'm fine with it
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I’m just not biting onto the whole “devs are out to get killers” movement we’ve got going on.
I’ve had success without Ruin and I’ve had success with Ruin but I’ve also had failures with and without. Once I got rid of Ruin, I feel I enjoyed the game more and had to actually pay attention to the pressure I applied rather than relying on a lone survivor headed to my totem.
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It would make ruin quite strong late game.
But we dont need that... I want Hags perk to be good on Hag and buy me time for early game setup, not late game gen slowdown.
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So the massive issue with it is, I am a rank 1 trapper main.
Ruin was core to me because of setup time, ESPECIALLY when I didn't have bag or speed addon's.
For me ruin idealy lasted at least 45-80 seconds because in that time I could set up a decent perimeter and then at the very minimum get into a chase.
Perks like corrupt intervention aern't bad but the do something that greatly screws with trapper early game and that is bringing survivors closer to your fledgling perimeter.
Which at high ranks, means either not setting as many traps and becoming an M1 who can occasionally deny extra loops, or risk having them see me set up and then coming behind me and setting all my traps off, Arguably the worst case scenario.
So now I am left with the option of effectively lose 3 gens and hope that I spawned on the side with a good 3 gen or have to play as mean as possible.
I never needed ruin to win, I can play just fine without it, the thing is, it bought me enough time usually to not have to sweat and try to enjoy myself.
New ruin flat out denys me this chance and now I have to play as mean as possible if I want to play trapper.
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I think the change is a bit meh for killers. when paired with certain gen perks like discordance or surveillance (if it stacks with that) it is still quite situational but may work well. Really Good or bad? Time will tell but for now I feel its not a great perk for kbut tbh I didn't think the original was either. Some were way too dependent on it and I feel it carried players more than good play much like some survivor perks.
Overall I'm not sure if it's good or bad for either side so needs a lot of testing.
I don't quite understand the reasoning of making it better for lower ranked players as this change could make it even worse for them. Sure they can stay on a gen easier but they are generally really timid and leave a gen to hide with the mere hint of a heartbeat. It will still affect them much more than red ranks.
Personally my initial feelings before testing is that I dislike the change and the reasoning given.
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Was the skill check issue more catered towards Console players? FPS has a heavy weight in that.
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Then you need a killer buff, not a Perk to rely on. I love playing Trapper and I understand where you’re coming from. I don’t even have Ruin on all my Killers, Trapper included, this means I have to improvise. There are add-ons that help give more traps, etc.
The game is very RNG anyways, so if you just had bad placement it’s not anyones fault. It seems you relied on or allowed Ruin to carry you a lot and that’s why this is having so much weight put back on you.
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If the reasoning behind it was skill checks, then I understand the explosion.
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I don't think you read that right.
I clearly stated I have zero issue winning, be it by pip or 4k. What this change means is I have Even less time to do vital things as trapper.
WOuld I love a trapper buff, Hell yes, just give him all his traps at start bam done.
But the issue is rather that I am now all but forced to play as optimally as I can and sweat as much as I can which I frankly don't enjoy, rather now I'm forced to play in a much meaner play style, slugging, tunneling, ect if I want a chance to 4k or pip.
And honestly, I don't even care at this point. I've been playing since like the first month it released and frankly I'm tired of trying to let the otherside have fun to. Especially when I get stuff like "GG pos" when I give people hatch.
Or getting talked down to because I play to win but I tried to play to what I aspired to be fair, I.e no mori's, not tunneling, not slugging.
Now I can't. The devs punch me in the proverbial mouth, and then act smug about it.
I'm done playing nice at this point, it's clear that the dev's and survivors don't want to play nice or entertain the thought so why should I?
Please assume I need to be carried by ruin tho
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Win is totally subjective. Did I win with 4k, black or 1 / 2 pipping, having fun, x gens werent done, 3 hook every survivor, etc. Screenshots dont prove anything.
You can 4k at R1 without perks and addons regardless your choice of killer. No its not a proof for anything.
I agree whe havent had the chance to check the new ruin out yet. So I will be careful with assumptions.
I think ruin is a perk to help you with large maps and killers without strong map pressure. Just the early game effects of ruin makes it viable even though it can be cleansed early on. Tbh I had the most fun games with a long lasting ruin. I could go for 12 hooks without slugging, camping or tunneling. I think its not about that you cant perform well without ruin. Its more about how you perform well.
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No, I’m not assuming anything about you. I said it SEEMS like you allowed it to carry you, through what you typed.
As I said, that’s more of a killer buff needed than a Perk.
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Yeah, I don’t care about the skill checks.
Missed? Try again.
Lmao so that’s a dumb reasoning. My 9 year old brother learned in 30 seconds in a private match.
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Winning is subjective, but mostly everyone complaining about the potential Ruin change is they’ll have a less likely chance of getting a 4k. At least from my reading.
Also, maps and gen placement along with totem placement are all RNG. Unless you use a map offering. Where I’m getting at with this is... you can have a perfect build for a large map then get placed on a small.
For small maps, Ruin is pointless imo because it’ll be easier to find. It is much more needed in larger maps if your map pressure is subpar but it’s not required.
I don’t agree or disagree with the choice or changing the perk.
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I dont thing the main problem is the ruin nerf itself. Killers do not use ruin becouse they enjoy doing it.
For lower mobility killer ruin is essencial. Due to the poor map design without ruin finding the first survivor(even w whispers) usually takes too long. Killers wout mobility have no chance to aply enough pressure. Its physically impossible.
I think the devs simply ignore the problem of y ruin is so essencial in the first place.
(And Doctor nerf are just questionable)
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But you also don’t know the outcome pre-game. Pre-game loadouts can go in your favor or against it. It’s more a guessing game unless you throw in a favorable map offering. Even then gens and totem placement as well as loops are mostly RNG.
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I do agree mobility is an issue for most killers. There are some maps that ridiculously large and I get my ass handed to me on without Ruin. But I accept the fate.
Not running Ruin has resulted in my running NoED (######### I know, but it helps security).
I don’t mind Ruin remaining as is or changing, but the devs need a better reasoning than just skill checks. That’s a controllable circumstance that players can adapt to, whereas some killers are limited in mobility to constantly apply effective map pressure.
It seems that’s the biggest issue I’m drawing from most reasonable killers; mobility.
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I’m a red rank survivor and was a red rank killer before I gave up on sweating. I enjoy playing Killer now BECAUSE I stopped using Ruin. Ruin made my life stressful as a killer because I literally worried about it being destroyed. Most of my games are against tough reds or like I said, consistent purples. I understand how tough a STRONG SWF “gen-rush” team can be, but they kick my ass, and most others, with Ruin and without it.
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I didnt understand it that way tbh. I read more about an unadressed balance issue in map size and survivor objective speed in comparison to killer objective speed regarding the ruin issue. Could be that people feel that way, idk.
You are right. But I rarely see full builds with complete synergy and I dont think killer players want to go in full try hard every match - just my opinion and observation. Ofc you can use a build for a big map and get screwed over by rng. Thats why I personally dislike rng in DbD.
Agree. Tbh if all maps were smaller and more balanced I wouldnt run ruin at all no matter what killer.
Im also not for or against a different ruin. Its just not transparent what the devs are thinking. If they would say something like: We change ruin now to get an idea of the game without ruin and then look over the maps and gens etc. , I would have no problem with this announcement.
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I dislike the Ruin changes because there no additional changes being done to other perks.
Ruin is the only perk that hinders the whole team without a requirement early-mid game. You can chase a Survivor and not worry too much about gens being rushed in the background.
With these new Ruin changes, there is no perk that hinders the whole team without a sizeable requirement.
- Thanatophobia needs 2+ injured Survivors, but it's effects can be removed via healing / dying (makes sense...)
- PGTW requires hooking Survivors and is only really valid of Killers that can end chases quickly (RIP Nurse)
- Corrupt Intervention holds 3 gens hostage for 120 seconds but normally equates to 1 player being chased and punished whilst the remainder of the team do the free gens
- Dying Light is Mid-Late Game (what the new Ruin wishes is could be)
- Surge is only viable for the Late Game 3-Gen Strat
- Huntress Lullaby is only viable at Brown Ranks
The effects of the other potential perks are either poor in influence, have a high requirement, late game only, or all of those combined.
I would have loved to have seen changes to Surge, Thanatophobia and Huntress Lullaby to make them more viable and offer more game-play options.
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Agreed with your thoughts on their reasoning.
The RNG is needed though. Without the RNG, strategies will be set in place that take away from the need to adapt in this game.
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I dislike it because it's purpose has been flipped. The whole point was to slow the early game so killers had time to setup/build momentum. We'll have to wait and see how it plays, but new Ruin looks like a bad joke.
Ruin honestly should have been buffed instead. My idea was to have the effect linger for 60 seconds after being broken. That way it would have guaranteed at least a minute of use.
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#########??? You win games and dont use ruin? thats INSANE!
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Yes, I know. It shouldn’t be balanced around a small group of players.
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When playing Killer: I don't care about the Ruin change as I never run Ruin anyway if I play Killer. Which is rare.
When Playing Survivor: This change is silly and unneeded. It isn;t frustrating to play against, it helps you learn to hit those Great Skill Checks, it is easy to counter if you need to get rid of it and it made Gens at least take some time. If I even go against a Killer who isn;t running it, or any other slow down perk, I just pump out Gens without a care.
Mainly, my Criticism for the change is the reasoning they gave, the "issues" they listed (#3 literally makes no sense being listed as a "frustrating issues playing against" Ruin) and the benefits, besides the first one, are not benefits and none of them are benefits for Killers.
They changed a Killer perk so that the new one, in comparison, gives something to the Survivors but takes things away from the Killer with no real attempt at balance being made. Its maddening.
I think that Stream from, like, 20 days ago may have had something to do with these changes tbh. McCote (and who ever he was playing with) had a hell of a time finding Ruin. It took them like 20 minutes(?) and they basically stopped doing Gens while it was up (I think they did 2 or something).
I'll have to look for it.
Found it:
The match starts at ~47mins and ends at ~1h11mins
Post edited by GodDamn_Angela on0 -
Maybe they will?
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Always that one guy.
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I mean, I can agree. Sometimes my team dies off before we’ve completed a generator because we’ve searched for the ruin against a great killer.
Its completely RNG. Sometimes it’s removed immediately. Though, it is aggravating searching for the totem, that’s not really grounds to change it because it’s their game that randomly places it.
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If they're planning too, they're doing a poor job at communicating it.
They should have not revealed the Ruin changes or revealed the Ruin changes with any other perk changes they're considering.
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My thoughts, doctor is honestly still doctor. He's always been extremely weak and still is.
Ruin as a hex perk is absolutely useless. Could have potential if not a hex.
Lerys looks absolutely amazing.
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Though, if one finds they have a hard time finding Totems on a regular basis they should run Small Game or something. That's what I did until I got better at locating them.
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I still think there would be possible solutions to get rid of rng where it doesnt make sense for example with skillchecks. I wouldnt mind having a fixed amount over a certain time.