So much crying

Sick of seeing all the people crying over a crutch perk being nerfed and saying there quitting. Honestly if your going to quit a game bc they change a perk then maybe its good your leaving bc this game doesnt need such entitled players and before all you killer mains get your panties in a bunch you should know i play both sides equally, survivors didnt quit playing after balanced was nerfed or when self care was nerfed to the ground. Quit your crying and adapt
I wonder what would happen if they nerfed DS or BT or even DH
Would you say the same things?
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With gens being able to go so fast, ruin was more like a crutch for someone who broke both of their legs.
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it's not because they're changing a perk, it's because they're changing things in regards of survivors fun.
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Ruin is not a crutch perk for killers like Trapper and Hag that HAVE to prepare early game.
Ruin is crutch for most killers, but sometimes its the only thing keeping that killer running, like Clown or Doctor that have low map pressure and not great effects later either.
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>A crutch perk
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Go into a game against a solid survivor team without ruin, let me know how fun it is to have the entire game be over in the time it takes for 4 chases.
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I dont use those crutch perks so no i wouldnt really care lol
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What Self care nerf ? I didn't notice any since botany was buffed to compensate for it.
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Here come the killer mains with there salty attitude lol, clearly didnt read the post you just saw crying killers and you got triggered
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Yes i would.Those perks are not that good anyway.And i've seen you complain about survivors on this forum MULTIPLE times.So i kinda see where you come from.
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Didnβt realize i was one of those survivors you mentioned lol, dont play the game if you dont like the choices from the devs
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A majority of survivors are trash so yes it is for bad survivors
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If these perks are not good, then why do survivors use them all the time?
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I never said it was useless, im aware ruin wins 80% of games, my point is the people who are crying and saying they are quitting the game bc of a patch note that is going into the ptb not the official game
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Grammar warrior here lmao
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I have and its part of the game, go into a solo suvivor game with bad teamates who die in the first 2 mins to a billy
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I agree Ruin needs nerf, but definitely not this kind of nerf. Especially since Ruin is Hag's perk and not Spirit's or whoever people use it on in meta.
And PTB changes go through most of the time.
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So you need to use 2 perks just to get one to be decent kinda sounds like the new ruin nerf
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They do but most likely not with all this outrage, look at when they were going to make self care meta then realized it way to strong
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This two perks aren't used in large scale, also survivor perks nerfs are minimal and almost don't affect then, the hugest nerf I ever saw on survivors perks was when hooks can be fixed in 3 minutes, but in case of ruin, it is a perk that almost all killers use, if it gets nerfed the game will be almost completely survivors side
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If you have not played the game in awhile then why are you on the forums?
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Funny enough, I play both sides, I've had those kinds of games, I usually could still escape or at least pip off of it.
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I am not ''the other survivors''.Survivors who use dh are either the ones who use it to hug a tree or dodge a hit which most of the time does not even work because of dedicated servers.And DS works against a tunneling killer only.Most of the killers don't tunnel so it doesn't come in handy usually.Same goes for BT it only works on a bad killer.
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Then its up to the devs to balance the game properly after that change, people are acting like this is the devs last change to the game, maybe they have something in mind for later to balance it or maybe add a new perk. My point was all the people jumping the gun and saying there quitting the game bc of this
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I think quitting is just a threat to devs, not really quitting.
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Funny enough you probably dont play much solo then
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Old ruin was decent banaid fix to early game since it was a hex and had so much counterplay starting with actually hitting skillchecks. New ruin is usefull against survivors who do a gen, stop 50% midway and go do some other gen since that's smart thing to do.
There is no counter balance buff to any other killer perk/mechanic we know of to compensate fo ruin nerf like with Botany that completely reverses the nerf and makes healing even faster then before making that combo actually stronger then it was before the "nerf".
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Exclusively solo.
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But to get that faster healing your using 2 perks, with the new ruin your better off using corrupt and pop. People just need to adapt and switch up there perks for once in there life
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We have also the possibility that they have no plans. I don't think that they are thinking in something to satisfy killers in this moment
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Yet here you are complaining about my opinion lmao
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Yea but to act like they only change things for survivors is just ignorant in my opinion
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When does that ever work though?
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Well you said it yourself, switch perks once in a while, I've even seen people to use just botany since it's actually really good perk. Pity that survivors use BT, DS and many other perks since the day they were printed and they never left the meta no matter what changes befall them. Makes one wonder why don't we gut those perks to shake things up.
Also corrupt and pop don't have enough impact on bad early game which ruin helped with and that's from where the complain are coming from, people aren't complaining that they can't win/kill but that early game is frustraing to play as killer againt good survivors and it's not beiing adressed. There are no other good enough perks to help with early game, ruin was all we had that was useable.
It's like saying to remove DS because breakout and boil over help with tunneling enough so you don't need DS and it can be removed because killers don't have fun facing it. Would you be satisfied with such responses if DS was sudenly gone ? I would't be tbh.
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I get what your saying and im not saying i think the change is great but what i mentioned is that killers win a majority of there games and i can say from experience that alot of games survivors are so bad you can win without any perks, I personally feel that if you try to balance this game to that top 10% of the game you will utterly destroy this games player base. Meaning if you buff the killers so they can beat swf groups then what about the solo players who dont have mics and bad teammates? How is that fair for the majority of survivors. All in all the devs need to come up with something and I believe they will bc if you compare this game from 2 years ago they have made this game alot more enjoyable in my opinion
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Only possible solution I can see is to make ranking system far more complex and properly punish unsportmanship behavior like DCing and such. I see so many people who constantly DC, suicide, troll, or are just plain bad in high ranks. Most of my loses as solo survivor aren't caused by the killer beiing far too good but by my teammates refusing to actually play normally at the rank where some resemblence of skill is to be expected. Buffing solo survivors would be also step in right direction like recent kindred buff was.
Overall I also think that DBD has gone a long way and is more fun to play but it still has long way to go since many things still need improvements.
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I agree with you about all the things you said, especially the bad rank 1 survivors who are just terrible, this is why buffing killers against swf will destroy this game
and yes i the ranking system needs a complete overhaul for both sides and actaully give incentives to hit rank 1 bc right now all rank 1 does for you is give you longer matchmaking lol
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Hey, dont blame survivors for that. Blame the rank 20s.
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They already have lol
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Fun fact: most changes in dbd are because of survivors complaining.
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Its seems pretty equal lately imo
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Killers have valid reasons to complain. Every change was because survivors just can't get good at the game. Even skill checks were too hard for them. πππππππππππππππ
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You act like they didn't change ds for killers, self care for killers. Get over yourself
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Then bring a mori or slug them all. Also your can camp em too:)
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Ikr it's soo sad to see these threads everytime there's a change:( it's either the survivors mains or the killer mains in this case it's the killer mains wow:( they are really overreacting about this change:(
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The same goes for killers not getting good, depending on one perk is not skill and it shows with how many people complain rather than just get good.
so suvivors just need to get good and hit skillchecks, then maybe killers need to get good and not depend on a perk to carry them and actually apply pressure instead of having tunnel vision
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Don't like DS don't tunnel, or just slug like everyone else does to avoid it and survivors don't complain about it, easy.
Don't like BT don't camp, easy, go find someone who can actually advance end game on a gen and do something to stop yourself from only getting one kill per game. Too easy.
You want DH? Give me Spirit Fury. At least DH has to be timed and positioned, Spirit Fury is brain dead walk into a pallet and get a free kill. I'll give you something that needs thought vs something that takes absolutely no thought. How about it?
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There is no getting good against a swf Gen rush team that can get all of the gens done in just a few short minutes. Killers NEED Gen slowdown against good players.