The real fix to genrushing


So as many of you are all aware ruin has been nerfed so it is easier and much more irritating for survivors. In my opinion ruin was never a well made perk, it relied too heavily on dumb luck, it could absolutely screw a killer over if a survivor found it by spawn or it could be in the most hidden place on the map where no one ever finds it making it OP. Sometimes you can get tons of skillchecks on a gen making it unfair and sometimes you could get barely and it could be detrimental for the killer.

So I propose a fix to this. Genspeed is one of the things many killer mains see as the problem and I somewhat agree as it does feel like some games can end way too fast but increasing the time taken to fix gens will make the game more boring. It's not the difficulty factor but just the fact that you could be sitting on a gen for even longer which is already somewhat boring, especially if the killer is in a chase with someone so you know it's safe. Anyhow, what I propose is another objective.

At the moment you have 2 main essential objectives: Fix the generators and then open the exit gates. I'm not a game designer and I don't know what the best approach to this would be but im sure there are plenty of unique things that could be tinkered with. If you had another objectives, not taking as long as 5 gens but taking a bit longer (again the balance could be decided when developed) than the exit gates it could bring a whole new level of fun and challenge into the game. This would make the game more enjoyable for survivors and killers rather than having to split a patch like, oh it will make the game more fun for these guys but worse for others. This ofc doesn't fix every issue in the game but it fixes one of the most prominent ones and I'd be interested if you guys agree with me and have any good ideas as to what another objective could be.
