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An attempt at making Chucky. (w/ perks)

Gibberish Member Posts: 1,061
edited January 2020 in Creations

==Base Stats & Power==

-105% movement speed, 8M Terror Radius, Small height

Power: Peek-a-Boo

-Chucky can hide inside chests and lockers, and under unbroken dropped pallets.Entering a hiding spot takes 0.5 seconds. Chucky is Undetectable while hiding

-While hiding, the aura of all lockers, chests, and dropped pallets are revealed. Can teleport between hiding spots. 30 second cooldown on teleport

-Can exit hiding spots slowly or quickly. Exiting a hiding spot slowly takes 1 second, exiting a hiding spot quickly takes 0.5 seconds. Chucky gains an effect dependant on how he exits it.

-If exited slowly : For 6 seconds Chucky retains the Undetectable effect.

-If exited quickly : For 5.5 seconds Chucky gains a 5% movement speed boost, a lunge range boost (Tier 3 Shape range lunge), and his Terror Radius is increased by 12 meters.

-In the case of pallets, Chucky can exit from either side of the pallet.

-If a Survivor attempts to interact with a chest, locker, or pallet that Chucky is hiding in/under, they are instantly downed. This includes if Chucky teleports to a chest, locker, or pallet the Survivor is already interacting with.

-Chucky can break pallets he is already hiding under, he does not need to exit the pallet first.

Extra 1: POV

-While most other Killer's POV is set around their head/chest area, Chucky's POV is set slightly higher than his head/chest area. This is just so he doesn't get blinded by waist-height walls and slightly tall grass.

-Survivors still aim at his head like normal for flashlight blinds.

Extra 2: Grab Interrupt & Carry animations

-Instead of grabbing and picking up Survivors, Chucky uses voodoo to take control of the Survivor and forces them to hook themselves.

-Chucky is carried by the Possessed Survivor during this, still able to swing his knife.

-Instead of using the normal stun/free animation where the Survivor falls off the Killer's shoulder, the Possessed Survivor snaps out of the possession, throws Chucky to the ground and gives him a quick stomp.

-This is all functionally identical to normal carrying, its just a different set of animations unique to Chucky due to his size.

Extra 3: Break animations

-Since Chucky is too short to stomp on a pallet, his pallet breaking animation is him going under the pallet and breaking it from below.

-His Generator animation is simply him hitting it with his weapon a couple times, similar to Spirit.


Duration Series (Common/Uncommon/Rare)

-Increases the duration of any effects that trigger upon exiting a hiding spot by 2/3/4 seconds.

Speed Series (Common/Uncommon/Rare)

-After exiting hiding spots quickly, gain an additional 3/4/5% movement speed boost.

Hiding/Teleport Series (Common/Uncommon/Rare)

-Quicken Teleport Channel speed by 20/30/40%

-Quicken speed of entering and exiting hiding spots by 25/50/75%

Teleport Cooldown Series (Common/Uncommon/Rare)

-Reduce Teleport cooldown by 6/8/10 seconds.

Aura Series (Uncommon/Rare/V.Rare)

-While hiding, reveal the aura of Survivors within 8/10/12 meters of your hiding spot.

Very Rare 3 (V.Rare)

-For 10 seconds after exiting a hiding spot your attacks apply Hemmorhage and Mangled.

Very Rare 4 (V.Rare)

-For 10 seconds after exiting a hiding spot any Survivors hit by your attacks have their aura revealed for 10 seconds.

Ultra Rare 1 (U.Rare)

-Gain both effects of exit hiding spots simultaneously, regardless of if you exit slowly or quickly.

Ultra Rare 2 (U.Rare)

-After being in hiding for at least 5 seconds, gain the following effects after exiting hiding spots:

-For 5 seconds your attacks instantly down Survivors.

-30 second cooldown. (Cooldown occurs even if you fail to down a Survivor)

==Teachable Perks==

Hex: Voodoo Doll

-You become Obsessed with one Survivor.

-A trapped Hex Totem will spawn in the Trial.

-When the trapped Hex Totem associated with this perk is cleansed by a Survivor, and the Obsession is healthy or injured, the Obsession takes a hit of damage.

-If the Obsession is downed, hooked, or dead, the Survivor who cleansed the Totem takes the hit of damage instead.

No Batteries

-Hexes remain active for 60/90/120 seconds after the totem is destroyed

-(In the case of Totems that trigger upon being destroyed, such as Haunted Grounds or Voodoo Doll, the effect is delayed, allowing the Killer to plan around it.)

Unseen Movement

-Your movement speed is increased by 5%.

-If you deal damage to a Survivor or if a Survivor looks directly at you for 1.5 seconds within a 20 meter range, this perk is disabled for 40/35/30 seconds.

-(Re-uses Ghostface's detection mechanic, though unlike Ghostface's detection mechanic, the Killer does not receive directional and sound notifications that tells them they are being looked at, and the Survivor that disabled Unseen Movement is not revealed via Killer Instinct.)


  • GeneralSpudmuffin
    GeneralSpudmuffin Member Posts: 311

    This is actually a pretty good concept. You're like the only person who's thought of making the survivors carry Chucky for the carry animation, at least that I've seen. Though, with his power, would this essentially let you slide under a palate like a Legion vault? Or is there a lag before you're able to leave the hiding spot?

    Your perks are interesting, though Unseen Movement could use a better name. Just a personal opinion, of course. It does feel a bit plain, but there's nothing really wrong with that.

    No Batteries should have shorter durations. Maybe 30/60/90 seconds would be better.