I’m so disappointed...

As a David main, I’ve been asking for a rugby uniform cosmetic for him for nearly a year now... it’s a huge part of his lore and when he was leaked to be in this new archive I was almost positive he would finally get one.
But nah that would make too much sense so instead we got yet ANOTHER beat up David cosmetic. But this time with a hat... Cmon BHVR where’s the originality?
Guess I’ll just have to keep waiting for who knows how long before they finally give him a good cosmetic... I’m sad. 😕
Haha I must be really stupid because I saw that fanart a long time ago and I thought its been in the game for months now
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I never thought about it, maybe because im only vaguely aware of what rugby is, but yeah that actually is a huge thing to leave out. Doesn't look like its any pads or anything either so its not like it would that out there
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Lmao that’s probably because I’ve been posting it and asking for it for close to a year now... guess I just gotta keep asking
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Right?? It’s such an obvious and cool cosmetic that totally fits with the game.
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Well, we got yet another "beaten up" cosmetic for him, so there is that
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In my opinion, this new David outfit does not seem to fit with his lore, but who knows, maybe bhvr will get out of his sleeve like linking that new outfit with his story.
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I mean did Jake the coal miner fit his either?
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@Ohnoes well ... it's from cosmetic shop, so that cosmetic has the mission of making jake look good.
the only ones that would take canon are those of the rift.