Ruin: Old vs. New

So, there are a lot of people now clearly and somewhat justifiably annoyed by the Hex: Ruin changes. Myself included. Let's just come together as a community for 5 minutes and try to highlight pros and cons of each Ruin, so that maybe we can truly understand if it's a good thing or not, rather than the knee-jerk hate reaction it's garnered so far.

As a Stealth killer main, I really like how old Ruin literally stalls the game out for me until I can get at least a hook or 2 for a majority of games. It allows me to cover some ground and actually find survivors who get cocky because I don't have a terror radius.

That being said, as a console player, it's super annoying to go against on the Survivor's side, since Skill Checks are nowhere near as easy to hit that all-important Great skill check. I'm on Australian NBN with a controller, so don't @ me with "Git Gud". I have tried.

Old Ruin (Failed Skill checks)

Pros: Immediate generator stalling with regression, forced some survivors to not work on generators to look for it, easy perk to slot into builds, good spot to put traps, good Monto meme.

Cons: Hex totem, higher rank survivors can easily hit the skill check, wasted perk slot once it's been destroyed, fairly obvious after first skill check, obvious spot to put traps, RNG based.

New Ruin (Automatic regression)

Pros: Always working, very quick, combines well with other perks, can be "powered through" more easily, doesn't require killer to devote time to kicking generators allowing them to take more chases, more powerful endgame since it's more likely to be ignored, no longer RNG based.

Cons: Still a Hex totem, doesn't help slower killers stall the game, can force killers to spit their attention if multiple survivors are working on the same generator, wasted perk slot once it's destroyed, less notifications from "failed" skill checks.

So it appears that new Ruin has it's place in the game, especially when combined with perks like Pop Goes the Weasel and Thrilling Tremors, but I personally see slower and stealth killers dropping further in terms of viability due to a lack of immediate or noticeable map pressure during the early game. Will this lead to more tunnelling and camping? Quite possibly. Will it fix gen-rushing? No.

The devs are tackling a symptom rather than a root cause. Ruin has needed a rework, but I think that this was the wrong one for now. I would have personally liked to see it as literal slower generator repairs, but hey. That's just me. Let's just keep this one civil and actually try to see merit in both sides.


  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    First, people that not play both sides, just stay away. You don't even know what you are talking about. Don't be silly.

    Second, 45% games had the perk and 80% in red ranks. That alone says, how mandatory the perk was, even against red ranks, that can hit great skill checks.

    It is not a surprise to see, when you play without it, that gens get done too fast and you most likely lose the game. Especially with this so called matchmaking system, what puts you likely 70% against red ranks, where you be purple and play like green.

    Just having ruin, provides more time, when survivors start searching for the totem, instead of doing gens right away. That is all gone, when there is no ruin. On big maps like ormond, you are basically lost, when you play myers, pig, trapper or any other low pressure killer.

    The solution would be, to make the maps smaller, remove the god loop windows like at wretched shop // disturbed ward, less pallets and lower gen speed.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    You can't use pop with new ruin up at all

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    This is true, but there are new perks that the new Ruin does synergies with better. Surveillance and Dying Light, for example.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,103

    There are a lot more pros to old ruin than you think any amount of time slowed during a game heck even them breaking the totem gives you something valuable. The main problem is not the ruin change, it's the severe lack of addressing why it was used so consistently. They are saying it's because people want their gatekeeper higher instead of the issue of the games lasting only a 4-5 mins. new ruin doesn't punish at all if someones on a gen and if you're chasing one survivor the other 3 are on a generator care free.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    That is why I did say that it can force the killer to split their attention.

  • Imp2
    Imp2 Member Posts: 14


    it's a bid sad the new Ruin will not work with Overcharge or Pop Goes the Weasel.

    But one big Pro for the old Ruin is missing.

    The old ruin prevented Great skill checks from giving extra progression.

    In red ranks people will still go for great skill checks, gens go even faster.

    The new Ruin should have an additional passive to deny bonus Progession.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    The problem with that is it's still a hex and takes another perk to be good almost every good two combo perks aren't hexes once that hex goes you're now down to mostly two perks instead of three

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    I always use the comparison to Identity V, as the two games are similar, yet one fixes the major issue at hand: if you want to rush ciphers by taking repair characters, be ready to be weak af during loops. Minds Eye, fastest Cipher speeds beyond Explorer Password Pages, and if she vaults anything it's as if your grandma tried roll out of bed. Not to mention every "hunter" has tools to counter loops. Guard 26 has bombs, soul Weaver with her webs, Ripper by being "fast af boi." Play smart, and you win all the time, but that requires skill. Identity V also has smaller maps and Rocket Chairs (hooks) take 45 seconds a phase instead of 60. If Survivors want all four to live, which is encouraged, you're gonna have to not play the immersed Claudette in the corner while killer is on the opposite side of the map (lul). It forces action, and that in turn makes for more engaging gameplay.

    To the main topic of this post, since maps are larger, no timers are in favor of the Killer, and there's no weakness to genrush build, it's no wonder high ranks did the one thing they knew would work to slow the game down, just a little bit.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I did say that this won't stop gen-rushing, and there are tools out there to help stop gen-rushing with toolboxes.

    As for Identity V, I've never heard of it.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    And isn't everyone complaining about how matchmaking is and how low rank killers are against high rank survivors and vice versa if it does bring back a lot of people it likely more will join

  • anormalman
    anormalman Member Posts: 105

    Old Ruin helps Pop. Conversely, the next updates will break pop.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've already covered the whole matchmaking issue, and a lot of people have.

    I did hear that there is a shortage of higher rank killers, though.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    It's seems they're quitting because they say the game is balanced is towards lower ranks wonder if they would if they didn't feel that way

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Hope you guys know but the replacement to ruin Piggy. She also slows down gens just a little bit and people will working on jigsaw boxes rather than gens.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    Lol "pros" on new ruin

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    I think the biggest advantage of old ruin was it prevented stacking on gennys. It was better to solo gennys with ruin because 2 people missing greats caused a greater regression.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Refer to Baulder'sGate2's post if that's all you're going to contribute.

  • Rlabotath
    Rlabotath Member Posts: 125

    The tools to stop gen rushing aren't as good though. The other options all focus on mid game, where the time you really need slowdown is early to build momentum.

    The shortage is from Survivors who should be green/purple ranks all being Red Ranks because Survivors pip way too easily now, since the changes where "being chased now grants progress from gens that your allies completed." Because of that, the few actual red rank killers have practically triple the number of Survivors to play against.

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    New ruin will still be very good, especially combined with sloppy butcher for a hit-and-run playstyle. Force people off the gens with sloppy butcher hits, and keep bouncing targets while the gens passively regress.

    It just won't be a "Hey my ruin spawned in an incredible location, now I win the game" kind of perk anymore, because it was just that powerful.