
Hello, I’m new to the forums as I just wanted to ask a question, why do killers face camp hooks? Even when I didn’t do anything to him, I don’t run any toxic perks or a flashlight as my team mates do yet I’m the one who gets face camped? All I did was do the gens and he messaged me calling me a toxic gen rusher? Maybe if he had of applied pressure before the exit gates were activated he wouldn’t need to face camp to get one kill after his NOED was activated....
They do this on ranks 15-20 mostly. It gets them no points but it’s all they know how to do when new to game. As you play, killers get better and won’t have time to camp. Unless it’s leather face, as those players never grow past the camping stage.
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Because 90% of the killer base is pissed off about the ruin change and since the dev's aren't available, we're taking it out on survivors. Have fun out there!
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i guess he camped because he wanted you dead. But thats just a guess.
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Yeah I experienced that a lot but he was a rank 5? Why would he want to waste his game by doing that
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Toxicity at its finest 😢
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People who made it happen by whining
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I’ll have to check his gamer tag tomorrow, think it was Kilasarusblood
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Sadly every once in a while you still get campers at any level. Maybe they’re having a bad day and are unable to express it like an adult? Maybe they’re just out to ruin the game for others. No one knows for sure. I do know it sucks and I feel your pain. I say ######### on hook and move to next game.
I mean when all is said and done, they’re probs losers in real life anyway. ;)
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What a load of horseshit a few weeks ago the first few pages of the forums were nerf ruin posts so why you lying?
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Cheers for the support mate
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Yes sir. We've hit the end of our rope.
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There's gonna be a lot more of that after ruin changes go live. Insidious Bubbas will come out to play.
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Hate them, they’re the worse
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How is that any different than two weeks ago? On Ps4 I get toxic killers the majority of the time. Moris, hexes, almost always noed. It’s already the norm up in hurrrr.
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Maybe play something else? An outside hobby? Socialize? Sunlight? Any of that appeal to you?
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I play Deep Rock Galactic quite a bit. Golf/Tennis/Bowling/Scuba Diving/ATV parks. I did enjoy DBD until this screwjob.
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Have you played in the ptb yet?
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Well, I would except I like horror movies, and there's only so many times one can play Until Dawn, Man of Medan or Ride to Hell: Retribution.
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well sry to say this but after the ruin nerfs, expect this to be much more common through the rest of the ranks
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Sometimes getting facecamped is a badge of honour.
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Nope, internet sucks too much to download it. I don't need to play it to know that ruin is garbage. You don't need to taste a turd to know that it tastes like crap.