PTB as a survivor... a boring experience

I mostly play as a survivor, sometimes as a killer.
I just played 4-5 matches as a survivor. It was boring, so boring that some survivors stopped doing gens and just kept teasing or following the killer when 1 gen was left. As a killer the same thing happened, survivors trying to find me hoping I would chasing them when 1 gen was left with 3-4 survivors alive.
The few times the killer got a 3-4k was by using mori and by semi-camping a hooked survivor in a small map with survivors bad at looping.
With the old ruin, survivors wasted some time doing gen together, only to find that it is better to scatter and do the gen alone.
Now with the new ruin survivors are to band together and rush with their toolboxes, gen rushing perks and bond. If the killer finds the group, it can only chase 1 survivor making ruin useless as someone will get back to finish the gen.
Without moris or other ruthless strategy from the killers, the trials seems like an amusement park, with some silly killer trying to boo us without much consequence. Most of the party will leave the trial unharmed so it is all about lack of luck if you die as a survivor.
What an amazing way to sum up how this game will die if these changes go live with no tweaking.
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New killer confirmed:
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This was basically my experience today as well.
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Bonding together to do gens ist still ineffective.