Everything the Devs do is an Uproar, why?

Just why? These forums are constant bitching that the devs are “survivor-biased” or “killer-biased”.
From my observation, the majority of you bitching are the entitled red ranked survivors or killers.
Ruin nerf is not that big of a deal. Most good teams can go through gens easily with it and they usually find it within the first minute anyways. Essentially, it’s a waste of a perk slot.
Killers want: Slower generator repairs, Automatic 4ks with 0 generators repaired every game. Small one-sides maps. No DH, no DS, no BT, no Adrenaline, no nothing.
Survivors want: No camping, no tunneling, faster generator repair, no killer on the map.
Both sides have counter-plays to the others. For all you Superior Red Ranks to be so much more intelligent and experienced in the game, you sure ######### a lot.
Probably 1 in 5 games on Xbox I play a Red killer that runs ruin.
BHVR might as well remove Teachable perks from the game so everyone is limited to Unique Play-styles of each Character instead of meta-builds.
Uhhhh....welcome to the internet?
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No #########. But this isn’t exactly just “the Internet”. This is a specific forum, not a host of the entire globe. This is finite group that regurgitates the same bullshit every time BHVR does something.
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It isnt just these forums. Most forums are like this.
You've got two sides looking for a different outcome, you took away something from one side and not the other, people are going to complain.
Honestly look at the rift, you didnt have to do anything but play, and you would get free rewards, people complained.
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thats true. The problem is, nobody wants a balanced game in DbD.
Killers want to be guaranteed 4K and survivors want to be guaranteed escape.
Survivor loses a game, even after winning their last 5 in a row, “NERF [killer]!!!” “NERF [perk]!!”
Killer doesn’t get 4k: “Maps too big” “Gens too fast” “OP Perks” “Infinite loops”
######### “Infinite Loops” 😭 Just stop chasing the ######### and go find someone else.
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But yes, that’s society as a whole.
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It's because BHVR rarely buffs impactful things mostly just straight up nerfs things people like or use frequently. Even changes they intend to be positive come out as nerfs. Doctor change has basically been concluded as a straight up bad change, if this comes out to be true, this is going to be the 3rd rework they've completely botched and end up making the killer worse as Nurse, Legion and assuming Doctor getting the axe. When you're running a 25% batting record on making reworks for your killers, yeah people are going to be pissed. The only good rework they've ever made was with Freddy and he was so bad it was basically impossible to make him worse.
A lot of what BHVR does and even their reasoning for doing so is flawed. They claim that Killers in red ranks have a high kill percentage majority of the time but they also forget that their matchmaking is so bad that a lot of matches end up getting games with red ranks, purple ranks, green even yellow ranks. Last night I got a game as Rank 1 killer with 2 red ranks, a green rank and a rank 18 survivor. How is that good? Of course it was a stomp, half of their team barely knew what they were doing.
They change Ruin, one of the most popular perks in the game without understanding why people feel the need to run the perk in the first place or even try to address why objectively Hex perks are some of the worst in the game.
A good solution to the stale Survivor and Killer loadouts is to buff other, weaker perks to provide players more options in selecting their loadouts. For example for Killers, with the new Ruin it just seems like a better version of Surge, an already niche rarely used perk. Since you can't use both anyway now without seeing conflicts, why didn't they just buff Surge and give Killers a meaningful choice on which one they would rather use? Even with Survivors, when you have options like Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, and Balanced Landing, why tf would you ever run Lithe? Why can't that perk get a slight buff so it's more relevant? Or even a trash tier perk like No Mither?
Just everything they do seems incredibly short sighted, like they're putting bandaids over the problems instead of just performing surgery and fixing the damn thing
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Because Behaviour doesnt take either side. They look at obscure numbers, change what THEY (most never past green rank players) think is the problem, and fix it with reckless abandon ignoring what ANY of the forums say.
They could take a poll that was:
A- Add new maps 45%
B- Add new objectives 55%
And walk away saying "it's obvious the problem is lack of character hairstyles and charms".
Weve seen it happen.
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Each of those survivor perks has a different play style and meaning of use. I see a lot of players still run Lithe into red ranks.
The problem isn’t perks, it’s the players.
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Because they often do controversial changes without consulting them with players, and their patch notes reasoning is vague, often not on point or detached from reality. They also like to avoid fixing somr problems and just ignore th or do some wierd workarounds that get bugged every patch. I think the person that does the patch notes doesnt really understand devs reasoning and says something random.
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Then stop playing if you hate it so much?
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Right, No Mither isn't objectively a trash perk that is only seen in meme gen repair builds, it's just the players who don't know how to use the perk that are the problem.
Even if you don't like the perks that I suggested, there's 0 chance that you can say that every perk is good and doesn't have any problems that can be addressed.
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Cause how dare they do stuff not very single person in the world agrees with. *insert upside down smiley face*
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The problem with Ruin was no one was complaining about it. Before this great butchering, all the complaints on the forum were about how fast generators are being completed, or how killers are tunneling or camping too much.
The devs decided to ignore that and go neuter a killers play time so they could go play lobby roulette more.
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Did you even read anything of the comments you replied to? Lol
None of these comments said anything bad about the game, my comment was about devs giving bad reasoning and explanation to their changes and avoiding/hiding some issues, the other guys comment was about devs being biased and not understading the situation
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My point. Then why do you continue to play if the devs are so #########?
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While there are people that do behave like you said, there are people who have knowledge on both sides and still think devs make mistake. Also, the bias in this game is obvious, just read the ptb patch notes. "Doctor was frustrating to play against" Doctor was literally one of the weakest killers in game, and the reason for the changes are survivor complaints and not the obvious unbalance. Also, Ruin was used by 80 percent of killers, but the same is true for DS, DH, SB and other perks that are seing no changes. So it is quite obvious that the devs can't balance things and do have a tendecy to favor survivors, and complaints aren't "bitching", they are real feedback of a situation of unbalance in the game. The PTB is a real nightmare, 4 survivors spawn together and before a killer can even reach the gen it is popped because of map size and the ruin nerf.
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Someone bitching about people bitching? Woah, what a surprise.
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Crazy right.
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Oh, I know I will be attributing to that. No point in playing nice when I have to exert as much pressure as I can.
Enjoy lots of survivors DCing before a match starts because they saw a hidden offering. Enjoy lots of 5 minute matches where the killer gives up and just afks. Enjoy all the basement campers, and one shot killers. Enjoy not being able to play because you were tunneled at the start of the match.
I’m not saying these thing never happened, because they definitely did, but it was no where near as often as forum complainers liked to complain. Now it’s just going to get worse, until devs nerf all of those things. Then killers will be less and less, and their rigged matchmaking won’t be able to remedy the long wait times.
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The only people bitching are red ranks. Stop ruining the game for one another and you’d actually enjoy it.
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Sorry but I dont play devs, I play game
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If bugs on doctor are fixed, then the rework is actually a buff. The problem is devs reasoning, but outcome is ok
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They always do these things and it's soo sad:(
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You have a defeatist attitude, my friend, and that is why you'll never understand why people are passionate about changing this game. If we don't give feedback, both good and bad, how are the Devs supposed to know what to change. Stop playing being a shill and understand that the people have the power to change what they want. Capiche?
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I do that to blendys now. It’s hard enough to see them, once you’re in my sights you’re gonna die, unless one of your teammates are foolish enough to blind me. Then I’m going to continue to tunnel you, then tunnel and camp the flashlight turd.
I haven’t played killers enough to have many moris, but once I finish leveling them all up (My ocd won’t let me stop until I get them all to 50) I’m specifically going to target moris and op add-ons
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I don't listen to the forums anymore when there's an uproar that doesn't effect me I just sit back and watch
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Part of the game.
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Lmao far from a defeatist attitude. I’m just not
going to ######### about something the devs clearly don’t give a ######### about. The forums have imploded for the past few days because of this and what have the Devs done? Zilch.
In the past? Not #########. So keep whining and they’ll keep on shining because regardless you paid them already.
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I do this now just to trigger people because they all are so pissed at the devs but guess what game they still play?
Players: “I’m going to QUIT”
BHVR: Sure
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Tell that to new Freddy, the EGC, the Rift, and to all perk adjustments. I'll gladly keep whining because although you have a defeatist attitude (reread your comment, bud, you ain't helping your case), I don't. I have faith in these devs that if they hear enough from the community, they will budge. That's how things get changed. If YOU don't see that, YOU can leave, not everyone else, we're being useful to the game's survival and balance. :)
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Ok dev main 😁
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I'm so used to the complaining and whining. That doesn't bother me anymore, what bothers me is the [a-word]holes that address and talk to the Devs/Community Managers like they're trash. They have no respect.
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Defeatist mentality: You give up before you’ve even started.
I've not started anything except telling all of you quit your bitching. How many threads are there about the developers ignoring requests for changes for how many months, years?
im just not ignorant enough to attempt a revolt against devs that are going to do what they want to.
Good luck though!
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I stand exposed.
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Exactly. So many people are bashing the Devs or threatening to quit and trying to have some sort of strike against playing if the devs implement something.
I have no problem with the game as do none of my friends.
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Its gone further than that. Yesterday I saw a forum member talk to Peanits like he was scum after he answered a question about Matchmaking. It was so satisfying seeing that Red "This User Is Banned, Carry On" display picture next to his name. Being upset with a game is a thing, for sure, but getting disrespectful and degrading towards Devs/Mods is such a douche move.
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"Essentially, it’s a waste of a perk slot."
If that was the case:
1. Most killers wouldn't be using it.
2. The developers would see no need to change it.
Ruin is being nerfed, because it's considered too effective. You don't see truly useless perks like Monstrous Shine being reworked.
You are trying to gaslight us, like the community manager is doing. Not buying your argument.
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Red ranks are people complaining because they actually know how to play. Also, no one is ruining the game for one another by wanting unbalanced things removed
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His cooldown is bigger than it was, so on chases he is weaker. Also, they just added a cooldown to his detection