Everything the Devs do is an Uproar, why?

Just why? These forums are constant bitching that the devs are “survivor-biased” or “killer-biased”.

From my observation, the majority of you bitching are the entitled red ranked survivors or killers.

Ruin nerf is not that big of a deal. Most good teams can go through gens easily with it and they usually find it within the first minute anyways. Essentially, it’s a waste of a perk slot.

Killers want: Slower generator repairs, Automatic 4ks with 0 generators repaired every game. Small one-sides maps. No DH, no DS, no BT, no Adrenaline, no nothing.

Survivors want: No camping, no tunneling, faster generator repair, no killer on the map.

Both sides have counter-plays to the others. For all you Superior Red Ranks to be so much more intelligent and experienced in the game, you sure ######### a lot.

Probably 1 in 5 games on Xbox I play a Red killer that runs ruin.

BHVR might as well remove Teachable perks from the game so everyone is limited to Unique Play-styles of each Character instead of meta-builds.



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