The new Doctor & Ruin + Suggestion for you all.

Hi all, after getting off work yesterday I spent quite a few hours in the PTB. Even went to sleep at 3 am to make a 1 hour commute to work in the morning 4 hours later. (Good luck to the people who have not had jobs yet.)
I'd like to share my experiences as well as give feedback on this entire update. I have said earlier in the week that this change did not sound as bad as people made it out to be, and I still stand by it.
Quick things to note and please be mindful about them:
1. I am a rank 3 Killer. But that's irrelevant in PTB.
2. Roughly 60% of my games last night I used Ruin, then mix and matched perks for the rest without it.
3. The few games I did not play Doctor, I played Nurse, Hillbilly, and Ghostface. I got a pip these games with 3-4 kills.
4. I did not "win" every single game. I was probably destroyed about 5 games give or take. This resulted from versing teams who were extremely optimal, or I just made a lot of mistakes.
For this update, I would like to start with the reworked map
* Love the ambiance the map has. It feels unique and like you are actually in a mental institute that's been run down for years.
* There is an increased amount of 0 mindgame loops. Though these leave poor options for both sides
* Totem spawns are not terrible, but they are not great either.
* The middle area is still roughly the same in layout design. Personally, I think the second floor should have a full circle available to run around in, with less windows to vault, but add a pallet spawn or two up there. This should make it more risky for survivors but not leave them defenseless. If you are unsure to how I am implying this, refer to the hallways in Gideon Meat Packing right outside the bathroom generator, and the Basement right nearby.
>The Doctor
* I am enjoying Doctor's new kit. Finding Survivors is really easy with him now. Funny enough, running Whispers will guarantee you to be able to use your shock blast and hit someone, this saves time so you dont fire off blasts looking for Survivors when it's not going to hit anyone.
* The action penalty after using a shock blast seems to be too high. Survivors will recover faster than the Doctor. I was told it was going to be reduced but idk so here I am
* I do not know if this is because of latency or a bug, there were times where I would be chasing a Survivor, shock them, yet they seemingly would not scream or get afflicted. This was mostly around pallet loops, where they would Vault/Drop a pallet when hit with a blast.
* Again, not sure if latency or this is intended, but the speed a shock travels in a radius seems slower than normal. This made it feel a bit wonky to use in chases with hard to adjust to speeds and it felt inconsistent. I think a moderate buff to the overall speed of the shock blast radius travel would be nice. Or alternatively, Have the blast travel a fast speed, then have it decrease in speed every 10 meters. (As an example)
* Custom chase music is E P I C. I am happy that this field, which was requested heavily by the players is finally getting attention. My friends find it a little ear piercing, but I like it. I think if we add Doctor's laugh in the background as a faint FX, it would add to the eerie feeling it has.
* Overall, I'd place Doctor as a nice Mid tier Killer, being relatively noob friendly, and viable for the veterans.
> Ruin
* As per usual, this is a Hex totem, and it often fell victim to Map RNG and was gone within a minute of the game starting because survivors stumbled on it
* This perk now has double the potential it had before.
* It synergizes extremely well with Surveillance, as it provides a huge amount of information as long as the totem is up. To the people who suggested Ruin was made a non-Hex perk... The Surveillance combo is why it shouldn't. It would be overpowered.
* The new Ruin is NOT for all killers anymore, making it less of a crutch. It excels on killers like Hillbilly, who can exert a lot of map pressure. On Killers like Trapper, it might not be so good.
Below is a list of the perks I was playing around with with Doctor. I did decently well with these. Feel free to use them
- Save The Best For Last
- Hex: Ruin
- Hex: Haunted Grounds
- Surveillance
- Pop Goes The Weasel
- Corrupt Intervention
- Distressing
- Spirit Fury
- Enduring
- Whispers
Note to the devs and @Peanits :
Honestly, a lot of people discredit you guys. You guys can do some things and convey them in an odd way, but this update is transitioning smoothly for me aside for the few quirks here and there.
PS. Shouldn't the Doctor's animation be changed? He doesn't project the blast to just his front POV anymore. Maybe change it so he charges the blast in his hand and does a snap?
Lol I wrote an essay
Found my answer epic.