So in order to win now that ruin is gone I have to be really sweaty?

I want to give everyone a fair match, Give survivors three hook each without tunneling or proxy camping but without anything to delay the match I really can't afford to do that with how huge some maps are like Red forest that I can't even do anything to the generator being worked on at the other side of the map if I'm using a killer without any mobility. Or how about God windows still existing in this game and you can't do anything about it? Nice Badham rework. All you did was add variation 1-100 into the game but with God windows in each one.
Even in chases just one simple mistake like missing a lunge and you can really feel how you probably threw the match right there because of that screw up. It's nuts. Like how the hell am I even gonna stop Four survivor across the map that are just committed to holding M1 with repair tool box even? . Even the emblem system is designed to let survivors go and have their fun. It's all about the Survivor's enjoyment in consideration first.
How killers without mobility win without ruin is beyond me. Either survivor are as dumb as a rock and inefficient or you got a good map. Probably done playing as a Killer when the patch drops and the developers doesn't change Ruin to be actually usable. Time to play more Survivor I guess, Can't beat them? Join them until there's no more killers in the game.
By the way. Unbreakable is gonna be an even stronger meta with the new patch, Killer has to slug and slug because it's their only way to delay now.
I played 5 matches tonight as a rank 9 killer. Between the 20 survivors there were 18 red ranks, most rank 2, and 1 purple and 1 green.
Definitely made the night a fun and enjoyable experience as I was just trying to get a few dailies done /s.
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You sure will. As if playing killer is not stressful enough. "Doing a pretty good job."
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Slugging is going to make a comeback, but unfortunately, a lot of survivors have been running unbreakable lately. They have an answer to literally every killer tactic. If you slug, they have unbreakable, if you hook, they do generators.
If every survivor just ran unbreakable/DS, I'd likely just quit playing killer. At that point, I have no options that aren't bringing mori offerings every game.
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That's right. Sweat and try hard like there's no tomorrow and as if you were a streamer or some kind of pro playing for money, like your life depended on it, instead of just for fun.
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As a red rank survivor I sometimes get rank 15 killer. Got a baby 20 nurse once. Must've been rly fun for them. Great way to ease someone into the game.
I stayed purple killer hoping for the games to be less sweaty but still getting 4 red toolbox genfest. Gens fly with current ruin, they will melt without it.
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The lack of red ranked killers are due to them AFKing to purposely demote to stomp people below their skill level. It would be best for all red rank survivors to also purposely demote as well. If killers can demote, then why not survivors?
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Personally, Mori is the most anti-fun killer thing possible. Plus it punishes killer, ez displeased.
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Yeah but still getting Mori (even green one) just so you can apply sufficient pressure seems like quite a broken concept.
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Hatch and keys are also a pretty broken concept. Imagine being able to win even though you did absolutely nothing the entire match simply because you found an escape door.
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Pretty much. I suggest dodging all sketchy lobbies. Good luck.
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Yeah I agree. Incoming"just git gut pressure gens" comments. My point is I don't like using mori very much and now I will practically be forced to.
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Agreed. Hatch is stupid but keys are downright broken.
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Just mori your way back to 20 and have fun again ;)
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If you think playing a game is stressful, stop playing.
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I am confused to what you mean because if you play against good survivors, you will have to sweat. What does "fun" mean to you? To me it means playing Billy and trying to get chainsaws and win. DoI sweat? Yes. Do I have fun doing it? Yes. So what is fun for you? Maybe this game isn't for you then. You're not supposed to get an easy 4k and have "fun" against a good team by counting on one perk, ruin.
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You won't even win while being sweaty, to many second chances.
To many op loops
The maps are to large
The loops chain into more loops into more loops into god loops into more loops, no dead zones.
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I say that from my habit of playing almost every killer (except Nurse and Huntress). I have about 1.8k hours playing both sides, but I don't have a main. I could play all games with Ghostface and Wraith and I wouldn't have to really sweat that much and have fun, but I also tend to play with the rest and I find myself having to struggle more than I would like to with most killers, specially in large maps.
if I'm supposed to only play three or four killers to have fun then this isn't the game I was hoping for or the devs I would trust, but I wouldn't go as far to say it's not a game I could enjoy whatsoever.
What I know is that I will not play as much as I used to if I only have to play as three or four killers to have fun. That's for sure.
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Frankly no one gives a #########, blame the devs for everything that's happening. Not survivors.
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Always bring a mori just in case you encounter a swf bully squad
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I watched Cahlaflour all day yesterday playing various killers with no Hex: Ruin and she always slaughtered. She didn't play sweaty. She didn't camp. She didn't tunnel. No moris. She was even tired, stressed, talking, reading and answering questions. Yet, she had zero issues killing top rank survivors every match. I wouldn't even say she's that great at killer. I think it's just that she plays for fun and doesn't take it so seriously.
I know this will be important to you: She was Rank 5 Killer that always faced Rank 1-2 Survivors.
So, you can still win without being sweaty.
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This will be a lot harder , you will nées to pick strong killer or yes be sweaty
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You could take the time to adapt your playstyle to one that perks compliment instead of one that compliments perks.
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Still doesn't make sense how you blame one who has nothing to do for it. Your acting childish.
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Or change your personal win condition.
Or change your style.
I have a perk setup that is pretty nasty without ruin, but relies heavily on YOU doing all the work and getting hooks to make it effective.
Its pop, dying light, thana, and sloppy or corrupt
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When they said "Frustrating to go against" they were mentioning the literal survivors under 13 which is where the bad survivors roam which isn't all clearly.
And Yeah I know it's spelled "you're" it just saved time spelling it "your".
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It does. You'd be surprised how much people do it.
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I never said every killer should stop playing, but I think you should if you find the game to be stressful.
Video games are supposed to be fun.
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For some people, winning is fun. And OP is wondering if he can win after the ruin patch without sweating. Meta killers notwithstanding. Oh. Wait. To the devs, killer fun is not existent now. That's right, I forgot, killers are AI. Nevermind.
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Welp, maybe you Ruin babies should've learned to be better without ruin in your perk slots than to be carried by it you don't need ruin to stop gen rush or swf learn to play better.
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I mean, if you’re a rank 1 killer you’re basically forced to be a try hard sweaty bloody Nurse, Spirit, or Freddy so not much has changed..
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@GaunterODimm Be unpredictable, use extravagant builds but also bring mori's as insurance you don't need ruin.
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I mean it is literally possible to start the game and with a active killer, do all 5 gens and escape in under 5 min. its not just a joke that is a real possibility if the killer doesn't have any slowdown
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Ruin isn't gone, how over dramatic do you have to be?
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yeah that is SUPER RARE, but if people can't hit greats that wont happen, but with the ruin change you just need to hit good skillchecks to be able to do that now. because the newby survivors are who really matters, not at all the killer base that gives them games to actually play
hope BHVR is developing Killer AI, it will be needed after this match or Q times for survivors will skyrocket
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Yes like Scott jund said.
"Ruin for me isn't necessary perk to win games, It's needed to allow me to play nice"
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That's not necessarily true. I know a good amount of them just don't want toxic survivors every match, where everyone has at least three of the same perks. It gets old real fast to see DS, BT, Adrenaline every match.
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What is a Red Toolbox?
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I meant 4 red (ranks) (with) toolbox