Buff NOED, The Secondary Objective

As we all know, gen speed is a problem many people are focused on, especially now that the powerful slowdown perk Hex: Ruin is being nerfed. I see forum goers say the solution to this is to create a secondary objective. My problem with this, however, is that a second objective already exists.

Stopping Hex: No One Escapes Death from activating.

This perk has the potential to guarantee a 4k for the Killers, provided all Dull Totems have not been cleansed. Many people complain about this as they feel the kills provided by this perk both unfair and unexpected. Changes that would fix these issues:

Massive NOED Buff

This may seem crazy, but I believe the way to get Survivors to complain less about NOED is actually to buff the perk to absurdity. If Hex: No One Escapes Death entered a level of power so insane that only absolute madmen would not equip it, then you would have no reason not to expect the killer to be using it. What this would then mean is that the cleansing of Totems would not only be very important, but it would also no longer be seen as a waste of time.

Totem Counter

Without this, being a Solo Survivor would become even more frustrating. When playing Solo, there is no way of knowing that your teammates are cleansing Totems. You also have no way of knowing how many Totems are left on the map, and it may not be worth the time to check every Totem location to see if they are all broken. Currently, the only way to consistently know how many Totems remain is to be in a SWF group. A Totem Counter would help bridge the gap between Solo and SWF.

No More Hex Totems

All Totems should appear to be Dull Totems until cleansed. Killers will still see the auras of Hex Totems in order to protect them. As a Survivor, the way you would know that you cleansed a Hex Totem would be a ball of fire erupting from the Totems after you have completed the interaction. There would also be the massive booming sound, and you will still be provided with a bonus 500 bloodpoints. By turning all Totems on the map into Dull Totems, this creates the possibility for every Totem to be a potential NOED.

For all these reasons, I believe NOED should receive a massive buff.

Hex: No One Escapes Death

A Hex rooting its power on hope. You are animated by the power of your Hex Totem when the Survivors are on the verge of escaping.

Once the Exit Gates are powered, if there is a Dull Totem remaining on the Map, this Hex is applied to it.

While Hex: No One Escapes Death is active, Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect and your movement speed is increased by 3/4/5% for each Dull Totem and Hex Totem remaining on the Map.

The Hex effects persist as long as the related Hex Totem is standing.

No, your math is not off. NOED would be able to increase your movement speed by 25% (140%) at max level, assuming all Totems remain. The counter to this? Do bones!

These changes have multiple potential benefits:

  1. Survivors running around the map and attempting to find all the Totems can force chases and make the game more exciting.
  2. Small Game and Detective's Hunch will be included in the list of meta perks, increasing variety.
  3. The 70+ seconds required to cleanse the totems would help slow down the game.
  4. If the Survivors choose to not cleanse Totems, the Killer may have a powerful end game tool.

If you have any reasons for why this is a bad idea I would love to hear it!


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  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited January 2020

    I think survivors and killers should also be able to see the auras of broken totems, so everyone knows that there's likely not another totem in that area worth caring about.

    Or we make NOED's speed bonus default for killers if there's a totem left, but the perk noed still gives everyone the exposed effect. I'd also want it to show on the survivor's side the moment the last gen is done. It's honestly very annoying when it comes out of nowhere for survivors when they have no way of knowing other than "the killer's been playing kinda bad all game maybe they have noed"

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    you mean replace one perk that everyone thought was nececary with another?

    I think it's better to just try and fix the core problem rather then taking away a perk slot of the killer to do it

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    The mere existence of a super buffed NOED would cause Survivors to choose between

    1. Cleansing the Totems and potentially waste time if the Killer isn't even using it.
    2. Put all of their focus entirely on gens (like now) and possibly suffer from it, as the Killer could now have a 25% bonus to movement speed as well as one-shot capabilities.

    The entire point of making it this powerful is that you wouldn't actually need to equip NOED in order to get the benefits of it. Just having it be a thing that exists and is incredibly strong can cause Survivors to spend time cleansing Totems, which takes them off the generators.

  • WTBacon
    WTBacon Member Posts: 593

    It feels even worse when you cleanse all the Totems you see and they STILL end up getting NOED. This happened to me once against a Clown were I cleansed 4 (yes, four Dull Totems) and then got downed instantly. The reason I want the Totem Counter to also be added is to avoid situations like this.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I get what you're saying

    It's kinda like how you don't need DS to reap the benifits cause the mere threat of it exist

    My counterargument is that DS is probably the most hated survivor perk and i don't think adding more hatefull perks is the way to go

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501

    It happens to me all the time that I'll cleanse 4 totems and then die to NOED. Frustrating as hell. I made a joke once that if a survivor cleanses 3+ totems and NOED still pops, then that survivor should stay untouched and the other survivors on the map should immediately be put in the dying state.

    I mean, it's kinda a joke. I wouldn't be upset if it became reality, though. If I ran NOED as killer, I'd pause while hooking to tip my hat at the standing survivor as they strolled out the gate.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Totem counter is a no