What are your predictions for Red Ranks in the future?

Not that anyone cares, but a few thoughts for the future of red ranks, though some of these have already been predicted by the community since they're obvious but I felt like making a list, post your predictions below if you feel like it.
-Most of the time, games will be 5-8 minutes long and 4 or 3 escape. That will be a normal game at red ranks (as has always been without ruin). Unless you face a hillbilly or a good nurse or your teammates are potatoes and are not doing objectives (which I have found more and more these days, A LOT OF people with 300-500 hours at red ranks, I don't know what they're doing there TBH).
-1st chase=3 gens will be very common, since the time it takes you to find someone, down him, pick him up, taking him to the hook and finding the next one will be easily 1:20 and most of the time survivors spawn within 5 seconds of a gen.
-Toxicity will increase, the killer will have to camp, tunnel or slug in order to at least have a chance, and still a few if not all will escape, so the end chat is going to be salty AF, "camper, tuneler, n00b killer, get good, bye bye NOED n00b, etc etc..." the killer will also be salty because he'll have a bad game not because of his skills, but because the gens were done in 5 minutes and he'll derank for that.
-Bad killers are still going to be bad, good killers are still going to be good, but you'll be able to escape from them easily, not even sweating that much, just lasting 2 jungle gyms and focusing on objectives will be enough.
-SWF groups will absolutely destroy killers insanely easy since they're already optimal at gen rushing.
-NOED, Devour will be used more (I know I will, maybe with Thrill to protect them), along with Corrupt Intervention and Pop, even more than now. Also DS will have to be used EVEN MORE, since killers will not hesitate to tunnel you as soon as you get off the hook.
-Long queue times for survivors, instant lobbies for killers.
An other thoughts?
Not much will change. Ruin will be less used, but thats all.
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Longer queue times. Red rank survivors will play against more green and yellow rank killers than they already are right now. Games will be over in 5 minutes and the game will become Babysitting survivors till daylight.
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Honestly, I don't see there being ranks much longer. Look at the match making. Look at the changes. The best vs the best is so far out of balance it is amazing. Best survivors vs best killers and killers don't stand a chance. This is something that has bugged me for a while now and I honestly don't see how it would be fixed. I honestly think all players will be mixed. Water down the pool big time. It keeps bhvr from having to try and fix the maps, killers, etc.
Could be wrong, but that's my prediction.
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Killers will lose more consistently, killers will eventually stop playing dirty from the ruin nerf (stop using Moris, tunnelling, camping, slugging). Killers would go into matches very pessimistically while survivors are competitive as red ranks are. As you trickle down the ranks more casual style survivors will more easily do gens by pushing through new ruin.
Killers are going to stop playing killer it's just a matter of how many and whether they'll be playing survivor instead which will determine the state of matchmaking.
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And as absurd as these predictions sound....I think you're probably spot on.
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This ^
I'd personally like to see ranking up become harder, so people are more likely to play with others around the same skill level as them
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Bhvr have acknowledged the problem with gen times and I think the Ruin nerf is stage 1, followed by a fix for gen times and and hopefully at the same time, a fix for survivor and killer rank disparity.
We are definitely going to get 6 weeks of killers struggling to 3 and 4K at all ranks until the next chapter.
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I agree, survivor will be even easier to rank up. You'll end up with most players being red rank and they'll be put up against whatever rank they eventually get (probably 6-12)
They might even set up to say "rank placement doesn't represent your skill level therefore we are now removing ranks from the game"
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I forgot to add:
-More killer ragequitting.
I just had a match, spirit, 2 gens and ruin destroyed in 2 minutes, 1 hook. Ragequit. This is going to be insane when the PTB goes live.
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it wont matter because of the new rank changes. everyone will be red ranks in time
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They're won't be many red rank killers wanting to play after this patch so red rank survivors will get paired with green and yellow rank killers.
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Everyone who? survivors and killers?
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This content has been removed.
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Everyone is a Hillbilly and Nurse, Demo or Freddy. Severe decrease in the amount of Trapper/Hag/Huntress (not that there were many to begin with at red ranks) Severe decrease in the amount of lower to mid tier killers overall.
Overall a lot more of at least green Mori's
Probably a decrease in the amount of "fair" killers who don't really allow for free saves all of the time so they can always be in a chase. Probably fewer killers in general. Either way it's a change that will make a decent amount of people not be in red ranks
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Slugging. Lots and lots of slugging.
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-AFK survivors. I'm seeing it a lot now that queue times are high, people just click "Find Match" and go do the dishes or go to the bathroom (number two, I had a guy saying that apologizing in the post chat) for giving examples, so they come back when the match has already started.
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If you think nothing is going to change you really don't understand the game.
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If you think there will be drastic changes, you are way too dramatic.
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That's why they made it easier to reach red ranks (talking about rank reset changes)
I'll probably stop playing as survivor because it will not be interesting, why? Well:
I get a good team, and maybe appart doing a gen.... Maybe too, that will be all because one was looping and the other 2 and i were pushing gens
I get a bad team and nothing is getting done, nobody's doing gens, everyone rushes for save, and keep getting downed because they run to the hook with out waiting or any strategy
The second option is way more infuriating and more common, as i already started seeing it when i was playing last week.
But in both cases, the experience will get stale fast!
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Oh yeah, eventually everyone is going to be pushed to red ranks with the current rank reset.
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Everything will remain the same.
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Stuck on finding a match.
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Dude its already like that, nothing will change for reds
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Red ranks will fill up but the game will die slowly because the matchmaking makes rank meaningless. New survivors and killers thrown to the wolves basically it what will happen
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It's already happening. I've had some interesting matches, feels like I'm back to the green ranks.
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Red Ranks, already insanely easy to get to as a solo Survivor, will become populated with more potatoes skewing the results of those matches even more.
You'll see a lot more bad matches with baby Killers vs veteran Survivors until they can fix matchmaking. Actual fix, not a "let's just remove the ability to see Ranks at the end" type of fix.
Killer queue times, already really fast right now in comparison to 2 weeks ago, will be even better. Might see some Survivors jump over to get faster games and more BP.
Killer side? I see many Killers getting bumped from the reds because they really aren't that good and have been carried by numerous Perks, Ruin being #1. They never developed skills that are required to compete at Rank 1 due to using Ruin at Rank 20 because "Killers have to use Ruin" as has been stated time and time again on the Forums.
Good Killers will still be good Killers. They'll find a new Perk to use, maybe having to try a bit harder. They are still good Killers. Perks don't change skills and experience.
The devs will probably ease emblems a bit, it's pretty rough trying to pip as a Killer in comparison to Survivor.
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It's already happening with current matchmaking
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Killers will just get better and learn to not rely on Ruin. The amount of people complaining here on the forums is a very small minority, the vast majority of the playerbase simply adapts to changes.
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Yeah, killers will be better tunnel because it is logic antigenrush option in future.
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probably sweatier matches. more slugging, more tunneling, more disconnects.
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Where did they acknowledge it?
From what I’ve read they said the complete opposite: since with current Ruin there was no problem in game speed, they would change things only if some issue arises after the update.
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No DC penalty,
no Early game slow down,
no nerf to toolboxes or big maps..
Yeah, ragequit would be a very rational outcome, especially after what survivors have done to killers ;). Not that I condone it, let’s be clear, but thst’s where we stand.
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So basically the way it is now... GGS!
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In a nutshell 1 hour que times and bully simulator unless the killer brings a mori
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No need to worry about that. Here are some new CLOWN COSMETICS!!!! HIS WEAPON GLOWS GREEN!!!!!!!
that will be 2000 auric cels pls
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Yeah, some form of tunneling will become meta; focusing on one or two survivors until they're dead while just injuring or sluggin the other two.
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If I were you, I'd pay extremely close attention to this thread, but then again, it's not like you guys listened to the community anyways.
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Okay dude I will. Nah seriously. I guess you wanted to link @Peanits. But this happens to me like every week 1-2 times.
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Yeah, I"m sorry dude, thought I actually hit peanits. F in the chat for your inbox
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Longer Queue times for everyone at the red ranks, but not because it'll be hard to get there... It'll be due to the fact that only the most competitive killers will actually try to stay there. Everyone else will purposely de-pip to the less frustrating ranks. Killers actually have the tools to do this without DC'ing or refusing to play and just letting survivors escape: Insta-downs and Mori's. With those tools, killers get the bare minimum in points towards ranking for all of their emblems because the chases last half as long, and the survivors get killed after their first hook, and the matches are shorter.
In the red ranks playing like this will earn the killers the Entity Displeased score every time, so while OP is right about the red rank killers becoming more vicious, it won't be because they want to stand a chance, it'll be that they want to drop rank. With so many survivors earning their place in the red ranks, and so many killers purposely dropping out of them due to the frustrating nature of those ranks (which is about to get even more frustrating with the mid-chapter update), Queue times for survivors will skyrocket, which will in turn have the survivors dropping rank on purpose as well. Red ranks lobbies will become a 30 min queue time ghost town, the difficulty of survivors in purple ranks will go up, and killers will again work to drop ranks until the frustration gets better balanced out.
If the devs want to save this game from horrendous queue times, removing ranks altogether may be their only option.
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Moris will be worthless. If they see a hidden offering, they will gen rush even faster and the one being chased will throw pallets like crazy trying to waste as much time as possible for the killer.
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IMHO not much will change. Strong killers will still be almost as strong. (Spirit, Nurse, Hillbilly, Freddy, Oni, Huntress, etc.)
However weaker killers who lack gen and map pressure (Clown, Trapper, Leatherface, Ghostface, Plague, Myers, etc.) will suffer severely.
NOED or full endgame builds will become more common.
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In tandem with the rank reset changes everyone with enough playtime will be "red ranks".
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In one of the future patches they will remove the rank completely or leave it purely as an estetic thing to look at in the lobby.
At this point rank serves no purpose anyway judging from the threads popping out so maybe they are testing it already.
On the side note: Peanits mentioned that new ruin will be a "test" to see gen speeds without them being affected by a perk to check if anything needs changing. You lads wanna bet they won't find any issues with them?