Buff ideas to put Leatherface in a better position.

They had in their streams saying there would be some Killers they'd come back to, like the "Chainsaw bros".
Hillbilly just needs his add ons looked at, now for Leatherface, my main topic and what I suggest to be done about him:
Simply tweak his charging speed and speed while chainsawing to be faster.
Rework the chili add ons to make it so he moves slightly faster while charging his chainsaw, instead of acceleration.
Look at his add ons, he is just a Hillbilly add on ripoff.
All hail the mighty king that is Bubba.
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The king of Kings on your knees dog huahauha all hail bow down to the bow down to the game
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the main thing they need to remove is thing where right as you start the chainsaw you get slowed down it makes no sense they also need to make it so the last chainsaw swing downs because for some reason it doesn't
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Remove the slowdown when powering up the chainsaw.
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I think he should get his own version of Billy's sprint. Not as fast. Maybe 150%. They could give him an animation where he swings his chainsaw over his head.
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Issue with that is think of Wraith not having a slow down, it gives Survivors time to counter his attack and not get destroyed by something they can't counter, but Wraith gets a speed boost, so it's counterable, but if you can't counter it in that time frame of slow down, you lose that altercation.
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I think it would be cool and unique if his power goes through pallets
As in he breaks the pallet and still keeps going
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Wraith can get in without being noticed. Bubba can't
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Why are they looking into Billy eventually? He's good enough as is.
Unless they wanna change the BS Rancid Abbatoir and give him new chase music, which I'm all for 😊.
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Billy still needs pink add-ons,they might look into his other add-ons aswell but I hope they leave his base power alone.
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Do chilli addons even work?
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I wouldn't look forward to that anytime soon, the devs are trying to keep up the nerf train
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Doc got buffed so I wouldn't exactly go THAT far.
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I don't even call it a buff or nerf. More like a inconvenience fix for survivors. When I played him he still felt that the same
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doc buffs have more nerfs than buffs atm
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Its annoying that he can hold his chainsaw at full throttle while standing near a hook.
Maybe add an over rev mechanic where he goes into tantrum if held at max for so long.
Also being able to use a one hit down ability without any downside seems unfar. There should be maybe pots of chili around the map for him to recharge.
That should make him more fun to play against.
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Hillbilly and Plague are the same way and that’s fine to me?
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The chili add ons do work, but they have little to no value, if you bring both chilis, it would only be equal to 1 slightly at best, it does nothing useful so I’m saving it until it’s rework if that happens.
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The question was about Leatherbilly. We can come up with ideas for Hillbilly and Plague too.
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They're reducing the 3 second cooldown on Shock Therapy. Otherwise I'd be inclined to agree.
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Leatherface is actually one of better killers, believe it or not.
People say he is bad and cannot make plays. No killer can make plays (good Spirits, but its guessing game and Nurse maybe are exceptions), they can only punish survivor's mistakes. And multiple hit instadown as base kit is the best tool for it.
Better buff Wraith imo, LF is fine.
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He slows down when he charges the chainsaw, and if he bumps on ######### he stays still longer than legion leaving frenzy.
Pretty big downsides
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Yes once he has it charged up he is super slow. Just grow a brain, do gens and leave him with one kill and derank.
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Depends if he’s good at Leatherface and has green add ons, if so, good luck.
Are you trying to type bait?
Leatherface has nothing to help him except waste time at loops or get bad survivors to waste pallets or camp, his power relies on Survivors to make mistakes, which should not be the case, he is too slow, and Wraith is fine, maybe make him move a little faster while cloaked but that’s it.
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Hillbilly and Plague, and any one shot Killer doesn’t need to be fixed, they are in a good spot, punishing but rewarding if the right circumstances and plays are made, they are fine, you suggest to me that they need to be fixed yet provide no detail on how.
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@ShrekIsHot There are no addons for speed when revved up to max afaik. Only the ones that increase speed while charging from 0 to 100. Then its slow again.
I literally typed why exactly he is good. On low ranks every killer is good, on high ones you can only capitalize on mistakes. That's the reality of DbD, if you wanna play power role play survivor. Or play Nurse for thousand hours straight.
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I'm suggesting that is what Chili should do.
Michael Myers does not capitalize on mistakes in red ranks, only time efficiency.
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Give him the ability to chainsaw standing pallets on a 40 second cooldown. Reduce the slowdown when charging the saw, make the chili do something crazy
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One of the problems with giving Leatherface more powers is that most of the stuff he can do is already in perk for. Iron Grasp, Insidious, Territorial Imperative, Enduring are all things that would fit in with what he can do in movies. He's more of an ambusher/defender than a chaser outside of TCM3 and reboot continuity and that's harder to translate than Freddy, Myers, Pig and Ghostface's essentially perfect ability representation. He could be able to recraft hexes or something that interacts with hooks (though I think Pinhead would be better suited fof something using hooks). Just speeding him up is probably good enough, I like the idea of him not stopping when he buzzes a pallet though
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I do believe they could make it so he didn't need dependence on perks, no Killer should, but I do believe he should never be able to saw a up standing pallet, you could get rid of every god pallet and only have unsafe ones, I know all the maps as Killer, it's a little harder for me as Survivor, different POV, he should stay to his original abilities, just stronger position, Wraith can be used to camp too despite his ability.
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It fits well with what he can do in the movies but is tough to balance in a fair way for both sides. It'd be good enough to possibly justify a full minute cooldown. It'd give him something more unique
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He needs to be able to get the faces of all the survivors. Not just the og 4
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Technically Plague doesn't have a one shot. Survivors just don't want to heal at fountains.
Billy is in the same boat a Leatherbilly. The reason why I'm not proposing changes is, once again, the thread is for Leatherbilly.
Lets stay on topic.
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Cocaine Bubba (Quentin)
Old brother man Bubba (Bill)
Shades and Goatee Bubba (Ace)
Asian waifu Bubba (Feng and Yui)
Mighty chin Bubba (Ash)
Would be cool if they could do this
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Remove his addons that lower the noise of his chainsaw and replace them with addons that reduce his terror radius
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That's a great idea that fits so well, love it.
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@ShrekIsHot Myers is exactly a killer that can only capitalize on mistakes. Extended lundge helps but dead hard and pallets still hurt him. And spine chill means he stays in t1 for a long time against survivors who use brain.
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You are so wrong.
Myers capitalizes on stalking, I don’t need extended lunge to help with Dead Hard when I can use my brain and predict, no one runs Spine Chill over second chance meta perks, not like it matters cause I can still find them, but he capitalizes on time efficiency because how you spend your time stalking could lead you to a 4 man snowball in a minute, I’ve done it and it pays off.
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What are you on about? I literally discussed what you were talking about and told you they were fine, and went back to my topic and now you’re on some zoo animal clownery.
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If you were to remove the slow down while he powers up his chainsaw then you have to lower his turning ability because he can knock down all four survivors, which is an amazing ability. I also think his lack of speed is one reason that many of the people that play him (not all) camp. So if that was fixed then perhaps people that play him would be more motivated to go out and chase instead. But really, faster speed should = less speed or range when turning or something. Just to make it more fair because he is deadly in the right hands already.
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What if he had decent control of a sprint, similar to Oni...just without the swing immediately after. He'd have a cooldown coming out of it similar to when Billy misses a chainsaw.
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What about addressing why everyone who plays him camps like they’re getting paid to do so?
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Anything that gives him a bit of map pressure sounds good.
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That lunge and vault speed are no joke. Try to screw around at loops that give other killers a hard time, like ironworks...and he'll catch you FAST.
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Hey, leave the zoo animals out of this. They have nothing to do with it. The thread title is about Leatherbilly. I gave my opinion on Leatherbilly. It is you who is bring up other killers.
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I never camp with leatherface unless we're in endgame
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"The question was about Leatherbilly. We can come up with ideas for Hillbilly and Plague too."
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Don't feel bad for camping, if Survivors are all trying to hook rush, camp the hell out of it.