Chapter Whatever: Howls in the Night

Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747
edited August 2021 in Creations

Before I get into my idea I just wanted to say, yes, I know the idea of a Werewolf killer has been done a thousand times, and yes, I know that the DBD devs have said they will never do a disguising killer ever. However, this Werewolf killer will not disguise themselves as a survivor! Not original either, but I've seen less ideas like this than I have for one that does. I'm probably not the best at making backstories, but I did to challenge myself. Any constructive feedback is welcome and appreciated.

New Map: Howling Grounds (Red Forest)

Main Features: A cabin in a large clearing and the killer shack in the forest of many tall trees.

Killer Real Name: François Loup

Location of Origin: 18th Century France

Killer Background: A seemingly normal man, François enjoyed the simple things in life. He lived by himself at the edge of the Mercoire forest. He hunted for himself and lived off of the land. He always had a spare bed for any traveler that came across his cabin and were welcome to stay the night. However, all that took him up on his offer would never see the sun again. For in the night François would take on his true form as a horrifying animal that would hunt his guests throughout the night. By morning, all that was left for him to do was burn the bones and scraps of clothes in his fire pit. One night however, a band of soldiers from the king were sent to investigate disappearances that were being reported. After arriving at the cabin, they found it to be completely abandoned. They then looked at the entrance of the forest and saw a large shape disappear into a thick fog.

New Killer: The Beast

The Beast is a hunting Killer, able to relentlessly track down his prey and rip them apart. With his power, On The Prowl, survivors will have to take things slow, or else they will risk having him quickly track them down and viciously attacked. His personal perks, Full Moon, Lingering Hatred, and Chilling Howls, allow him to spot unassuming prey, and punish other survivors if they escape.

Killer Appearance: Picture any werewolf you've ever seen in your head.

Speed: 115%

Height: Tall

Terror Radius: 32m

Weapon: Beastly Claw

Power: On The Prowl

Passive: Survivors create footsteps behind them that glow red while not in chase. Only the killer can see these footprints. They are created when the survivor walks or runs and last for 15 seconds. After a chase ends the survivor will begin make more footprints after 5 seconds.

Active Ability #1 (Prowl): The Killer lowers their profile and gets on all fours. While in this mode, they move at 145% speed, jump through windows and over pallets, but can't attack or open lockers. They can turn normally and aren't stunned if they collide with anything. Their terror radius is increased by 8m while in Prowl. It takes 1 second to shift into Prowl and 2 seconds to shift out of it. You do not gain Blood Lust while in Prowl.

Active Ability #2 (Maul): The killer can preform a series of 4 lunge attacks that travel forward 4m at 180% speed. There is a 1.5 second charge up time and slow down to 100% movement speed while charging and can't be cancelled one activated. Speed is returned to normal during the lunges. You have a short window of time in which you can change your direction at the end of each lunge before the next one begins. This ability can break though pallets and continues even after a pallet is broken. The ability goes on cooldown if all lunges have been completed or if a survivor is hit. The cooldown consists of you stopping in place and howling, which lasts for 3 seconds.


Full Moon: The Entity has allowed the moon to aid in your hunt. If a survivor has been running for 60/45/30 seconds, their aura is revealed for 15 seconds. This perk then goes on cooldown for 30 seconds.

Lingering Hatred: The frustration of your prey slipping away makes your hatred grow for the others. If a survivor escapes from a chase, all other survivors receive the Oblivious status effect for 60 seconds and the Exposed status effect for 5/10/15 seconds.

Chilling Howls: Your screams of pain only terrify your prey more. Each time a survivor stuns you (pallet, locker, flashlight, etc.) this perk gains a token. For each token, all survivors receive a 5% generator repair speed reduction. This perk can have a maximum of 1/2/3 tokens. All tokens are depleted once a survivor is put into the dying state.



Monkshood: Slightly decreases terror radius while in Prowl.

Shredded Hat: Slightly increases lunge distance during Maul.

Faded Prints: Footprints left by survivors last slightly longer.

Tuft Of Fur: Slightly increases speed while in Prowl.


Crescent Moon Bouquet: Slightly decrease the cooldown after Maul.

Lupus Claw: Slightly increases speed and slightly decreases terror radius while in Prowl.

Shredded Shirt: Survivors hit with Maul suffer from the Hemorrhage and Mangled status effects.

Silver Locket: Slightly decrease the time it takes to shift between Prowl and Standing.

Muddy Prints: Footprints left by survivors last moderately longer.


Shredded Pants: Survivors hit with Maul suffer from the Broken status effect for 120 seconds.

Quarter Moon Bouquet: Moderately decreases the cooldown after Maul.

Lupus Fang: Moderately increases speed and slightly decreases terror radius while in Prowl.

Silver Dagger: Moderately decreases the time it takes to shift between Prowl and Standing.

Bloody Prints: Footprints left by survivors last considerably longer.

Very Rare

Shredded Jacket: Survivors hit with Maul suffer from the Hindered status effect for 120 seconds.

Full Moon Bouquet: Considerably decrease the cooldown after Maul.

Fresh Prints: Footprints left by survivors last tremendously longer and their aura is revealed when you are 8m away from them and not in chase.

Silver Bullet: Considerably decrease the time it takes to shift between Prowl and Standing.

Ultra Rare

New Moon Bouquet: Maul no longer ends if you hit a survivor and your lunge distance is considerably increased, but you can no longer break pallets with Maul.

Fresh Kill: Survivor footsteps no longer glow red, but when you walk on top of them, the aura of the survivor that left them is revealed for 30 seconds. All survivor auras will disappear if you start a chase.

New Survivor: Mark Stone

Gender: Male

Nationality: British

Survivor Background: Mark Stone is a British SAS Operative that has been serving since he was 18 years old. He has been on countless counter terrorism missions and covert operations. He was on his was to being promoted to Lieutenant when the worst happened. On a mission to infiltrate an enemy base something went wrong and he and his squad had to retreat. Their escape route had been block off by enemy forces and they needed to find an alternate means to make it to the extraction point.The only way to make it out was a small path that went underneath the enemy. Many of the troops were already wounded including Mark himself. However, Mark volunteered to stay behind and hold off any forces that tried to get behind them. As he watched his squad disappear one by one into the ground all he could think about was their safety and getting them out alive. The enemy forces closed in and he held them off for as long as he could. Eventually, a bullet struck him in his left side and he fell to the ground. He got back up and kept firing. Suddenly, his vision began to fog up and he started to drift into unconsciousness. His body was never found, but was assumed KIA. He was awarded for his honorable sacrifice and service.

Survivor Appearance: Military Special Op

Role: Stealthy Operative

Mark Stone is a stealthy operative, capable of staying out of sight of the killer.

His personal perks, Covert Op, Fall Back, and Queens Cross, help him to stay hidden and get away from the killer and help other survivors after he is sacrificed.


Covert Op: You know what is at stake if you don't get this job done silently. Whenever you are in the killers terror radius this perk will activate. While Covert Op is active, you will not leave scratch marks for 60/90/120 seconds and you make no sound while running or falling. Covert Op will deactivate while in chase. Covert Op becomes permanently deactivated for the remainder of the trial once the total duration has eclipsed.

Fall Back: You know when you are fighting a losing battle and know when the best time to pull out and reorganize. If you are put into the injured state from the healthy state you gain 5% haste and all vaults you take are fast vaults for 10/20/30 seconds.

Queen's Cross: You know that sometimes people don't make it out alive, but that doesn't mean your death will be in vain. If you are sacrificed before the exit gates are powered, all other survivors remaining in the trial receive a 5/10/15% bonus to repair, healing, sabotage, cleansing, and exit opening speeds for 180 seconds. If you escape with this perk, you gain an additional 25% bloodpoints. Increases your chances of becoming the Obsession. (Queen's Cross will not stack if another survivor running this perk is sacrificed before the timer ends.)

Let me know what you think and if there is anything you would change. There is bound to be something that will be too overpowered or underpowered. Thank you!

Post edited by Jivetalkin13 on
