Guys i'm testing out games with no ruin and i gotta say man this game is gonna die soon



  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I have no way to tell if they have a daily or rift challenge. It’s not as if survivors let killers get there challenges complete. Heck, survivors heckled killers in chat because they realized that the killer has the basement challenge. Did they play nice, no, they made sure to steer clear of the basement.

    Its not the killers problem that they have those goals. The problem is the killer is supposed to apply pressure, the best way to do that is to remove item carrying people as fast as possible.

    You also have anti-tunneling perks that the devs have provided for you! Have fun with them and do as survivors love to say “git gud”.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    What is wrong with some killers in this game. You complain you need ruin. Then complain it's gone in the first 2 mins of the game so what did it really stop? You might as well bring corrupt or farm and get surge. You guys must be politicians how you lobby that you need a perk, then complain that survivors still do perfect skill checks or take it out within the first 2 mins. This makes no sense at all. So confused by you guys. Guess the games I've lost as a full 4 man swf to a GOOD killer decent build, who applied awesome gen pressure. Didn't fall for mind games and adapted to the way we played was a dream or something. Mad respect for those killers.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    What the heck is this misconception about KEYS speeding up the match by the way. The hatch doesn't even appear until a certain number of deaths and one more gens done than players alive. If a have a key and it's all 4 ppl alive. We have to complete all the gens anyway at that point the game has went it normal length anyway for the hatch to even spawn. So unless I'm intentionally letting teammates die on hook and just doing gens, how the heck are you speeding up the game? Sure if I have a key I may have a bit more emphasis on doing gens but it's still the killer job to stop me. Makes no sense how keys speed up the game.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    You deny the killer from getting a chance from killing one of you, since you still have to open doors without the hatch. It is not a misconception, you still shorten the match. You also deny them the use of any endgame perk such as bloodwarden or NOED. So they’ve effectively been playing with only three perks. Even if only one person got the hatch, you deny the killer bloodpoints.

    Moris do the same. They deny the survivor time during the match.

    If you don’t like Moris, you shouldn’t like keys. I personally wouldn’t mind if devs changed Moris to a baseline ability for killers, where rather than hooking a survivor for the third time (or second if their teammates left them on the first hook too long) they would have the option to see the mori animation. But then they should remove keys.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832
    edited January 2020

    i use a variety of killers, though mostly been playing Pig, wraith, legion, and sometimes spirit recently.

    i dont know. cant tell which teams are swf or not, but a majority of my games do end in either 4ks or 3ks, rarely less

    yes, usually get 4ks on every map. though it’s definitely a lot harder on big maps like Red Forest, coldwind, etc.

    and i dont stream, but i could record a couple games if youd like.

  • ASpazNamedSteve
    ASpazNamedSteve Member Posts: 1,784

    I agree maps should be balanced also, problem is that'll never happen at the current pace they're doing it at.

    They're about to fully rework their 2nd map EVER, given about a year's time. That is insanely slow. Plus, they're not even targeting the worst offenders when it comes to maps. Their logic is just 'let's rework the maps of the killer we're reworking to be thematic!' If only they felt that way when reworking Legion so Ormond could have been sorted out...

    At the end of the day though, this Ruin change had to happen at some point. I'm happy it happened sooner as it will make the obvious balance problems of the game much more apparent to the devs, and I think it's about time the meta got shaken up a bit. The game won't die, it's not impossible to play without.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited January 2020

    I'll explain.

    You can win a game in red ranks with just two perks, it's true, you can, but let's say that if the average red rank killer goes against a strong team of survivors he will have to sweat, try hard and probably play dirty and make everyone have a miserable experience, get a 4k but not have much fun. The same thing can happen when ruin is cleansed in less than 30 seconds.

    Also, there's the possibility that you go against survivors that make a lot of stupid mistakes after ruin didn't last more than a minute and get an ez 4k.

    Or you could get lucky with trapper and everyone ends up in the basement after ruin is gone before you even reach the totem.

    The thing is, that you don't know the skill and experience of the survivors you are going to play against; it's true that ruin can get cleansed in 30 seconds, but it's also true that it can last more than two minutes and buy you enough time to gain momentum against a strong team and not have to sweat, try hard and play dirty, so everyone can have fun playing the game. And in the end it all comes down to that; it's also about having fun, because it's a game and I don't know what other killers are getting out of the game, but I assume they mainly play because they want to have fun and not just win at whatever the cost.

    At least for me , It's not just about winning at all costs, it's about having a good time playing the game. I know I could win with two perks, but what's the point of having a miserable experience even if I win? Oh yeah I remember, the two-perk club. We are gonna main clown and only play with two perks to make a point and prove every killer main who relied on ruin that they just need to git gud.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    The problem with this game is that you could just have easy survivors that live in your area.

    I watch any streamer that plays killer, and the survivors some of them go up against are the definition of potato. And the survivors are still red ranks!

    They always fall for the same moon walks multiple times, They loop inefficiently, They don't do gens in their down time, they can't hit skill checks against ruin and gen tap like a r20 etc etc

    Then you get my survivors. all the moonwalk tricks i see never work, they always know where i am somehow, always split up on their own gens all over the map so i can't even injure + chase to the point infectious fright rarely goes off during my games.

    Each killer will have different experiences, some get potatoes and some get humans with a brain.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Ruin is ultimately a non-factor against the types of players you feel that you'll need it against. At least that was my experience with it. Optimal survivors with optimal loadouts will win. Ruin vs no Ruin won't change that. Ruin was a band aid over map size and overly safe/numerous tiles relative to gen speed. But most high end survivors also brought a map or had someone tasked with finding the totem right off the bat.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    The best way to slow down gen progress is to take survivors out of the match.But, for each survivor gone, the hatch is one step closer to spawning. If the killer kills two survivors, if there are three gens done and a key in play then the survivors don't have to even glance at the remaining gens, they can go look for the hatch, ending the game early. It becomes a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario for killers: slow down gen progress by sacrificing survivors and lose to a key, or don't sacrifice survivors and lose because they finish gens and open the gate or use the key.

    Keys end the game faster by lessening the amount survivors need to accomplish.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @edgarpoop i also agree, but you know you don't always find those type of teams/survivors, now you have less chances even against bad survivors, they just need to split up and do gens, it requires no skill and only a 50 iq..

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426
    edited January 2020

    @Mister_xD i can play without ruin you don't get it, the problem is at the core of the game, even with ruin against good teams it was pointless, because game is unbalanced.. i know there are many factors like tactics, maps, circumstance that can make you win or lose the game, but my point remains. Also there are some killer who simply can't deal with gen speed, kinda like huntress.. i never used recently ruin on killers like hag trapper (instead corrupt) or billy, i tried on others killer sometimes before, but you can't catch up with gen speed unless you both tunnel and slug, against a good team

  • DanteMorello
    DanteMorello Member Posts: 142

    The game is balanced for low ranks because it is the majority of the player base. Ruin used to be a game ender there.

    That's why they had to change it.

    This game will never be balanced for everybody.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @DanteMorello yeah but now ranking up is easier especially as killer, and that's why they need to work on the core of the game, either way we should all just derank to not go tryhard and enjoy the game.. i played many games at rank 1 today sometimes i met bad survivors, sometimes teams that make you hate the game... this is not what i call balance, they should rework rank first, then the core of the game and only after that ruin.. the thing is that devs always mention how is frustrating to play against some killers for survivors and never what is frustrating for the killers.. you know there is something really wrong..

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    I wasn't asking I already know. I just find it confusing how they moan and groan but still say one thing to another. Once again I've been playing since machine gun build days. Days where survivors 99% all gens and the killer couldn't do poop about it. Days where the hooks didn't respawn and killer were abused and survivors also. Days where infinites were real and took no skill to use and abuse. I totally agree on fun. I have almost 2k hrs in game and love the state it is in now. I just hate killers complaining about things that only happen in a handful of games. And if it does continue there's plenty of perks or a killer to help with your weaknesses. Nobody wants to adapt. The game isn't about winning or losing which is why this total bogus argument on ruin has come from since its original change. You dont have to play sweaty to so called win. Get your hooks. Maybe a kill you pip you move on gg. The game never says oh you won nice 4k. If I'm winning hard on killer at any rank I slow down. I give hatch always if I can. Oh i stayed chasing a good survivor too long 3 4 gens that's my fault. It's a game sense you need rotating to gens. Crows moving by that gen I just kicked they might be over there oh this gen is 75% going to chase someone for a second get a hit and rotate back. Its micro mechanics on killer that leads to good games always. Despite the need for ruin or any perk for that matter. Of course some killers better in certain areas than others. Find a few you like and play learn enjoy.

  • gambit92
    gambit92 Member Posts: 58

    watch this. KEY word in this whole thing is IF. IF their are 2 dead and IF their is 3 gens done. You made my point stronger by if. The KEY is that you still have to do gens to get a reward. A so called gen rush game is 5 mins or so with a key or not. So how does keys speed up the game if killers are still complaining they got gen rushed in faster time than a survivor or two escaping by hatch near the end of the game......... please stop complaining about keys and toolboxes when y'all already say you got gen rushed by 4 no item survivors. But KEYS speed up the game. More like bad killers tunneling speeds up the game

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    You all are so dramatic, stop that.Every meta perk will be changed because you know, it's a ''META'' perk.

  • JOBreazy
    JOBreazy Member Posts: 128

    Not everyone can hit skill check though lol,

    not saying i cant but to me the good players that put all that time in the game deserve to be better and win on both sides

    people cant just sit here and say that you cant win as killer now that ruin is nerfed bc killers are still winning more games than they are losing and if they are losing more than winning then they need to realize there mistakes and learn from them.

    also i wont act like killer is easy and not hard to win bc against some teams it is impossible but the same can be said with certain killers and add ons

    something does need to change but acting like a perk was the single reason people won games is just stupid, not to mention is has always been a hex so you run that risk of losing it

  • JOBreazy
    JOBreazy Member Posts: 128

    What about when a killer brings a mori and kills survivors off there first hook?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    That speeds up the game, too. Though, the number of times survivors die on their second hook for no good reason is why I usually only hook survivors once per match and then go afk. It's ridiculous how often they don't get saved or suicide even when I'm not camping or tunneling.

  • lunaticlifter
    lunaticlifter Member Posts: 426

    @UwUMyersUwU dude again i don't want to be mean, i watch his stream i have a lot of hours too, i'm not saying there isn't any skills, i'm just saying he's not that zubat,umbra,ayun level, also the game is simply not balanced, if you meet good teams your skill as a killer is almost irrelevant.. especially if you are playing no nurse or spirit

  • GHOSTfaceP3
    GHOSTfaceP3 Member Posts: 1,364

    I don’t think the game is going to die but I think it’s going into some dark times