A solo survivor, no killer, straight forward.
Grace LeDomas
Grace has three unique perks:
Hide and Seek, Determination, Til Death Do Us Part
Hide and Seek:
Hiding, catching your breath, you grow a good sense of awareness, ready for your next move.
Reveals potential in ones aura reading.
After hiding in a locker for 10/8/5 seconds, all auras of killer and survivors are revealed to you.
You wont give up, you wont be caught.
When in a chase for more than 30 seconds your running speed increases by 10% until you perform an action or are hit.
Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40seconds
Till Death Do Us Part:
You don't want to do this alone, but if you must, so be it. You will survive whatever it takes, and they will not find you.
For each team mate that falls, you become increasingly harder to spot.
1 survivor- No fast action speed
2 survivors- No grunts of pain
3 survivors- No scratchmarks
From foster home to foster home throughout her life, a young Grace often found trouble fitting in anywhere. An always desperate plea to be loved, to be desired. She would often sit in her bedroom windows, longing for a family that would take her in and keep her. Until one day, she met Alex.
Alex LeDomas quickly grew on timid Grace, and they soon fell in love, and quickly were due to be married.
Alex came from a family of great wealth. The LeDomas were in the board game business, and had been for many many years. Alex had fallen astray to his family for some time, and their self righteous uptight way of life was not to his liking...but the family held something much deeper...much darker...
The wealth of the family did not come simply from selling board games but by deals with the devil. Mr LaBao. An old family deal, their wealth in exchange for the form of blood.
For every new member to the family, every marriage the family would play a game. The catch??? One bad card in the deck...hide and seek...unfortunately for Grace, her wedding night became a nightmare from hell. She had until dawn to survive. Frantically pacing, her relationship with Alex splitting until...he turned on her...reforming his bond with his family, almost poetically. But Grace wouldn't have it, and after hours of horror and dread, panic and pain...dawn broke. Right before Graces eyes, each member of the LeDomas family combusted. Grace, soaked in the blood of her now deceased, now ex husbands family...stumbles out.
This fearful, lost young woman, emerges from the flames of the LeDomas mansion, with determination. With heart. Any sense of fear, of dread was gone. But it was too late...
As she was tended to by medics and police alike, she felt something even more unnatural take over...Grace couldn't catch a break...and found herself waking up in the entitys realm.